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October 12, 2022


Redwood City, California


October 12, 2022


1.         Call to Order  

President Díaz-Slocum called the Regular Board meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


Present at the Regular Board Meeting: President María Díaz-Slocum, Vice-President Cecilia I. Márquez; Trustees Janet Lawson, Mike Wells, and Alisa MacAvoy; and Superintendent Baker. 


Others present: Deputy Superintendent Wendy Kelly, Assistant Superintendent Liz Wolfe, CBO Rick Edson, Will Robertson, Director of HR Erin Kekos, Trustee Elect David Weekly, Gonzalo Cordova, and others.


2.         Welcome

2.1     Welcome

President Díaz-Slocum welcomed those present.


3.         Changes to the Agenda

Trustee Wells requested action items 8.3 and 8.4 be moved to under consent items.


President Díaz-Slocum requested item 11.1, Correspondence, be moved after item 5, Oral Communication.


Vice-President Márquez noted that Will Robertson would be commenting on item 6.2 under Bond Program Consent Items.


In reference to Vice-President Márquez’s comment, President Díaz-Slocum clarified Mr. Robertson would be addressing a correction on the agenda item 6.2.


4.         Approval of the Agenda

The School Board approved the agenda as amended (Wells, Lawson, 5-0).


5.         Oral Communication

Speaker’s Cards:


Chris Robell addressed the School Board. He commented he had previously asked that any information regarding the bond measure be removed from the website and newsletter. He followed up via email requesting the bond measure be added as a topic on the agenda. Mr. Robell reported speaking with the attorney, who he referred to as the “bond” attorney. He demands that the School Board remove all information regarding the bond from the website and newsletter. He also requests compliance in reference to the Public Records he requested. He received a letter from the attorney stating he will receive more information he requested on October 18th.


11.    Correspondence

President Díaz-Slocum reported receiving correspondence from Mr. Robell. President Díaz-Slocum clarified that the attorney Mr. Robell addressed as the bond attorney is an attorney that works for the law firm the Redwood City School District has contracted with. The attorney is not a bond attorney. The school district also works with County Counsel. President Díaz-Slocum also commented the district is doing what it can to provide access to the records Mr. Robell requested.


On another note, President Díaz-Slocum also reported receiving a letter from the San Mateo County Office of Education stating the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) has been approved.


Lastly, President Díaz-Slocum reported receiving an email from an employee who is not in agreement with some HR matters.


6.         Bond Program Consent Items

Will Robertson reported there was an error on item 6.2. under financial impact. Mr. Robertson clarified the statement that reads, “Total for Fiscal Year 2022-23,” is incorrect and should be removed. The amount listed applies to the attached list only. The amounts are a running total which is reported every month or so.


The Board approved the Bond Program Consent Items (Lawson, MacAvoy; 5-0), taking the following action:


6.1    Recommendation re:  Approval of Bond Program Consent Items

6.2    Recommendation re:  Approval of Measure T Bond Program Tracking List of Items Under $20k

6.3    Recommendation re:  Approval of Agreement between the Redwood City School District and Beals Martin, Inc. for the Installation of the Theater Projection Screen at McKinley Institute of Technology

6.4    Recommendation re:  Approval of Agreement between the Redwood City School District and Atlas/Pellizzari Electric, Inc. for Electrical Services on the Theater Projection Screen at McKinley Institute of Technology

6.5    Recommendation re:  Approval of Proposal for the Installation of Concrete Pads for Manual Transfer Switches with Atlas/Pellizzari Electric, Inc. in MUB Buildings at 8 School Sites

6.6    Recommendation re:  Approval of Proposal for Theater Curtain Replacement with Musson Theatrical at McKinley Institute of Technology

6.7    Recommendation re:  Approval of Proposal for Fencing with Dryco at Roosevelt School's Child Development Center

6.8    Recommendation re:  Approval of Proposal for Gate Buzzer and Intercom with Siemens Industry, Inc. at Clifford School and McKinley Institute of Technology

6.9    Recommendation re:  Approval of Proposal for 48 Port Switches and Supporting Equipment with CDW-G at Garfield Community School and Orion Alternative School

President Díaz-Slocum (Ayes)
Vice-President Márquez (Ayes)
Trustee Lawson (Ayes)
Trustee Wells (Ayes)
Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)


7.         Consent Items (Action Required)

Superintendent Baker commented on Consent Item 7.10 regarding the Board Agenda Schedule of Items. He clarified the items do not need to be listed. Only the dates and times of the Board meetings are required to be listed.


The School Board approved the Consent Items (MacAvoy, Wells; 5-0), taking the following action:


7.1     Recommendation re:  Approval of Consent Items

7.2     Recommendation re:  Approval of September 14th Board Minutes

7.3     Recommendation re:  Approval of September 21st Board Minutes

7.4    Recommendation re:  Approval of Amendment to the June 15th Board Minutes

7.5    Recommendation re:  Approval of Amendment to the August 10th Board Minutes

7.6    Recommendation re:  Approval of Amendment to the August 24th Board Minutes

7.7    Recommendation re:  Approval of Non-Public School (NPS)/Non-Public Agency (NPA) Master Contracts

7.8    Recommendation re:  Approval of Agreement between Redwood City School District and YMCA of Silicon Valley for the Fiscal Year 2022-2023

7.9    Recommendation re:  Ratification of Warrant Register, September 1, 2022 - September 30, 2022

7.10  Recommendation re:  Approval of Changes to the Board Agenda Schedule of Items

8.3    Recommendation re:  Approval of Local Interagency Agreement(s) to Provide Education and Training to Teacher Interns and Student Teachers

8.4    Recommendation re:  Approval of Personnel Changes for 2022-2023


President Díaz-Slocum (Ayes)
Vice-President Márquez (Ayes)
Trustee Lawson (Ayes)
Trustee Wells (Ayes)
Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)


8.      Action Items (Action Required)

8.1    Recommendation re:  Adoption of Resolution 15, Authorizing Electronic Meetings of the Board of Trustees During a State of Emergency Pursuant to Government Code Section 54953(e)


Superintendent Baker reported there will be changes in the Board Policy about board meetings. These changes will begin in January and will be similar to what they used to be before the pandemic. If Board Trustees cannot attend a meeting in person, they will need to put up the agenda on a door or window of wherever they will connect from.


The School Board adopted Resolution 15, authorizing electronic meetings of the Board of Trustees during a state of emergency pursuant to Government Code Section 54953(e) (MacAvoy, Márquez; 5-0).


Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)

Trustee Wells (Ayes)

Trustee Lawson (Ayes)

Vice-President Márquez (Ayes)

President Díaz-Slocum (Ayes)


8.2       Recommendation re:  Adoption of Resolution 16, Approval of Education Code Options for Teaching Assignments

The School Board adopted Resolution 16, approval of Education Code Options for Teaching Assignments (Márquez, Lawson; 5-0). The Education Code Options for Teaching Assignments were approved for the following teachers:


Irma Aguilar Figueroa: Science EC 44256(b) – (7th Gr.)

Mariana Hernandez: Math EC44256(b)


Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)

Trustee Wells (Ayes)

Trustee Lawson (Ayes)

Vice-President Márquez (Ayes)

President Díaz-Slocum (Ayes)


9.         Board and Superintendent Reports

9.1 Report from Board Members and Superintendent


Trustee MacAvoy reported taking a tour of Adelante Selby with Principal Warren, and also attended a Workforce Housing Meeting. Trustee MacAvoy also attended CSBA Board Meetings. They are finalizing a new strategic plan to enhance policy and training areas. She also reported there was a CSBA delegate Region 20 and Region 5 meeting. Trustee MacAvoy met with Rafael about the Redwood City Together Leadership Council. She mentioned Trustee Lawson and herself will be co-chairing the leadership part and Dr. Baker will be chairing the executive part. Trustee MacAvoy also attended a Board Policy meeting. She also met with a few parents who were part of the North Star Forward Committee because they had additional requests. Trustee MacAvoy attended a Safe Routes to School meeting. The schools and community are doing a great job of handing out the free bus passes for kids who need them.


Trustee Wells had nothing to report.


Trustee Lawson reported attending the Workforce Housing and Board Policy meetings.


Vice-President Márquez had nothing to report.


President Díaz-Slocum had nothing to report.


Superintendent Baker reported meeting with some parents and Michelle Remond regarding their concerns about the safety at Hoover School and its close proximity to Hoover Park. After meeting with the parents and hearing their concerns and requests for safety, Superintendent Baker also met with President Díaz-Slocum and SMC Supervisor Warren Slocum. Mr. Slocum will be connecting Dr. Baker and someone from the County to set-up additional cameras at Hoover. Additionally, Superintendent Baker reported attending the Redwood City Education Foundation. He praised CBO Rick Edson for the update he gave on the district’s budget.


10.       Information

10.1     Quarterly Williams Report, 1st Quarter, July 2022 through September 2022

No questions or comments.


10.2     Information on San Mateo County Investment Fund - August 2022

No questions or comments.


12.       Other Business/Suggested Items for Future Agenda

The School Board agreed to meet in person on October 19th at 6:30 p.m.


13.       Adjournment (Action Required)

President Díaz-Slocum adjourned the meeting in memory of Peter Fortenbaugh.


The Board adjourned the meeting at 7:38 p.m. (MacAvoy, Lawson; 5-0).