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November 15, 2023 - Study/Regular Board Meeting


Redwood City, California


November 15, 2023


1.         Call to Order

President Márquez called the Study Session to order at 6:00 p.m.


1.1           Roll Call

Present at the Study Session Board meeting: President Cecilia Márquez, Vice-President Janet Lawson; Trustees Mike Wells, Alisa MacAvoy, and David Weekly; and Superintendent Baker


Others present during the Study Session Board meeting: CBO Rick Edson, Assistant Superintendent Anna Herrera, Deputy Superintendent Wendy Kelly, Bronia Whipp, Maeve Mulholland, Gonzalo Cordova, and many others.


2.         Oral Communication on Study Session Items Only

Individuals who submitted speaker’s cards were called to share their public comments after the presentation.


3.         Study Session - 6:00 PM


3.1       Discussion on Dyslexia

Assistant Superintendent Anna Herrera, Maeve Mulholland, and Bronia Whip presented to the School Board a PowerPoint presentation covering various aspects of dyslexia. The presentation included an overview of California state guidelines, the history, and definition of dyslexia, insights from the Special Education perspective, and an examination of current practices within RCSD.


Speaker’s Cards:


Urs Naber, a father to three students in RCSD, recounted his personal experience dealing with his son's dyslexia diagnosis.


Dian Delantoni- No comment.


Giselle Hale, joined by her husband Brian, addressed the board. As parents of two dyslexic students in the RCSD, Mrs. Hale commended the district for addressing and discussing strategies to enhance preparedness for forthcoming changes related to dyslexia. She emphasized that, based on her research, districts making substantial strides in literacy are those that treat dyslexia as a matter within general education.


Fallon Scoggins, the parent of a student dealing with severe dyslexia shared her experience about her son's struggles of feeling lost and frustrated as a result of his learning disability.


Jennifer Salma, a regional leader with Decoding Dyslexia California, addressed the School Board and thanked the trustees and Superintendent Baker who attended the dyslexia simulation. She highlighted the positive aspects of having a dyslexic brain, noting its unique strengths and the importance of recognizing it as a variation rather than a disability. Jennifer voiced support for the implementation of universal screening for dyslexia. Additionally, she extended appreciation to the Board of Trustees for their study session and commitment to learning about dyslexia.


Vice-President Lawson thanked the speakers for sharing their stories and then turned to Maeve with a specific question regarding the use of Lindamood-Bell to which Maeve answered.


Trustee Wells also thanked the speakers/parents for sharing how dyslexia affects the children and parents. He is in agreement that dyslexia should be treated as a general education issue.


Trustee MacAvoy expressed gratitude to Anna, Bronia, and Maeve for their presentation and acknowledged their hard work. She also thanked the parents for sharing their stories. Trustee Weekly and President Márquez echoed these sentiments, expressing appreciation for the parents, speakers, and educators.


Superintendent Baker noted he is committed to moving in a direction that will meet all the disabilities of the students in RCSD.


The School Board adjourned the Study Session at 7:02 p.m. (MacAvoy, Wells; 5-0).


4.         Reconvene to Regular Session at Approximately 7:00 PM

The School Board reconvened for the regular session at 7:08 p.m.


4.1       Roll Call

Present at the Regular Board meeting: President Cecilia Márquez, Vice-President Janet Lawson; Trustees Mike Wells, Alisa MacAvoy, and David Weekly; and Superintendent Baker


Others present during the Regular Board meeting: Assistant Superintendent Liz Wolfe, Assistant Superintendent Anna Herrera, Deputy Wendy Kelly, CBO Rick Edson, Will Robertson, Gonzalo Cordova, Nora Abou-Ortiz, Katherine Rivera, Lupe Guzman, Robert Fang, Alma Rosas, Jennifer Knopf Gemma Sanchez, and many others.


4.2       Report Out on Closed Session from November 15, 2023

In closed session, the Board unanimously approved a settlement agreement in OAH

Case No. 2023080610. The terms of the agreement include that the district will fund

tuition and transportation for a student at a private school through the end of the 2024-25 school year, at an approximate cost to the district of $128,000, in exchange for a release of all claims. (MacAvoy, Weekly; 5-0).


5.         Welcome

President Márquez welcomed those present.


6.      Changes to the Agenda

Superintendent Baker requested to pull the bond program action item 10.1.


Trustee Weekly requested to move bond program consent item 9.3 to bond program action.


7.      Approval of the Agenda

The School Board approved the agenda as amended (MacAvoy, Lawson; 5-0).


Trustee Weekly (Ayes)

Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)

Trustee Wells (Ayes)

Vice-President Lawson (Ayes)

President Márquez (Ayes)


8.         Oral Communication



9.         Bond Program Consent Items

The School Board approved the Bond Program Consent Items (Lawson, Wells; 5-0), taking the following action:


9.1       Recommendation re: Approval of Bond Program Consent Items

9.2       Recommendation re: Approval of Measure T Bond Program Tracking List of Items Under $20k

9.4       Recommendation re:  Approval of Proposal for Theatrical Lighting Upgrades with Atlas Pellizzari for McKinley Institute of Technology

9.5       Recommendation re:  Approval of Proposal for Intercom Parts and Programming with Siemens Industry, Inc. for Hawes School


Trustee Weekly (Ayes)

Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)

Trustee Wells (Ayes)

Vice-President Lawson (Ayes)

President Márquez (Ayes)


10.       Bond Program Action Items


9.3       Recommendation re: Approval of Proposal for the Infrastructure of Two (2) Video/Intercom Buzzers with Atlas Pellizzari for Hawes School

Trustee Weekly requested elaboration on the pricing to which Will responded.


The School Board approved the proposal for the infrastructure of two (2) video/intercom buzzers with Atlas Pellizzari for Hawes School (Weekly, MacAvoy; 5-0).


Trustee Weekly (Ayes)

Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)

Trustee Wells (Ayes)

Vice-President Lawson (Ayes)

President Márquez (Ayes)


11.       School/Community Reports


11.1     Hoover and Henry Ford School Presentations for 2023-2024 School Year

Hoover administrators showcased how they are addressing the implementation of new academic initiatives, exemplifying student voice and parent engagement, and organizing school events. These efforts are aligned with their site LCAP goals and SPSA plans.


Trustee Wells expressed gratitude to the Hoover staff for their commendable work and thanked the attendees for joining the meeting in person. He specifically inquired about the Community School Advisory Council, and Alma, the Community School Coordinator, provided a response.


Trustee MacAvoy expressed gratitude for the outstanding work of educators and thanked the Hoover team for their presentation.


Trustee Weekly thanked Hoover for their presentation and emphasized the partnership aspect of it.


Vice-President Lawson inquired about the Husky Learning Lab, and Lupe clarified that it is a space for staff to work comfortably. She also praised Hoover for offering diverse elective options for students.


President Márquez echoed the appreciation for Hoover's work and thanked them.


Superintendent Baker commended Hoover for the Community School Advisory Council, which includes staff, parents, and students, as well as the Husky Chill Zone.


Henry Ford administrators showcased how they are addressing the implementation of new academic initiatives, exemplifying student voice and parent engagement, and organizing school events. These efforts are aligned with their site LCAP goals and SPSA plans.


The Trustees and Superintendent Baker thanked Jennifer Knopf, Gemma Sanchez, Maryann, the teachers, and the staff at Henry Ford for their dedication, commitment, and great practices. They expressed their gratitude for all the work they do.


Trustee Wells inquired if the staff felt they were receiving all the support needed to implement the new curriculum and Jennifer and Gemma responded. Superintendent Baker elaborated on the support needed during assessments in the classrooms.


President Márquez asked about the actions being taken with the information gathered from surveying students about their learning preferences if it is not part of the curriculum, to which Maryann responded.


12.       Discussion Items


12.1     First Reading and Discussion of Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 6173 - Education for Homeless Children

Trustee Wells inquired whether the title of the Board Policy can be changed to which the Deputy Superintendent responded that was not possible due to Ed Code.


Trustee Weekly suggested using color coding to differentiate between areas where flexibility in policy wording is allowed and instances where the wording must be strictly verbatim.


12.2     First Reading and Discussion of Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 6173.1 - Education for Foster Youth

No questions or comments.


12.3     First Reading and Discussion of Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 6020 - Parent Involvement

Trustee Márquez inquired if the activities listed in the policy had already been implemented. It was confirmed that indeed, all the listed activities were already happening.


12.4     First Reading and Discussion of Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 6171 - Title I Programs

No questions or comments.


12.5     First Reading and Discussion of Board Policy 6163.4 - Student Use of Technology

No questions or comments.


12.6     First Reading and Discussion of Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 5144.1 - Suspension and Expulsion/ Due Process

Trustee Wells expressed that this policy made him the most uncomfortable. He understands the need for a suspension/expulsion policy and that there will be some extreme cases where that might be the action of last resort, but hopes that within the district, suspension/expulsion continues to be the action of last resort.


Trustee MacAvoy commented that there have been a lot of strides toward reducing suspension rates.


Deputy Superintendent Wendy Kelly clarified that the mentioned policy pertains to ensuring due process and safeguarding the rights of both the student and their family.


13.       Consent Items

The School Board approved the Consent Items (Wells, MacAvoy; 5-0), taking the following action:


13.1     Recommendation re:  Approval of Consent Items

13.2     Recommendation re:  Approval of November 2 Board Meeting Minutes

13.3     Recommendation re:  Approval of the Agreement between Redwood City School

District and Catalyst Family Inc. for the 2023-2024 School Year

13.4     Recommendation re:  Approval of Amendment No. 2 between the Redwood City

School District and One Life Counseling for the 2023-24 School Year

13.5     Recommendation re:  Approval of Addendum to 2023-24 Measure U Application

for Orion Alternative and Mandarin Immersion School

13.6     Recommendation re:  Approval of Additional Personnel Needed for the 2023-24

School Year

13.7     Recommendation re:  Approval of Title V 80020.4 (b) and E.C. 44865 In Areas Of

Special Skill


The district obtained consent from the following teacher(s) to assign task(s) outside

their current credential authorization:


Wendi Brown: MTSS TOSA Title 5. 80020.4

Stacey Chilton: TOSA Student Services Title 5. 80020.4

Joan Collins: Skills Elective TOSA Title 5. 80020.4

Vidal Cubero Sobrados: Newcomer TOSA Title 5. 80020.4

Whitney Eakin: Professional Development Coach Title 5. 80020.4

Angeles Fernandez-Pawar: MTSS TOSA Title 5. 80020.4

Sarah Cullum: Professional Development Coach Title 5. 80020.4

Jody Wong: TOSA Title 5. 80020.4

Ann Berljafa: Professional Development Coach SEAL Title 5. 80020.4

Jessica Kwa: TOSA STEAM Title 5. 80020.4

Lisa Rosen: MTSS TOSA Title 5. 80020.4

Monica Sarmiento: Reading Diagnostic TOSA Title 5. 80020.4

Christopher Schaefer: MTSS TOSA Title 5. 80020.4

Benjamin Titus: Opportunity EC. 44865

Jacob Havey: MTSS TOSA Title 5. 80020.4

Annie Cho: MTSS TOSA Title 5. 80020.4

Brianna Turner: Curriculum TOSA Title 5. 80020.4

Francoise Ngo: TOSA SPED Title 5. 80020.4

Robin Porter: TOSA STEAM Title 5. 80020.4

Jennifer Nally: TOSA Title 5. 80020.4

Peggy Yang: MTSS TOSA Title 5. 80020.4

Laura Pulido-Lopez: Staff Development Coach Title 5. 80020.4

Corinne Roesler: TOSA STEAM Title 5. 80020.4

Kendall Klein: Professional Development Coach Title 5. 80020.4

Suba Marti: TOSA STEAM Title 5. 80020.4

Rebecca Foutch: STEAM Teacher Title 5. 80020.4

Ke Hu: Mandarin TOSA Title 5. 80020.4

Danielle Schall: TOSA STEAM Title 5. 80020.4

Kathleen Murphy: MTSS TOSA Title 5. 80020.4

Maribel Ibarra Gonzalez: MTSS TOSA Title 5. 80020.4

Michelle Phan: MTSS TOSA Title 5. 80020.4

Bronia Whipp: Tech Integration Coach Title 5. 80020.4

Benjamin Titus: ELD TOSA Title 5. 80020.4

Meg Grulich: Professional Development Coach Title 5. 80020.4

Catherine James: Technology Resource Teacher Title 5. 80020.4

Jacob Havey: Curriculum TOSA Title 5. 80020.4

Anastacia Stamates: Staff Development Coach Title 5. 80020.4


13.8     Recommendation re:  Rejection of Claim


Trustee Weekly (Ayes)

Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)

Trustee Wells (Ayes)

Vice-President Lawson (Ayes)

President Márquez (Ayes)


14.       Action Items


14.1     Recommendation re:  Adoption of Resolution No. 5 to Approve Continued Funding Application 2024/25 for District State Preschool Programs

Trustee Wells asked whether the half-day in the Pre-school program is determined by need, and Superintendent Baker confirmed that it is indeed need-based.


The School Board adopted Resolution No. 5 to Approve Continued Funding Application 2024/25 for District State Preschool Programs (Wells, Weekly; 5-0).


Trustee Weekly (Ayes)

Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)

Trustee Wells (Ayes)

Vice-President Lawson (Ayes)

President Márquez (Ayes)


14.2     Recommendation re:  Adoption of Annual Organizational Meeting Date Set for December 6, 2023 at 7:00 p.m.

The School Board adopted the Annual Organizational Meeting date set for December 6, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. (Wells, Weekly; 5-0).


Trustee Weekly (Ayes)

Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)

Trustee Wells (Ayes)

Vice-President Lawson (Ayes)

President Márquez (Ayes)


15.       Board and Superintendent Reports


15.1     Report from Board Members and Superintendent

Vice-President Lawson reported attending an RCTA Climate Committee meeting, and a CBOC meeting along with Trustee Wells, CBO Rick, and Superintendent Baker.


Trustee Wells reported attending the CBOC meeting and shared a brief summary of the meeting.


Trustee MacAvoy reported that she attended the SMC School Board's Association meeting. Additionally, she informed the board that she will be attending both CSBA Board and Delegate Assembly meetings. Furthermore, she notified the School Board of her upcoming participation as a speaker in one of the Annual Education Conference workshops, where the topic of declining enrollment will be addressed.


Trustee Weekly had nothing to report.


President Márquez reported attending the OYE Planning Committee meeting.


Superintendent Baker reported meeting with the Redwood City Together executive group and shared a brief summary of the meeting to the School Board.


16.       Information


16.1     Information on San Mateo County Investment Fund - September 2023

No questions or comments.


17.       Correspondence

Trustee MacAvoy reported receiving correspondence from a parent inquiring about pesticide use. She also reported receiving other emails regarding bond measure issues and workforce housing.


Superintendent Baker reported receiving a letter regarding issues at Rocketship.


18.       Other Business/Suggested Items for Future Agenda



19.       Board Meetings Calendar


19.1     Changes to the Board Meetings Calendar



20.       Adjournment

The School Board adjourned the meeting at 9:15 p.m. (Weekly, MacAvoy; 5-0).