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Trustees Review Year Six Measure U Report

Trustees Review Year Six Measure U Report

During the April 3, 2024, School Board meeting, the Redwood City School District (RCSD) Board of Trustees learned details about the investments RCSD schools made during the 2022-23 school year to improve services for students, facilitated by Measure U funds. A member of the Citizens’ Measure U Oversight Committee presented the Committee’s Year Six Report for the 2022-23 school year.

Measure U, a parcel tax initiative, was endorsed by a substantial majority on November 8, 2016, marking a pivotal step in improving educational resources for RCSD students. Local taxpayers contribute $85 per parcel annually.

The oversight committee meticulously examined the Year Six investments during their meetings. Discussions focus on revenue, expenditures, and remaining balances.

The Board underscored the indispensable role of community participation in the oversight committee. Trustee Mike Wells expressed gratitude, stating, “I really want to thank the committee members; they really do a diligent job going through the Measure reports [from the school principals]. I think it’s a real privilege we have from the community for trusting us with this local funding.”

During the 2022-23 school year, the following services were provided to RCSD students, all funded by Measure U.

Adelante Selby Spanish Immersion School:

- 0.5 FTE Bilingual Reading Intervention Teacher

- 4-hour Instructional Assistant

- PE+ contract with Peninsula Covenant Community Center for physical education classes

- Music for Minors contract to provide vocal music enrichment classes

- Art4Schools contract to provide art enrichment classes

- Partial funding for 5th graders to attend Outdoor Education and for 4th graders to attend the Columbia Gold Country Field trip

- 0.5 FTE STEAM Lab teacher

- Counselor to support staff and provide Social Emotional Learning Curriculum to 3rd, 4th, and 5th-grade students

- Substitutes for teacher Professional Development NUA and SEAL days

Clifford School:

- NUA professional learning experiences

- Math Intervention and Elective Class (Robotics)

- Robotics/Elective course

- PBIS Funds

- STEM Materials

- Restorative Justice

- Substitute teachers

- OneLife Counseling’s counselor

- Free academic field trips for middle school students

Garfield Community School:

- Community School of Music and Arts (CSMA) instructors for art and music classes

- College Advisory Prep (CAP) Tutoring for math and reading support

- PE+ physical education program

- 5th Grade Science Education funds for Outdoor Education at Jones Gulch

Henry Ford Elementary School:

- Staff development and support through NUA partnership

- Part-time Reading Specialist

- Release time for teachers through PE+ partnership

- Technology resources including Chromebooks and educational apps subscriptions

- Music for Minors program

Hoover Community School:

- Part-time STEAM teacher

- Partial funding for PE Plus program

- Field trips and educational opportunities

- Technology tools including Chromebooks

- MTSS Planning and Professional Development

- Staff conferences

- Flexible seating for classrooms

- Music for Minors program

Kennedy Middle School:

- Clubs, electives, and enrichment programs

- Marine Science Institute and Science for Scientists partnerships

- Chromebooks and STEAM materials

- Project Resilience SEL initiative

- English language development instructional assistant

- Zero period math class

- Teacher collaboration and planning time

McKinley Institute of Technology:

- Supplies, programs, and materials for courses

- Digital literacy subscriptions/licenses

- Classroom library funds

- Physical education equipment and uniforms

- Teachers’ stipends for additional work

- Technology updates

North Star Academy:

- Teacher Coach and Counseling Services

- Planning and release time for teachers

- Afterschool homework support

- Books and supplies

- PBIS program

- Professional Development conferences

- Technology updates

Orion Alternative Elementary School:

- Library books and classroom materials

- Supplemental math materials

- Partial contribution to PE Plus program

- Partial contribution to STEAM Teacher on Special Assignment

- Field trip scholarships

- STEAM and SEAL initiatives support

Roosevelt Elementary School:

- Stipends for staff leadership teams

- Girls on the Run coaches stipends

- Staff wellness events

- Intervention and enrichment resources

- Classroom supplies and library updates

- Interpretation services

- PE+ program

- Flexible seating options

Roy Cloud School:

- STEAM Teacher on Special Assignment

- Substitutes for teacher release time

- Leveled online programs and supplemental materials

- Technology refresh

- Intervention Specialist position

- Field trip scholarships

- DEI&B Committee support

- Safe School Ambassador program support

Taft Community School:

- Substitutes for teacher data release days

- PE Plus program support

- Teacher training for STEAM and SEAL initiatives

- Library book updates

- Bilingual Instructional Assistant

- Art and music enrichment programs

- Outdoor Education funding

- Positive Behavior Supportive and Social Emotional learning tools

Following the review of the report, the Board adopted the Citizens’ Measure U Oversight Committee Year Six Report for 2022-23.

Measure U plays a pivotal role in student services as it channels $1.6 million annually across RCSD’s 12 schools. This financial contribution underscores the commitment of the local community to enhance educational opportunities and support the academic success and well-being of RCSD students.

Learn More About the Oversight Committee and Opportunities to Apply