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April 17, 2024


Redwood City, California


April 17, 2024


1.         Call to Order

President Lawson called the Regular Board Meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.


1.1           Roll Call

Present at the Regular Board meeting: President Janet Lawson, Vice-President Mike Wells; Trustees Alisa MacAvoy, David Weekly, and Cecilia Márquez; and Superintendent Baker


Others present during the Regular Board meeting: Assistant Superintendent Anna Herrera, Deputy Superintendent Wendy Kelly, Chief Business Official Rick Edson, Eric Van Pelt, Gonzalo Cordova, and others.


President Lawson reported on the 4/17 Closed Session meeting. As per Ed Code 3549.1d, the Board of Education is allowed to meet at any time to discuss negotiations. The School Board met to discuss negotiations and provide direction to the staff.


2.         Welcome

President Lawson welcomed those present.


3.      Changes to the Agenda



4.      Approval of the Agenda

The School Board approved the agenda as submitted (Wells, Weekly; 5-0).


Trustee Márquez (Ayes)

Trustee Weekly (Ayes)

Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)

Vice-President Wells (Ayes)

President Lawson (Ayes)


5.         Oral Communication



6.         Bond Program Action Items


6.1       Recommendation re: Measure S Bond Program Update and Approval of Key Analytics Financial System for Measure S Bond Program

Eric Van Pelt, Vice President of Van Pelt Construction Services, presented to the School Board an update on the Measure S bond program. Mr. Van Pelt also briefed the school board on the benefits of selecting Keystone as the software to manage the Measure S bond program.


Vice President Wells thanked Mr. Van Pelt for the presentation and inquired how Keystone is an upgrade from Accountability in terms of the cost and functionality and CBO Edson responded.


Trustee MacAvoy asked Mr. Van Pelt a few questions regarding Keystone, the Facility Master Plan, and quick start projects and Mr. Van Pelt responded.


Trustee Weekly inquired about the corporate entity behind Key Analytics and CBO Edson responded.


Trustee Márquez commended Van Pelt Construction Services for their commitment to fostering open communication with the community.


President Lawson thanked Mr. Van Pelt for the information regarding Key Analytics. President Lawson also brought up the facility master plan and emphasized the importance of the consideration of climate change and climate resilience in projects.


Per Trustee MacAvoy’s request regarding the cooling of classrooms, Mr. Van Pelt briefed the School Board on the process of installing cooling units in the classrooms.


Superintendent Baker highlighted that the district is expanding its Transitional Kindergarten (TK) enrollment, yet lacks the classrooms equipped with the required bathrooms. Consequently, he urged the Bond Program to consider this factor while developing the Facilities Master Plan.


The School Board received the Measure S Bond Program Update and approved the Key Analytics Financial System for Measure S Bond Program (Weekly, MacAvoy; 5-0).


Trustee Márquez (Ayes)

Trustee Weekly (Ayes)

Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)

Vice-President Wells (Ayes)

President Lawson (Ayes)


7.         School/Community Reports


7.1       Special Education Study Report Presentation and Study Report Implementation Presentation

Anjanette Pelletier, Director of Management Consulting Services with School Services of California, presented to the School Board the Special Education (SPED) Study report findings. The study looked at district-level data related to the SPED program including financial information, pupil counts, class sizes, caseloads, and staffing.


Maeve Mulholland, Director of Special Education, and Jude Noyes, Associate Director of Special Education, delivered a presentation to the School Board in response to the SPED study findings.


The Board of Trustees and Superintendent Baker thanked Ms. Pelletier, Maeve Mulholland, and Jude Noyes for the SPED Study and presentations. The Trustees also thanked the SPED staff, teachers, parents, and SEPTAR for attending the meeting.


8.         Discussion Items


8.1       Board of Trustees Graduation/Promotions Assignments for the 2023-24 SY

The Board of Trustees discussed their 8th-grade graduation and 5th-grade promotion assignments for the 2023-24 school year.


9.         Consent Items

The School Board approved the Consent Items (Wells, Weekly; 5-0), taking the following action:


9.1       Recommendation re:  Approval of Consent Items

9.2       Recommendation re:  Approval of the April 3 Board Meeting Minutes

9.3       Recommendation re:  Approval of the Addendum to McKinley Institute of

Technology (MIT) 2023-24 Measure U Application

9.4       Recommendation re:  Approval of the Addendum to Taft's 2023-24 Measure U


9.5       Recommendation re:  Approval of the Addendum to Clifford's 2023-24 Measure

U Application

9.6       Recommendation re:  Approval of 2023-24 Measure U Application for KIPP

Excelencia Community Prep Charter School

9.7       Recommendation re:  Approval of Agreement between The San Mateo County

Superintendent of Schools and Redwood City School District for the SMCOE/ALDER

GSE Teacher Residency Program for the 24-25 School Year

9.8       Recommendation re:  Approval of Declaration of Need for 2024-2025

9.9       Recommendation re:  Ratification of Warrant Registers, March 1, 2024 - March 31,


9.10     Recommendation re:  Approval of Personnel Report


Trustee Márquez (Ayes)

Trustee Weekly (Ayes)

Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)

Vice-President Wells (Ayes)

President Lawson (Ayes)


10.       Action Items


10.1     Recommendation re:  Adoption of Resolution #10, Resolution to Approve Standards for Local Certification of Universal Transitional Kindergarten Teachers

No questions or comments.


The School Board adopted Resolution #10, Resolution to Approve Standards for Local Certification of Universal Transitional Kindergarten Teachers (MacAvoy, Wells; 5-0).


Trustee Márquez (Ayes)

Trustee Weekly (Ayes)

Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)

Vice-President Wells (Ayes)

President Lawson (Ayes)


11.       Board and Superintendent Reports


11.1     Report from Board Members and Superintendent

Vice-President Wells reported attending the SEPTAR and LCAP meetings. Trustee Wells acknowledged Sara Aguilar and Whitney Eakin for presenting on the student voice component of the LCAP.


Trustee Weekly reported attending the LCAP meeting.


Trustee MacAvoy reported attending a CSBA Board Meeting, and a CSBA Pacer Meeting and discussed legislative issues.


Trustee Márquez reported attending the Redwood City Together Community Impact Celebration.


President Lawson reported attending the Lupe Torres-Khalil Memorial Service.


Superintendent Baker reported attending the LCAP meeting, the Memorial Service, and an RCEF meeting during which CBO Rick Edson provided a budget report. Moreover, Superintendent Baker informed the Trustees about the upcoming RCEF Fundraising Wine Walk Event happening on May 15.


12.       Information


12.1     Contract Update Information and Credit Card Summary

No questions or comments.


12.2     Quarterly Williams Report, 3rd Quarter, January 2024 through March 2024

No questions or comments.


13.       Correspondence

Trustee MacAvoy reported receiving two emails from unhappy community members.


Trustee Weekly shared that he received an email from Megan O’Reilly-Green. The email contained data about the number of families relocating to Redwood City for the school of choice educational programs, as well as information about a speech competition.


14.       Other Business/Suggested Items for Future Agenda

Public Comment:


Mike Swire requested that the School Board agendize a meeting to rename Henry Ford School.


15.       Board Meetings Calendar


15.1     Changes to the Board Meetings Calendar



16.       Adjournment

The School Board adjourned the meeting at 9:20 p.m. (Weekly, Wells; 5-0).