Enrollment and School of Choice Timeline
Do you have a child who will be school-aged by the 2025-26 school year?
Redwood City School District (RCSD) invites you to plan ahead! Families are encouraged to complete their enrollment application during the District’s priority window. The enrollment and School of Choice application priority window is scheduled for Friday, November 15, 2024 - Friday, January 17, 2025.
What is the Priority Window?
Because placement into a specific program or school is determined based on seat availability, applying during the priority window increases the possibility that a student will be placed in the program or school of their choice. The later the family applies, the less likely seats will be available.
In addition, students who register during the spring and summer, which is considered late registration, are only temporarily enrolled in their neighborhood school for the first 10 days of the school year and may be moved if it is determined that there are not enough seats available.
While students can enroll at any time during the school year, applying during the priority window with all required documents submitted and approved, is highly encouraged as it increases the probability for placement.
Getting Started
RCSD is a stellar PreK-8 school district known for its very unique and popular award-winning programs. Families are invited to engage in the enrollment process by:
Attending school tours and information sessions offered by RCSD schools to learn more about the family’s school or program of interest, meet teachers, parents, and administrators
Talking to current parents whose children are attending the program in which the new family is interested
Fill out an enrollment application for the assigned neighborhood school
If the family is interested in transferring to another program within RCSD, they will also need to fill out a School of Choice application. School of Choice applications will be processed and placed in the random computerized lottery only after a child’s enrollment application has been fully completed with all required documents. The School of Choice application will appear as an option at the end of the enrollment form.
Here is the timeline to keep handy as we welcome new families to RCSD:
Friday, November 1, 2024:
RCSD Transitional Kindergarten (TK) programs welcome TK families to tours and/or information sessions to learn more about the school or program of interest.
Children born between September 2, 2020 and September 1, 2021 will be enrolled in TK.
Families are invited to check the program’s or school’s website in which they are interested as different programs schedule specific dates and times for tours and/or information sessions:
Please Note: Tours for Kindergarten families open on Friday, November 15.
Adelante Selby Spanish Immersion School
Clifford School
Orion Alternative School (both the Mandarin Immersion Program and the Parent Co-Op Program)
Friday, November 15, 2024:
All RCSD school principals welcome Kindergarten families to tours and/or information sessions to learn more about the school or program of interest.
Children born between September 2, 2019 and September 1, 2020 will be enrolled in Kindergarten.
Families are invited to check the program’s or school’s website in which they are interested as different programs schedule specific dates and times for tours and/or information sessions:
Please Note: While the tours starting on November 15 are open to families of all grade levels, families should note that these tours are tailored for kindergarten families.
Adelante Selby Spanish Immersion School
Clifford School
Orion Alternative School (both the Mandarin Immersion Program and the Parent Co-Op Program)
Friday, November 15, 2024, 9:00 AM:
Incoming families for TK-8 grade levels can enroll their students in their neighborhood school.
In order to complete the enrollment process, the following documents are needed:
Student’s birth certificate or passport
Immunization records:
PreK and TK (18 months through 5 years of age): 4 DTaP, 3 Polio, 3 Hep B, and 1 Varicella
K-6: 5 DTaP, 4 Polio, 3 Hep B, 2 MMR, and 2 varicella
7th grade: One additional dose of DTaP
Two (2) different and current documents showing proof of residence: utility bills, rental agreement, vehicle registration, etc.
If the child’s guardian is renting a section of a home, a letter from the landlord is required along with a current utility bill under the landlord’s name.
Please note: Current is defined as showing a date of within the last two months.
Photo ID for parent or guardian
Once families have determined their assigned neighborhood school using their address on the school locator, they can then enroll their student as follows:
1. The application can be completed online.
Should a family not have access to a device at home, district staff is available to guide families as they use a district device at the WellBeing Center while completing their child’s application. Families can make an appointment on the following days and times:
Every Tuesday and Wednesday: 9 am-1 pm
The WellBeing Center is located on the MIT campus. While the address for MIT is 400 Duane St., the WellBeing Center is located at the intersection of Duane and James Streets. This is behind the MIT library and directly across the street from the Sequoia Union High School District.
RCSD staff is available to guide families unless the school district is closed during a holiday.
(Please note: Families interested in having their child attend the California State Preschool Program can enroll their children in preschool, the RCSD Child Development Center (CDC), by calling (650) 482-2417, which is a separate process).
Friday, November 15, 2024, 9:00 AM:
Incoming families and current RCSD families looking to transfer to another program or school other than their neighborhood school may do so starting at this time by filling out a School of Choice application.
Please note:
Families who are new to RCSD will need to register first before filling out a School of Choice application. Only fully completed and approved applications with all required documents move forward to the random computerized lottery.
Families who fill out a School of Choice application with the intention to transfer to a different program or school other than their neighborhood school, will be entered into a random computerized lottery. All applications will need to be completed and approved, with all required registration documents, by the Priority Window deadline, which is Friday, January 19, 3:00 p.m.
Monday, November 18 - Sunday, November 31, 2024:
North Star Academy (NSA), the Redwood City School District’s (RCSD) 3-8 grade school that houses the District’s Compacted Curriculum specialized program, welcomes applicants for the 2025-26 school year, which starts with the Cognitive Abilities Test™ (CogAT®). The CogAT is the assessment RCSD uses in the NSA admissions process.
RCSD welcomes families of 2nd graders who don’t attend RCSD schools, but live within the RCSD attendance zone, as well as all 3rd-7th graders (including RCSD 3rd-7th graders), to sign up to take the CogAT assessment. The CogAT for these two groups of students will take place at North Star Academy on the following dates and times:
- Thursday, December 5, 3:00 pm
- Saturday, December 7, 8:30 am, 10:30 am, 1:00 pm, or 3:00 pm
Families who plan to have their student participate in testing on any of these dates for non-RCSD 2nd graders and all 3rd-7th graders need to sign up prior to the assessment day.
Requests for Testing Appointments is Now Closed for the 2025-26 Enrollment Process
Monday, December 2 - Friday, December 6, 2024
Current RCSD 2nd grade students will participate in the CogAT assessment at their current RCSD school during the school day. RCSD schools will administer the CogAT assessment to RCSD 2nd graders on the following dates:
Adelante Selby Spanish Immersion School: Friday, December 6
Clifford School: Thursday, December 5
Garfield School: Tuesday, December 3
Henry Ford School: Tuesday, December 3
Hoover School: Monday, December 2
Orion Alternative School: Monday, December 2
Roosevelt School: Wednesday, December 4
Roy Cloud School: Thursday, December 5
Taft School: Friday, December 6
Current RCSD 2nd-grade students do not need to register for the assessment as testing will take place at their current school during their school day.
Thursday, December 5 and Saturday, December 7
Families interested in their students attending North Star Academy who signed up for the CogAT assessment between November 18 and November 22, will be participating in this assessment.
Assessment results will be mailed to parents during winter break starting on Friday, December 20.
Friday, December 20, 3 PM:
North Star Academy begins to mail out CogAT assessment results to families of all students who participated in the assessment program.
Please note: These assessment results are mailed out using regular U.S. postal mail service.
Monday, January 6, 2025, 9 AM:
Application to North Star Academy opens. Using the CogAT assessment results, families will determine if they would like to apply for the 2025-26 school year. Only students who have already participated in the CogAT assessment in December of 2024 will be able to apply for the 2025-26 school year.
Friday, January 17, 2025, 3 PM:
Applications close for families of students interested in North Star Academy for the 2025-26 school year. All North Star Academy applicants will be entered in a random computerized lottery.
Families who applied to North Star Academy will be notified starting Friday, March 7.
Friday, January 17, 2025, 3 PM:
The Priority Window for all new enrollment, including the School of Choice application for all programs, closes. All School of Choice applications are entered into a random computerized lottery.
Friday, January 31, 2025, 3 PM:
RCSD begins the 1st Round of notifications. This notification is for program or school placement based on the family’s School of Choice application and random lottery results for students whose families submitted their complete applications with all required and valid documents prior to the priority window closing. The district also will notify families if they are placed on a waitlist.
The families who will be notified during this 1st Round are families who applied for the following grade level and program:
TK Notifications: Incoming TK students at the specialized programs--Adelante Selby Spanish Immersion School as well as both the Mandarin Immersion and Parent Co-Op programs at Orion Alternative School.
Kinder Notifications: Incoming Kinder students at the specialized programs--Adelante Selby Spanish Immersion School as well as both the Mandarin Immersion and Parent Co-Op programs at Orion Alternative School.
Wednesday, February 5, 2025, 3 PM:
Deadline for families in the 1st Round to accept their school placement based on their School of Choice application and the lottery results. Families who do not notify the District by this date will be removed from the list and the seat will be offered to the next family on the waitlist.
Friday, February 7, 2025, 3 PM:
RCSD begins the 2nd Round of notifications. This notification is for program or school placement based on the family’s enrollment into their assigned neighborhood school or school of choice application and random lottery results for students whose families submitted their complete applications with all required and valid documents prior to the priority window closing. The district will also notify families who are placed on a waitlist.
The families who will be notified during this 2nd Round are families who applied for the following grade level and program:
TK Notifications: Incoming TK students at assigned neighborhood schools--Clifford, Garfield, Henry Ford, Hoover, Roosevelt, Roy Cloud, and Taft.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 3 PM:
Deadline for families in the 2nd Round to accept their school placement based on their School of Choice application and the lottery results. Families who do not notify the District by this date will be removed from the list and the seat will be offered to the next family on the waitlist.
Thursday, February 13, 2025, 3 PM:
RCSD begins the 3rd Round of notifications. This notification is for program or school placement based on the family’s School of Choice application and random lottery results. The district also will notify families if they are placed on a waitlist.
The families who will be notified during this 3rd Round are families who applied for the following grade level and program:
3rd Grade Notifications: Incoming 3rd grade students at North Star Academy
Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 3 PM:
Deadline for families in the 3rd Round to accept their school placement based on their School of Choice application and the lottery results. Families who do not notify the District by this date will be removed from the list and the seat will be offered to the next family on the waitlist.
Friday, February 28, 2025, 3 PM:
RCSD begins the 4th Round of notifications. This notification is for program or school placement based on the family’s enrollment into their assigned neighborhood school or school of choice application and random lottery results for students whose families submitted their complete applications with all required and valid documents prior to the priority window closing. The district will also notify families who are placed on a waitlist.
The families who will be notified during this 4th Round are families who applied for the following grade level and program:
Kinder Notifications: Incoming Kindergarten students at assigned neighborhood schools--Clifford, Garfield, Henry Ford, Hoover, Roosevelt, Roy Cloud, and Taft.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 3 PM:
Deadline for families in the 4th Round to accept their school placement based on their School of Choice application and the lottery results. Families who do not notify the District by this date will be removed from the list and the seat will be offered to the next family on the waitlist.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 3 PM:
RCSD begins the 5th Round of notifications. This notification is for program or school placement based on the family’s School of Choice application and random lottery results. The district also will notify families if they are placed on a waitlist.
The families who will be notified during this 5th Round are families who applied for the following grade level and program:
Middle School Notifications: Incoming 6th-8th graders at McKinley Institute of Technology.
Middle School Notifications: Incoming School of Choice transfers to Kennedy Middle School for students who have previously attended the RCSD Mandarin or Spanish language immersion programs.
Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 3 PM:
Deadline for families in the 5th Round to accept their school placement based on their School of Choice application and the lottery results. Families who do not notify the District by this date will be removed from the list and the seat will be offered to the next family on the waitlist.
Friday, March 14, 2024, 3 PM:
RCSD begins the 6th Round of notifications. This notification is for program or school placement based on the family’s enrollment into their assigned neighborhood school or school of choice application and random lottery results for students whose families submitted their applications prior to the priority window closing. The district will also notify families who are placed on a waitlist.
The families who will be notified during this 6th Round are families who applied for the following grade level and program:
School of Choice transfers for 1st-8th Grades: All schools with the exception of McKinley Institute of Technology (MIT) and North Star Academy.
Please Note: Transfers in the upper grades within the district are typically limited due to the fixed seats available as students rollover at their schools from one grade level to the next. In addition, new students continue to enroll at their assigned neighborhood schools. Families looking to transfer who do not receive a placement offer should start planning on attending their current school.
Wednesday, March 19, 2024, 3 PM:
Deadline for School of Choice applicant families in the 6th Round to accept their school placement based on their School of Choice application and the lottery results. Families who do not notify the District by this date will be removed from the list and the seat will be offered to the next family on the waitlist.
Friday, March 21, 2024, 3 PM:
RCSD begins the 6th Round of notifications. This notification is for program or school placement based on the family’s enrollment into their assigned neighborhood for students whose families submitted their applications after the priority window closing on January 17.
The families who will be notified during this 6th Round are families of following grade level and program:
All Incoming TK-8 graders whose families submitted their applications after the January 17 priority window.
Monday, March 24, 2024, 9 AM:
RCSD begins to notify families on an ongoing basis pending seat availability.
The district will notify families of program or school placement based on the family’s completed and finalized enrollment application.
Please Note:
Spring and summer enrollment prior to the new school year is considered late.
Students who register during the spring and summer are only temporarily enrolled in their neighborhood school for the first 10 days of the school year, and may be moved if the principal and superintendent determine there are not enough seats available at your child’s grade level.
Neighborhood students have priority based on space available at the time they register. If space is not available at the neighborhood school, students will be placed at a different school until space becomes available at their neighborhood school. Students are enrolled in the order in which they register.
Monday, April 21, 2024, 9 AM:
The School of Choice process for the second application window for the 2025-26 school year opens for submission.
Please Note: The random lottery only takes place during the first application window of every school year. Families looking to transfer during the second application window in the spring of every school year are placed in the program, school, or a waitlist based on the order that the application is received. In addition, North Star Academy is not available as an option during the spring. North Star’s process only takes place once a year during the winter.
Because placement into a specific program or school is determined based on seat availability, applying during the second window is based on seat availability. Families are notified of their placement on a case by case basis as each student is placed based on the order that their application was received. Families looking to transfer who do not receive a placement offer should plan on attending their current school.
In addition, students who register during the spring and summer, which is considered late registration, are only temporarily enrolled in their neighborhood school for the first 10 days of the school year, and may be moved if it is determined that there are not enough seats available.
Friday, July 25, 2025, 3 PM:
The second window for the School of Choice application process closes in its entirety for the 2025-26 school year.
The enrollment and School of Choice process for the 2026-2027 school year opens for the priority window during the fall of the 2025-26 school year.