January 17, 2024
Redwood City, California
January 17, 2024
1. Call to Order
President Lawson called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
1.1 Roll Call
Present at the Regular Board meeting: President Janet Lawson, Vice-President Mike Wells; Trustees Alisa MacAvoy, David Weekly, and Cecilia Márquez; and Superintendent Baker.
Other present during the Regular Board meeting: Assistant Superintendent Anna Herrera, Deputy Superintendent Wendy Kelly, CBO Rick Edson, Clifford Principal Kristy Jackson, Assistant Principal Casey Nosky, Community School Coordinator Albert Lowe, Itzel Gloria, and others.
2. Welcome
President Lawson welcomed those present.
3. Changes to the Agenda
Superintendent Baker conveyed to the School Board that North Star Academy (NSA) would not be making their scheduled presentation to the board as initially intended. NSA will present to the School Board at a future meeting.
4. Approval of the Agenda
The School Board approved the agenda as amended (Weekly, MacAvoy; 5-0).
Trustee Márquez (Ayes)
Trustee Weekly (Ayes)
Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)
Vice-President Wells (Ayes)
President Lawson (Ayes)
5. Oral Communication
Dione Smith, a Clifford first-grade teacher, spoke before the School Board and Superintendent Baker, requesting an additional two to three computers designated for substitutes to utilize in cases of teacher absence.
Superintendent Baker clarified to Ms. Smith that he and the executive cabinet have been exploring the feasibility of acquiring additional Chromebooks.
6. School/Community Reports
6.1 Clifford and North Star School Presentations for the 2023-2024 School Year
Clifford School administrators showcased how they are addressing the implementation of new academic initiatives, exemplifying student voice and parent engagement, and organizing school events. These efforts are aligned with their site LCAP goals and SPSA plans.
Principal Kristy Jackson expressed appreciation for her staff and students/families.
Trustee Márquez expressed gratitude to the Clifford Team for the presentation and acknowledged the Family Center's commendable efforts in creating a welcoming environment for families. Additionally, Trustee Márquez raised inquiries about the Ripple Magazine and the Walk and Safety Audit. Finally, Trustee Márquez commended Clifford for their ongoing commitment to the Pedagogy of Confidence.
Trustee Weekly posed a question regarding the effectiveness of restorative justice practices, and Assistant Principal Nosky provided a response. Trustee Weekly also inquired about the utilization of Yondr phone pouches, with both Ms. Nosky and Ms. Jackson providing detailed insights into their effectiveness. Furthermore, he sought information on whether transportation remained a concern for students. Finally, Trustee Weekly inquired about the Dolphin Cove, he expressed gratitude for the active PTO and extended thanks to the Clifford team for their presentation.
Vice-President Wells conveyed appreciation to the Clifford Team, staff, teachers, and families. Additionally, Vice-President Wells sought clarification on the current status and implementation of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in middle schools, as well as its impact. Ms. Nosky provided a response to the inquiry.
Trustee MacAvoy enthusiastically welcomed the new student and family support provided by the Family Center and commended Michelle Griffith and her team for securing the grant. She acknowledged Clifford School as a leader in implementing the Pedagogy of Confidence and promoting student voice. Trustee MacAvoy expressed gratitude for the positive feedback on goal-setting conferences, highlighting their role in empowering students to take ownership of their learning.
President Lawson commended the Clifford Staff and echoed the previous comments. She then inquired about the school sports and Principal Jackson responded. President Lawson also commended Clifford for having a supportive parent community.
Superintendent Baker recognized the outstanding performance of the Clifford team, acknowledging that despite having new administrators, they are excelling in their roles. He expressed gratitude to Ms. Jackson, Ms. Nosky, and Mr. Lowe for accepting their positions and appreciated the dedication and hard work they contribute.
Speaker’s Card:
Catherine Stuart, the parent of a 5th-grade student at North Star, commended the new North Star Principal, Emily O’Neal for a recent school-wide field trip. Ms. Stuart praised Ms. O’Neal for her work and stated she had no complaints.
6.2 Report on Fastbridge Assessment for K-2
Bronia Whipp presented to the School Board regarding the FastBridge Assessment. This is a new assessment, and it is a requirement that the district must use to comply with the Big Lift grant. The FastBridge Assessment screens students, identifies skill gaps, and offers proven reading and diagnostic intervention recommendations.
Trustee MacAvoy mentioned that the district is conducting the FastBridge assessment partly due to a requirement. She asked about its benefits to our school sites and educators. In response, Assistant Superintendent Herrera and Ms. Whipp explained that since the assessment is new, the administration is uncertain about its effectiveness. They also noted that interpreting the scores is quite challenging.
Superintendent Baker conveyed his concerns about the district's potential continuation with the Big Lift given the new requirements of the grant. He highlighted that some other districts have been withdrawing from the Big Lift due to the substantial workload and the additional assessment requirements.
Trustee Weekly and Vice-President Wells also voiced their opinions on the assessment, reflecting on whether it is worthwhile to proceed with it or not.
7. Consent Items
The School Board approved the Consent Items (Wells, Weekly; 5-0), taking the following action:
7.1 Recommendation re: Approval of Consent Items
7.2 Recommendation re: Approval of Rocketship Redwood City Prep Charter School Preliminary Space Proposal for the 2024-25 school year
7.3 Recommendation re: Approval of Connect Community Charter School Preliminary Space Proposal for the 2024-25 school year
7.4 Recommendation re: Approval of KIPP Excelencia Community Prep (“KIPP”) Charter School Preliminary Space Proposal for the 2024-25 school year
Trustee Márquez (Ayes)
Trustee Weekly (Ayes)
Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)
Vice-President Wells (Ayes)
President Lawson (Ayes)
8. Action Items
9. Board and Superintendent Reports
9.1 Report from Board Members and Superintendent
Vice-President Wells had nothing to report.
Trustee Weekly had nothing to report.
Trustee MacAvoy reported about her attendance at a SEPTAR meeting where she shared the link to the RCSD's Dyslexia Presentation from the November 2023 board meeting. Additionally, Trustee MacAvoy mentioned her participation in three CSBA Committees: Finance, Bylaws, and Golden Bell Awards.
Trustee Márquez had nothing to report.
President Lawson had nothing to report.
Superintendent Baker had nothing to report.
10. Information
10.1 Quarterly Williams Report, 2nd Quarter, October 2023 through December 2023
No questions or comments.
10.2 Contract Update Information and Credit Card Summary
No questions or comments.
11. Correspondence
Trustee MacAvoy reported receiving an email from a community member with questions about the solar power program. Additionally, she received a text from an Orion parent sharing that three Redwood City School District students are part of a choir and they performed at Carnegie Hall.
Trustee Weekly received correspondence for a request to acquire a laser cutter for Orion’s Makers Space.
12. Other Business/Suggested Items for Future Agenda
Superintendent Baker informed the School Board that the Special Ed report will be coming to the School Board at the April 17 Board Meeting.
13. Board Meetings Calendar
13.1 Changes to the Board Meetings Calendar
Superintendent Baker reminded the School Board that the Board Retreat will begin at 9:00 am in the board room at the district office.
14. Adjournment
The School Board adjourned the meeting at 8:31 p.m. (Weekly, Wells; 5-0).