November 16, 2023 Measure U Agenda
Members of the committee will be attending this meeting
in-person at the District Office.
Thursday, November 16, 2023
6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Below is the link for those wishing to participate via Zoom:
1.0 Call to Order for the purpose of Open Session
1.1 Roll Call
___ Janet Borgens, Chair ___ Nicole Caldwell ___ Stephanie Gibson, Vice-Chair
___ Joty Brar ___ Margie Carrington ___ Meghan O’Reilly-Green
1.2 Welcome by Janet Borgens, Committee Chair
2.0 Approval of Agenda
2.1 Approve the agenda as submitted or amended
Motion to approve the November 16, 2023 Agenda
Motion________ Second________ Aye________ Nay________
3.0 Public Comment
3.1 At this time members of the public may address to the Citizens’ Parcel Tax Oversight Committee on any items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Citizens’ Parcel Tax Oversight Committee. Speakers are requested to limit their remarks to three minutes. No Committee action can be taken.
4.0 Information and Discussion
4.1 Review of Year Six (2022-23) Measure U Addendum for Hoover School Item 4.1 Handout
4.2 FY 2023-24 Final Parcel Tax Allocations Item 4.2 Handout
4.3 Review of Year Seven (2023-24) Measure U Plans and Addendums for Redwood City School District Item 4.3 Handout
4.4 Review of Year Seven (2023-24) Measure U Plans for Connect and Rocketship Charter Schools Item 4.4 Handout
4.5 Discussion on Measure U Parcel Tax Committee Members’ Term Expire on November 30, 2023 Item 4.5 Handout
5.0 Action
5.1 Approval of Minutes of May 18, 2023 Measure U Committee meeting Item 5.1 Handout
Motion________ Second________ Aye________ Nay________
5.2 Review and Approval of Year Six (2022-23) Measure U Committee Report Item 5.2 Handout
Motion________ Second________ Aye________ Nay________
5.3 Approval of Resolution #06-2023 - Finding that the Year Six (2022-2023) Measure U Revenues Were Expended in a Manner Consistent with the Ballot Language Approved by Voters in the November 8, 2016 Election Item 5.3 Handout
Motion________ Second________ Aye________ Nay________
5.4 Elect New Chair
Motion________ Second________ Aye________ Nay________
6.0 Future Meetings
6.1 Discuss future meeting dates and items on the agenda
7.0 Adjournment of the Meeting
7.1 Motion to adjourn the November 16, 2023 meeting
Motion________ Second________ Aye________ Nay________