August 9, 2023
Redwood City, California
August 9, 2023
1. Call to Order
President Márquez called the Closed Session to order at 6:30 p.m.
1.1 Roll Call
Present at the Closed Board meeting: President Cecilia Márquez, Vice-President Janet Lawson; Trustees Mike Wells and David Weekly; and Superintendent Baker
Others present during the Closed Board meeting: CBO Rick Edson and DWK Attorney Luke L. Punnakanta
Absent during the Closed Session meeting: Trustee Alisa MacAvoy
2. Oral Communication on Closed Session Items Only
3. Closed Session - 6:30 PM (Closed to the Public)
3.1 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL EXISTING LITIGATION (Gov. Code, 54956.9, subd. (d)(1)) Name of case: Robell v. Church
4. Reconvene to Regular Session at Approximately 7:00 PM
The School Board reconvened for the regular session at 7:01 p.m.
4.1 Roll Call
Present at the Regular Board meeting: President Cecilia Márquez, Vice-President Janet Lawson; Trustees Mike Wells and David Weekly; and Superintendent Baker
Others present during the Regular Board meeting: Assistant Superintendent Liz Wolfe, Assistant Superintendent Anna Herrera, Deputy Wendy Kelly, CBO Rick Edson, Will Robertson, Blake Boehm, Gonzalo Cordova, Nora Abou-Ortiz, Maeve Mulholland, Jude Noyes, and many others.
Absent during the Regular Board Meeting: Trustee Alisa MacAvoy
4.2 Report Out on Closed Session from August 9, 2023
The School Board received updates regarding litigation.
5. Welcome
President Márquez welcomed those present.
6. Changes to the Agenda
Superintendent Baker pulled the bond program consent item 9.3.
7. Approval of the Agenda
The School Board approved the agenda as amended (Weekly, Wells; 4-0).
Trustee Weekly (Ayes)
Trustee MacAvoy (Absent)
Trustee Wells (Ayes)
Vice-President Lawson (Ayes)
President Márquez (Ayes)
8. Oral Communication
9. Bond Program Consent Items
The School Board approved the Bond Program Consent Items (Wells, Lawson; 4-0), taking the following action:
9.1 Recommendation re: Approval of Bond Program Consent Items
9.2 Recommendation re: Approval of Measure T Bond Program Tracking List of Items Under $20k
Trustee Weekly (Ayes)
Trustee MacAvoy (Absent)
Trustee Wells (Ayes)
Vice-President Lawson (Ayes)
President Márquez (Ayes)
10. Bond Program Action Items
10.1 Recommendation re: Approval of Final Plan Review Invoice with the Division of the State Architect (DSA) for Garfield Community School
No questions.
The School Board approved the Final Plan Review Invoice with the Division of the State Architect (DSA) for Garfield Community School (Wells, Weekly; 4-0).
Trustee Weekly (Ayes)
Trustee MacAvoy (Absent)
Trustee Wells (Ayes)
Vice-President Lawson (Ayes)
President Márquez (Ayes)
10.2 Recommendation re: Approval of Measure T and Measure S Bond Program Legal Services Agreement with DWK
No questions or comments.
The School Board approved the Measure T and Measure S Bond Program Legal Services Agreement with DWK (Lawson, Wells; 4-0).
Trustee Weekly (Ayes)
Trustee MacAvoy (Absent)
Trustee Wells (Ayes)
Vice-President Lawson (Ayes)
President Márquez (Ayes)
11. School/Community Reports
11.1 Recognize Staff Who Have Reached a Longevity Milestone with the District
Deputy Superintendent Wendy Kelly spoke out on behalf of the Redwood City School District to proudly recognize all the staff members who reached a longevity milestone.
Trustee Wells and President Márquez noted they appreciated starting the meeting with the longevity recognition.
11.2 Measure T Bond Program Update
Will Robertson, Bond Program Manager, provided the School Board and Superintendent Baker with a summary of the construction progress that was made during the 2023 Summer. Mr. Robertson provided updates on Adelante Selby Spanish Immersion, Garfield Community School, Henry Ford Elementary School, Kennedy Middle School, Orion Alternative School, and Taft Community School.
President Márquez and Trustee Wells expressed their gratitude for the progress update on the bond program.
11.3 Post Issuance Presentation, 2023 General Obligation Bonds, Election of 2022 (Measure S), Series A, KNN Public Finance
Blake Boehm, Director of KNN Public Finance, provided to the School Board a presentation regarding the post-issuance of the Redwood City School District’s 2023 General Obligation Bonds, Series A.
Trustee Wells inquired about the district's potential to capitalize on reduced interest rates by refinancing, should they decrease in the future.
Blake Boehm replied affirmatively, stating that in the event of a decrease in interest rates, the district would have the option to refinance.
11.4 SEPTAR and Special Education Joint Presentation to the Board
Director of Special Education Maeve Mulholland introduced the new Assistant Director of the Special Education Department, Dr. McLaughlin, and Associate Director Jude Noyes. The Special Education (SPED) Department leadership team and the Special Education Parent Teacher Association of Redwood City (SEPTAR) leaders, Elena Levina, Michelle Gayliardi, and Alejandrina Sandoval, jointly provided the School Board presentations summarizing the work of the SPED department, as well as their collaboration with SEPTAR.
The Board of Trustees had an opportunity to ask questions to which Maeve and the SEPTAR team provided answers.
The School Board thanked the SPED and SEPTAR team for all the work they do and for the presentation.
Superintendent Baker expressed his interest in connecting with SEPTAR President Elena Levina. The aim is to enhance the support of raising awareness about SEPTAR, with the goal of increasing parental involvement and community engagement.
12. Discussion Items
12.1 Discussion of School Assignments and Committee Assignments for Board Members for the 2023-24 School Year
Superintendent Baker and the School Board were in agreement to postpone the trustees’ school assignments and committee assignments discussion for a future board meeting.
13. Consent Items
The School Board approved the Consent Items (Lawson, Weekly; 4-0), taking the following action:
13.1 Recommendation re: Approval of Consent Items
13.2 Recommendation re: Approval of June 21st Board Minutes
13.3 Recommendation re: Approval of June 23rd Special Board Meeting Minutes
13.4 Recommendation re: Approval of June 28th Board Minutes
13.5 Recommendation re: Approval of Non-Public School (NPS)/Non-Public Agency
(NPA) Master Contracts
13.6 Recommendation re: Approval of the Agreement between Redwood City School
District and Maxim Healthcare Staffing, Inc. to fill two vacant SPED LVN Positions
13.7 Recommendation re: Approval of the Agreement between Redwood City School
District and YMCA of Silicon Valley for the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year
13.8 Recommendation re: Approval of the Agreement between Redwood City School
District and One Life Counseling Center for the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year
13.9 Recommendation re: Approval of the Agreement between Redwood City School
District and Redwood City PAL for the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year
13.10 Recommendation re: Approval of the Agreement between the Redwood City
School District and the San Mateo County Sheriff's Activities League (SAL) for the 2023-
2024 School Year
13.11 Recommendation re: Approval of the Agreement between Redwood City School
District and College Advising Prep for the Fiscal Year 2023-2024
13.12 Recommendation re: Approval of the Special Education Teacher Induction
Agreement with San Mateo County Office of Education for the 2023-24 School Year
13.13 Recommendation re: Approval of Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement between
the County of San Mateo and the Redwood City School District (Redwood City
Community Schools)
13.14 Recommendation re: Approval of the Agreement between the Redwood City
School District and Maxim Healthcare Service to Hire Two Board Certified Behavior
Analysts for the 2023-24 School Year
13.15 Recommendation re: Approval of the Agreement between the Redwood City
School District and Maxim Healthcare Service to hire two Licensed Vocational Nurses
for the 2023-24 School Year
13.16 Recommendation re: Approval of the Agreement between Redwood City School
District and Maria Lucila Echeverria-Bustios for State Preschool Child, Family and
Community Liaison Services for the 2023-24 Fiscal Year
13.17 Recommendation re: Approval of the iReady Contract for the 2023-24 School
13.18 Recommendation re: Approval of RCAA Compensation Proposal
13.19 Recommendation re: Approval of Personnel Changes for 2023-2024
13.20 Recommendation re: Approval of Local Interagency Agreement(s) to Provide
Education and Training to Credential Candidates
13.21 Recommendation re: Ratification of Warrant Registers, June 1, 2023 - June 30,
13.22 Recommendation re: Ratification of Warrant Registers, July 1, 2023 - July 31,
Trustee Weekly (Ayes)
Trustee MacAvoy (Absent)
Trustee Wells (Ayes)
Vice-President Lawson (Ayes)
President Márquez (Ayes)
14. Action Items
14.1 Recommendation re: Adoption of Resolution No. 1, Approval of Education Code Options for Teaching Assignments
The School Board adopted Resolution No. 1, Approval of Education Code Options for Teaching Assignments (Wells, Weekly; 4-0). The Education Code Options for Teaching Assignments were approved for the following teachers:
Ariana R. Baltay: Social Science EC 44258.2 – North Star; 8th grade
Jard Davis: Music EC 44258.2 – McKinley Inst. Of Tech; 6-8th grade
Natalia Hawthorne: English EC 44258.2 – Roosevelt; 6/8th grade
Xa Mai: Mathematics EC 44256 (b) – Roy Cloud; 8th grade
Gisela McMahon: English EC 44256 (b) – McKinley Inst. Of Tech; 7/8th grade
Michelle Territo: Science EC 44256 (b) – Clifford 7/8th grade
Jennifer Virnich: Foundational Level General Science EC 44258.2 – John F. Kenndey; 6th grade
Trustee Weekly (Ayes)
Trustee MacAvoy (Absent)
Trustee Wells (Ayes)
Vice-President Lawson (Ayes)
President Márquez (Ayes)
14.2 Recommendation re: Adoption of Resolution No. 2, Approval of Teachers Gaining Tenured Status
The School Board adopted Resolution No. 2, Approval of Teachers Gaining Tenured Status (Wells, Lawson; 4-0).
Trustee Weekly (Ayes)
Trustee MacAvoy (Absent)
Trustee Wells (Ayes)
Vice-President Lawson (Ayes)
President Márquez (Ayes)
14.3 Recommendation re: Adoption of Resolution No. 3, Sufficiency of Instructional Materials
The School Board adopted Resolution No. 3, Sufficiency of Instructional Materials (Lawson, Weekly; 4-0).
Trustee Weekly (Ayes)
Trustee MacAvoy (Absent)
Trustee Wells (Ayes)
Vice-President Lawson (Ayes)
President Márquez (Ayes)
15. Board and Superintendent Reports
15.1 Report from Board Members and Superintendent
Trustees Mike Wells, David Weekly, and President Márquez had nothing to report.
Vice-President Lawson attended a brief Bond Team meeting.
Superintendent Baker reported attending the professional development training that happened August 2, 2023, through August 4, 2023. He also invited the board of trustees to the “Welcome Back Breakfast.”
16. Information
16.1 Quarterly Williams Report, 4th Quarter, April 2023 through June 2023
No questions or comments.
16.2 Information on San Mateo County Investment Fund - June 2023
No questions or comments.
17. Correspondence
Trustee Weekly reported receiving correspondence from a parent concerning her child’s admission to the Mandarin Immersion program.
Vice-President Lawson commented the board of trustees received an email regarding the closed session item.
18. Other Business/Suggested Items for Future Agenda
19. Board Meetings Calendar
19.1 Changes to the Board Meetings Calendar
20. Adjournment
The School Board adjourned the meeting at 8:25 p.m. (Weekly, Wells; 4-0).