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November 8, 2023


Redwood City, California


November 8, 2023


1.         Call to Order

President Márquez called the Closed Session to order at 6:01 p.m.


1.1           Roll Call

Present at the Closed Board meeting: President Cecilia Márquez, Vice-President Janet Lawson; Trustees Mike Wells, Alisa MacAvoy, and David Weekly; and Superintendent Baker


Others present during the Closed Board meeting: CBO Rick Edson, Peter Ingram, and Clarissa Canady


2.         Oral Communication on Closed Session Items Only



3.         Closed Session - 6:30 PM (Closed to the Public)


3.1       CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS (Gov. Code, 54956.8) Property: 750 Bradford St, Redwood City, CA 94063 Agency negotiators: John Baker, Superintendent, Peter Ingram, Consultant, and Clarissa Canady, Legal Counsel, Negotiating parties: Redwood City School District and The Sobrato Organization Under negotiation: Price and terms of payment of Property Exchange Agreement


4.         Reconvene to Regular Session at Approximately 7:00 PM

The School Board reconvened for the regular session at 7:09 p.m.


4.1       Roll Call

Present at the Regular Board meeting: President Cecilia Márquez, Vice-President Janet Lawson; Trustees Mike Wells, Alisa MacAvoy, and David Weekly; and Superintendent Baker


Others present during the Regular Board meeting: Assistant Superintendent Anna Herrera, Deputy Wendy Kelly, CBO Rick Edson, Gonzalo Cordova, Lupe Torres-Khalil, Fanny Gonzalez Sprouse, Lizette Hernandez, Tina Mercer, and many others.


The School Board paused the board meeting from 7:10- 7:13 p.m. due to technical difficulties.


4.2       Report Out on Closed Session from November 8, 2023

The School Board met with the consultant. No action was taken.


5.         Welcome

President Márquez welcomed those present.


6.      Changes to the Agenda



7.      Approval of the Agenda

The School Board approved the agenda as submitted (Wells, Weekly; 5-0).


Trustee Weekly (Ayes)

Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)

Trustee Wells (Ayes)

Vice-President Lawson (Ayes)

President Márquez (Ayes)


8.         Oral Communication

Sue Jorgenson spoke before the School Board to voice her concern about the shortage of substitute librarians. She emphasized that requests for substitutes have been ongoing since 2020, yet no action has been taken to address this issue.


9.         Bond Program Action Items


9.1       Recommendation re: Approval of Agreement for Measure S Program/Construction Management Services with Van Pelt Construction Services (VPCS)

CBO Rick Edson reported to the Board on why Van Pelt Construction Services (VPCS) was selected as the firm to provide program and construction management services for the Measure S bond program.


The VPCS Team introduced themselves and expressed their excitement to work with RCSD. The VPCS team briefly shared their experience and relationships both in the industry and in construction management in general.


The Trustees thanked the VPCS Team.


The School Board approved the agreement for Measure S Program/Construction Management Services with Van Pelt Construction Services (VPCS) (Weekly, Lawson; 5-0).


Trustee Weekly (Ayes)

Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)

Trustee Wells (Ayes)

Vice-President Lawson (Ayes)

President Márquez (Ayes)


10.       School/Community Reports


10.1     Roosevelt and Garfield School Presentations for the 2023-2024 School Year

Garfield and Roosevelt administrators showcased how they are addressing the implementation of new academic initiatives, exemplifying student voice

and parent engagement, and organizing school events. These efforts are aligned with

their site LCAP goals and SPSA plans.


The Trustees and Superintendent Baker thanked Lupe Torres-Khalil, Fanny Gonzales Sprouse, Lizette Hernandez, Tina Mercer, and all the teachers and staff at both schools for their dedication and commitment. They expressed their gratitude for all the

work they do.


Trustee Wells asked Lupe to unpack one of the student voice comments to which Lupe responded.


Trustee Weekly asked about the Panorama survey questions and Lupe's request for more detailed student voice data. Lupe explained that most surveys are not tailored for KN – 1st-grade students. Superintendent Baker and Trustee MacAvoy commented on the questions listed on the Panorama survey.


MacAvoy expressed her concern about how chronic absenteeism continues to be an issue. She also requested that Lupe discuss the progress with teachers regarding the new curriculum and efforts to improve student reading.


Vice-President Lawson inquired whether the 70% of new teachers were new staff, new to Garfield, or new to the district to which Lupe responded.


President Márquez expressed she appreciated learning about the family bonding series.


Superintendent Baker voiced his concern about the issue of racism and inquired about the measures being taken to address it to which Lupe responded. Moreover, Superintendent Baker suggested meeting with the Gardner Center to assist with creating a survey that will be tailored specifically for Garfield students.


Trustee MacAvoy praised the authenticity of Roosevelt’s approach in collecting student input and their proactive response to that information.


Trustee Wells asked about the difficulties encountered in implementing the new curriculum to which Tina responded.


Trustee Weekly, Vice-President Lawson, President Márquez, and Superintendent Baker also praised Roosevelt's initiatives and best practices.


The School Board took a recess at 9:00 p.m. and resumed at 9:11 p.m. 


11.       Consent Items

The School Board approved the Consent Items (MacAvoy, Wells; 5-0), taking the following action:


11.1     Recommendation re:  Approval of Consent Items

11.2     Recommendation re:  Approval of October 25 Board Meeting Minutes

11.3     Recommendation re:  Approval of the Measure U Application for Rocketship

Redwood City for the 2023-24 School Year

11.4     Recommendation re:  Approval of Addendum to 2023-24 Measure U Application

for Adelante Selby Spanish Immersion

11.5     Recommendation re:  Approval of Addendum to 2023-24 Measure U Application

for Clifford Community School

11.6     Recommendation re:  Approval of Addendum to 2023-24 Measure U Application

for Henry Ford Elementary School

11.7     Recommendation re:  Approval of Addendum to 2023-24 Measure U Application

for Kennedy Middle School

11.8     Recommendation re:  Approval of Agreement between the Redwood City School

District and JTG 2023 for the 2023-2024 School Year

11.9     Recommendation re:  Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding between

San Carlos School District and Redwood City School District

11.10   Recommendation re:  Ratification of Warrant Registers, October 1, 2023 - October

31, 2023


Trustee Weekly (Ayes)

Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)

Trustee Wells (Ayes)

Vice-President Lawson (Ayes)

President Márquez (Ayes)


12.       Action Items


12.1     Recommendation re:  Approval of School Plans for Student Achievement (SPSAs)

Superintendent Baker noted that Trustee Weekly had inquired about the School Board's approach to analyzing the SPSA data in the future.


Trustee MacAvoy expressed her interest in receiving input from the schools regarding additional measures that can be taken to support the school sites. She also noted the recurring theme regarding the ongoing challenge of providing transportation.


The School Board approved the School Plans for Student Achievement (SPSAs) (MacAvoy, Lawson; 5-0).


Trustee Weekly (Ayes)

Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)

Trustee Wells (Ayes)

Vice-President Lawson (Ayes)

President Márquez (Ayes)


13.       Board and Superintendent Reports


13.1     Report from Board Members and Superintendent

Trustee Wells, accompanied by Trustee MacAvoy and Superintendent Baker, reported touring Touchstone Learning School and had the opportunity to observe their instructional model. He also reported seeing the Right to Read movie at the Fox Theater.


Trustee MacAvoy reported also watching the Right to Read movie and stated it was a very powerful evening. Moreover, she attended a Superintendent Advisory Committee meeting, participated in the Workforce Housing Study Session, met with a CSBA pacer, joined the Día de los Muertos celebration in downtown Redwood City, and contributed to the Adelante Selby PTO meeting, where she provided updates on the bond measure and workforce housing.


Vice President Lawson reported attending a Policy Committee meeting with Trustee MacAvoy.


President Márquez reported attending the Spanish Superintendent Advisory Committee.


Superintendent Baker reported attending a Hoover parent meeting, in which the attendees applauded the School Board for making the campus safer. He also reported attending the Chamber meeting.


Trustee Weekly had nothing to report.


14.       Correspondence

Vice President Lawson reported receiving an email from a librarian.


Trustee MacAvoy reported receiving a few emails regarding reading and dyslexia.


15.       Other Business/Suggested Items for Future Agenda

Trustee MacAvoy suggested adding a discussion on technology needs.


President Márquez received a request from Georganne Morin, from Healthy Cities Tutoring, to provide a presentation to the School Board.


Superintendent Baker noted that Hayley Dupuy would also like to present to the School Board.


16.       Board Meetings Calendar


16.1     Changes to the Board Meetings Calendar

A closed session was scheduled for November 15, 2023, starting at 5:30.


17.       Adjournment

The School Board adjourned the meeting at 9:36 p.m. (Weekly, MacAvoy; 5-0).