District Advances School Modernization and Construction Program
Redwood City School District (RCSD) is progressing to Phase II of its School Modernization and Construction program, following community approval of Measure S in November 2022. During its regularly scheduled meeting on April 17, 2024, the RCSD Board of Trustees heard an update on the program.
Van Pelt Construction Services Chosen: Van Pelt Construction Services (VPCS) secured the project management role after a rigorous Request for Proposal (RFP) process.
Winter Initiatives: During the winter, Van Pelt Construction Services collaborated with RCSD staff on several fronts:
Analyzing energy efficiency systems.
Conducting RFPs for contractors.
Assessing potential construction sites.
Engaging with the Bond Oversight Committee.
Community Engagement: This spring, RCSD community members will have opportunities to provide input as RCSD revises the Facilities Master Plan, first drafted during the 2013-14 school year.
Focus on Safety: Phase I feedback emphasized the community’s strong emphasis on safety. The District heard the message loud and clear installing, repairing, and upgrading several campus safety features at all school campuses.
Upcoming Priorities:
During the April 17 Board meeting, School Board President Lawson highlighted forthcoming requests for climate-related input, particularly regarding HVAC systems for cooling.
Superintendent Dr. Baker underscored the need for restroom facilities near Transitional Kindergarten (TK) classrooms, following recent TK program expansion.
Financial System Approval: As part of the item on the Board agenda, the Board approved a Key Analytics Financial System for the Bond Program at a cost of $376,250, aimed at streamlining operations, enhancing efficiency, and saving staff time.