District Educational Services Plans
Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)
The Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) is a critical part of the way the state of California funds school districts through the local control funding formula process (LCFF). School districts receive additional funds based on the number of Low Income, English Learner, and Foster Youth students that are enrolled within the district. School districts work in partnership with the community to decide how best to use the funds. Every school year, RCSD works collaboratively with parents, educators, employees, students, and the community at large in the planning process to determine how to allocate our resources to meet our district's mission, vision, and goals. The district holds several stakeholder meetings to develop and update our LCAP.
2024-25 District Plans
2023-24 District Plans
2022-23 District Plans
2021-22 District Plans
- Educator Effectiveness Block Grant
- Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Expenditure Plan
- Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) Grant