March 21, 2024 Agenda and Handouts
District Office Board Room
750 Bradford Street • Redwood City, CA
Thursday, March 21, 2024
6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.
The Committee will meet in person. Members of the public are welcome to observe the meeting in person or view remotely using the following Zoom link.
1.0 Call to Order
1.1 Roll Call
_____ Janet Borgens _____ Cameron Hoffman _____ Karl Metz
_____ Carolyn Chow _____ Carl Landers _____ Jacqueline Rodriguez Luna
_____ Jennifer Givens _____ Rodney Leach _____ Jitpal Sahai
1.2 Welcome – Carl Landers, Chair
2.0 Agenda Review
2.1 Changes to the Agenda
2.2 Approval of Agenda
Motion to approve the March 21, 2024 Agenda
Motion__________ Second__________ Aye__________ Nay__________
3.0 Public Comment on Items Not on the Agenda
3.1 At this time members of the public may address the CBOC on any items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the CBOC but not on the agenda for the meeting. Speakers are requested to limit their remarks to three minutes. No Committee action can be taken.
4.0 Actions Items
Members of the public may address the CBOC prior to its consideration of each item. Speakers are requested to limit their remarks to three minutes.
4.1 Approval of November 14, 2023 Committee Meeting Minutes (Handout for 4.1)
Motion__________ Second__________ Aye__________ Nay__________
4.2 Motion to remove Committee Members for excessive absences, per CBOC bylaws section 3.3.B (Handout for 4.2)
Motion__________ Second__________ Aye__________ Nay__________
5.0 Information and Discussion
Members of the public may address the CBOC prior to its consideration of each item. Speakers are requested to limit their remarks to three minutes.
5.1 Receive and discuss district’s presentation on selection process for new bond program manager, Van Pelt Construction Services (VPCS)
5.2 Receive and discuss presentation from bond program manager VPCS on management approach
5.3 Receive and discuss district’s presentation on Measure S bond progress to date, including bond sales, bond proceeds, use of proceeds to date, interest expense to date, expenditure approval process, contracts/projects/expenditures approved, upcoming milestones, and any disputes and public comment received on use of Measure S bond proceeds
5.4 Receive and discuss ad-hoc subcommittee findings on independent counsel for the CBOC
5.5 Receive progress report on Measure T remaining projects and close-out process
5.6 Review Measure T Bond activity – October 1, 2023-December 31, 2023
5.6.1 Review list of bond expenditures since last meeting (Handout for 5.6.1)
5.6.2 Review list of contractor change orders approved by the District since the last meeting (Handout for 5.6.2)
5.6.3 Review list of no-bid contracts executed by the District since the last meeting (Handout for 5.6.3)
5.6.4 Review new projects/spending approved by Board since the last meeting (Handout for 5.6.4)
5.6.5 Review list of current litigation and disputes related to bond programs
5.7 Receive District's financial update on total revenues and expenditures for Measure T and Measure S bond programs (Handouts for 5.7: Handout 5.7.a Handout 5.7.b Handout 5.7.c Handout 5.7.d Handout 5.7.e)
5.8 Receive update from District filling the committee vacancy: representative of business organization
5.9 Discuss CBOC website suggestions
5.10 Receive District’s plan for CBOC member upcoming term expirations
- Carolyn Chow 6/30/24 (1st term)
- Cameron Hoffman (1st term)
- Rodney Leach (1st term)
- Jaqueline Rodriguez Luna (1st term)
5.11 Discuss meeting dates and agenda topics for the next meeting
6.0 Adjournment
Motion to adjourn the March 21, 2024 meeting
Motion__________ Second__________ Aye__________ Nay__________
If you need special assistance of a modification due to a disability (including auxiliary aids or services) to participate in this meeting, please contact Olivia Acosta at 650-423-2232 at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting and we will make our best efforts to accommodate.