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December 6, 2023


Redwood City, California


December 6, 2023


1.         Call to Order

Vice-President Lawson called the Regular Session to order at 7:00 p.m.


1.1       Roll Call

Present at the Regular Board meeting: Vice-President Janet Lawson; Trustees Mike Wells, Alisa MacAvoy, and David Weekly; and Superintendent Baker


Others present during the Regular Board meeting: Assistant Superintendent Anna Herrera, Deputy Superintendent Wendy Kelly, CBO Rick Edson, Will Robertson, Gonzalo Cordova, Principal Chandra Leonardo, Assistant Principal Jared Bosnich, Assistant Principal Bea Williams, Community School Coordinator Cynthia Cardona, Principal Susana Garcia Fernandez, Assistant Principal David Hicks, MTSS Coordinator Kathleen Murphy, Community School Coordinator Jackie Campos, and many others.


President Cecilia Márquez joined the meeting virtually and will abstain from voting.


2.         Welcome

Vice-President Lawson welcomed those present.


3.         Board Officer's Rotation


3.1       President

Trustee Janet Lawson assumed the President position.


3.2       Vice-President

Trustee Mike Wells assumed the Vice President position.


3.3       Clerk

Trustee Alisa MacAvoy assumed the Clerk position.


3.4       Representative to San Mateo County Committee on School District Organization

Trustee David Weekly assumed the position of Representative to San Mateo County Committee on School District Organization.


3.5       Liaison to California School Boards Association and the San Mateo County School Boards Association

Trustee Cecilia Márquez assumed the position of Liaison to California School Boards Association and the San Mateo County School Boards Association.


3.6       Secretary to the Board (Superintendent)

Superintendent Baker remained the Secretary to the School Board.


4.         Reception


4.1       Recognition of Cecilia I. Márquez

Item was pulled from the agenda.


5.      Changes to the Agenda

President Lawson pulled item 4.1, Recognition of Cecilia Márquez.


6.      Approval of the Agenda

The School Board approved the agenda as amended (MacAvoy, Wells; 4-0).


Trustee Márquez (Abstains)

Trustee Weekly (Ayes)

Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)

Vice-President Wells (Ayes)

President Lawson (Ayes)


7.         Oral Communication



8.         Bond Program Action Items


8.1       Recommendation re:  Discussion of Districtwide Solar Phase 2 Financial Study and Approval of Final Projects List

The School Board held a discussion on the Districtwide Solar Phase 2 Financial Study and approved the final projects list (MacAvoy, Weekly; 4-0).


Trustee Márquez (Abstains)

Trustee Weekly (Ayes)

Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)

Vice-President Wells (Ayes)

President Lawson (Ayes)


9.         School/Community Reports


9.1       Kennedy and McKinley School Presentations for 2023-2024 School Year

Kennedy Middle School administrators showcased how they are addressing the implementation of new academic initiatives, exemplifying student voice and parent engagement, and organizing school events. These efforts are aligned with their site LCAP goals and SPSA plans.


Trustee Weekly asked for clarification regarding what it meant for Kennedy to be a one-to-one school, and Chandra provided an explanation.


Trustee MacAvoy inquired whether the school was using WhatsApp to communicate with English speaking parent’s as well, to which Chandra responded that they use the app for their Spanish-speaking families and rely on other communication methods for their English-speaking families.


The Trustees and Superintendent Baker commended Principal Chandra Leonardo, Assistant Principal Jared Bosnich, Assistant Principal Bea Williams, and Community School Coordinator Cynthia Cardona for their presentation and unwavering dedication to their Kennedy community. Additionally, appreciation was extended to the teachers for their dedicated efforts. The Trustees also commended the courage of the Kennedy students for addressing the board.


McKinley Institute of Technology school administrators showcased how they are addressing the implementation of new academic initiatives, exemplifying student voice and parent engagement, and organizing school events. These efforts are aligned with their site LCAP goals and SPSA plans.


Vice-President Wells asked Susana about her experience with Unity Days this year, to which Susana responded.


Trustee MacAvoy praised MIT for its joint activity with NSA.


Trustee Weekly praised MIT for its practice of peer tutoring. He also inquired about the Re-Evolution Assemblies, prompting Susana to provide additional details about the purpose and outcome of the event.


Trustee Márquez praised MIT for allowing the students to introduce the presentation and commended the students for being brave in addressing the School Board.


President Lawson praised Hisela and Diana for their involvement in their school.


Superintendent Baker congratulated Susana for her second year as principal.


The Trustees and Superintendent Baker praised Principal Susana Garcia Superintendent, Assistant Principal David Hicks, MTSS Coordinator Kathleen Murphy, and Community School Coordinator Jackie Campos for their tireless efforts to the MIT community.


10.       Consent Items

The School Board approved the Consent Items (MacAvoy, Weekly; 4-0), taking the following action:


10.1     Recommendation re:  Approval of Consent Items

10.2     Recommendation re:  Approval of November 8 Board Meeting Minutes

10.3     Recommendation re:  Approval of November 15 Closed Session Board Meeting


10.4     Recommendation re:  Approval of November 15 Study Session and Regular

Board Meeting Minutes

10.5     Recommendation re:  Approval of Addendum to 2023-24 Measure U Application

for Roosevelt

10.6     Recommendation re:  Second Reading and Approval of Board Policy 6173.1 –

Education for Foster Youth

10.7     Recommendation re:  Second Reading and Approval of Board Policy and

Regulation 6173 - Education for Homeless Children

10.8     Recommendation re:  Second Reading and Approval of Board Policy and

Regulation 6171 - Title I Programs

10.9     Recommendation re:  Second Reading and Approval of Board Policy and

Regulation 6020 - Parent Involvement

10.10   Recommendation re:  Second Reading and Approval of Board Policy and Exhibit

6163.4 - Student Use of Technology

10.11   Recommendation re:  Second Reading and Approval of Board Policy and

Regulation 5144.1 - Suspension and Expulsion/Due Process

10.12   Recommendation re:  Approval of the Purchase of Additional Language Power


10.13   Recommendation re:  Approval of Additional Personnel Needed for the 2023-24

School Year

10.14   Recommendation re:  Approval of Local Interagency Agreement(s) to Provide

Education and Training to Credential Candidates

10.15   Recommendation re:  Approval of Retirement Notification Incentive

10.16   Recommendation re:  Rejection of Claim

10.17   Recommendation re:  Rejection of Claim

10.18   Recommendation re:  Rejection of Claim

10.19   Recommendation re:  Ratification of Warrant Registers, November 1, 2023 –

November 30, 2023


Trustee Márquez (Abstains)

Trustee Weekly (Ayes)

Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)

Vice-President Wells (Ayes)

President Lawson (Ayes)


11.       Action Items


11.1     Recommendation re:  First Reading and Approval of Board Policy and Regulation 6174 - Education for English Learners

The School Board, Superintendent Baker, and Deputy Superintendent Wendy Kelly discussed the language on the first paragraph of page 7.


The School Board read and approved Board Policy and Regulation 6174 - Education for English Learners (MacAvoy, Wells; 4-0).


Trustee Márquez (Abstains)

Trustee Weekly (Ayes)

Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)

Vice-President Wells (Ayes)

President Lawson (Ayes)


12.       Board and Superintendent Reports


12.1     Report from Board Members and Superintendent

Vice-President Wells reported attending the Honors Breakfast where over 250 students were celebrated. There was a scheduled Measure U Parcel Tax Oversight Committee meeting which had to be cancelled due to lack of a quorum. He also reported attending the CSBA Annual Education Conference (AEC). Trustee Wells and Trustee Weekly commented they would like to find a structured, Brown Act compliant method to share their learnings from the conference with the other trustees.


Trustee MacAvoy reported attending the AEC. Prior to the conference she attended board meetings and delegate assembly meetings. Trustee MacAvoy gave Trustee Márquez a shout out for inviting a few of the board members to the Dream Club. Additionally, she attended the Safe Routes to Schools meeting and noted that the city is cleaning the Stambaugh Bridge and enhancing overall safety measures. Moreover, she shared an update on bus passes, stating that there are now 766 students who have received bus passes. Lastly, they also discussed the Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day.


Trustee Weekly reported attending the CSBA conference. At the conference he attended a Science of Reading workshop. He shared a few of his takeaways from the conference with the School Board.


Trustee Márquez reported attending the AEC. She noted she felt empowered by hearing from other leaders. She also attended a Superintendent Advisory Committee meeting and expressed gratitude for Superintendent Baker, Jorge Quintana, and Michelle Remond for coordinating the meeting. She also gave Trustee MacAvoy a shoutout for all that she does and advocacy on behalf of the students.


President Lawson reported attending the AEC. At the conference, she attended the Developing Workforce Housing Session and a Chat GPT session. Trustee MacAvoy suggested adding an agenda item on Artificial Intelligence for board discussion.


Superintendent Baker reported attending the AEC. He also attended the Spanish Superintendents Advisory Committee meeting. Additionally, he met with Van Pelt Construction Services (VPCS) to discuss the timeline for Measure S. Lastly, he will be meeting with a few Rocketship parents regarding their concerns.


13.       Information


13.1     Information on San Mateo County Investment Fund - October 2023

No questions or comments.


14.       Correspondence

The School Board and Superintendent Baker received correspondence from a few Rocketship parents.


Superintendent Baker and CBO Rick Edson received an email from a parent regarding the Director of CNS position.


15.       Other Business/Suggested Items for Future Agenda

Trustee MacAvoy recommended adding an agenda item to discuss AI.


Trustee Weekly expressed his desire to discuss the insights the district has about how kids learn.


16.       Board Meetings Calendar


16.1     Changes to the Board Meetings Calendar

Superintendent Baker requested a Board Retreat for January 19th from 8:30 am – 1:00 p.m.


17.       Adjournment

The School Board adjourned the meeting at 9:31 p.m. (Weekly, Wells; 4-0).