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November 16, 2022


Redwood City, California


November 16, 2022


1.         Call to Order

President Díaz-Slocum called the Closed Session to order at 6:00 p.m.


1.1       Roll Call

Present at the Closed Session meeting: President María Díaz-Slocum, Trustees Janet Lawson, Mike Wells, and Alisa MacAvoy; and Superintendent Baker. 


Others present during the Closed Session meeting: Deputy Superintendent Wendy Kelly, CBO Rick Edson, and RCTA Labor Negotiators.


Absent: Vice-President Cecilia I. Márquez


2.         Oral Communication on Closed Session Items Only



3.         Closed Session – 6:00 p.m.

The School Board went into Closed Session at 6:00 p.m.


3.1       Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release (§ 54957)


3.2       Conference with Labor Negotiators (§54957.6) Agency designated representative: Wendy Kelly Employee organization: RCTA


4.         Reconvene to Regular Session at Approximately 7:00 p.m.


4.1       Roll Call

Others Present during the Regular Board meeting: Assistant Superintendent Liz Wolfe, Will Robertson, Gonzalo Cordova, and many others.


4.2       Report Out on Closed Session from November 16, 2022

President Díaz-Slocum reported on Closed Session items 3.1 and 3.2. For item 3.1, the School Board received information and gave directions to the staff. For item 3.2, Conference with Labor Negotiators, the School Board received information, and no action was taken.


5.         Welcome


5.1       Welcome

President Díaz-Slocum welcomed those present.


6.         Changes to the Agenda

Trustee Wells requested to move action items 12.3 and 12.5 to Consent.


Trustee MacAvoy requested to move action item 12.4 to Consent.


During Oral Communication, the School Board agreed to move consent item 11.2 to Action for discussion.


7.         Approval of Agenda

The School Board approved the agenda as amended (Wells, MacAvoy; 4-0).


8.         Oral Communication


Speaker’s Card:


Marcelene Luna addressed the School Board to request additional support at Hoover School’s bus loading zones. She informed the School Board that cars continue to park at the bus loading zones, therefore, the buses park in the middle of the street to unload students. The students then need to walk on the street and between cars to get to the sidewalk. She requests more help with cross-guards. Marcelene also expressed her concern over the poor condition of the pedestrian bridge, the soccer field being trashed, and the gates being left unlocked.


President Díaz-Slocum thanked Marcelene for speaking to the board and making them aware of those concerns.


Trustee MacAvoy asked Marcelene to follow up with her via email so she can bring up those concerns with some of the City Council members.


President Díaz-Slocum commented the School Board meets periodically with City Council representatives and they will continue to bring these issues up at the meetings.


9.         Bond Program Consent Items

The School Board approved the Bond Program Consent Items (Lawson, Wells; 4-0) taking the following action:


9.1       Recommendation re:  Approval of Consent Items

9.2       Recommendation re:  Approval of Measure T Bond Program Tracking List of Items Under $20k

9.3       Recommendation re:  Approval of Proposal for Panic Gates and Bike Rack Fence with Dryco for Kennedy Middle School

9.4       Recommendation re:  Approval of Safety Compliance Officer Services Agreement Amendment #5 with The Safety Guys for Active Construction Sites

9.5       Recommendation re:  Approval of Budget Movements from Board Reserve to McKinley School, Roosevelt School, and Tech IT Projects


Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)

Trustee Wells (Ayes)

Trustee Lawson (Ayes)

Vice-President Márquez (Absent)

President Díaz-Slocum (Ayes)


10.       Discussion Items


10.1     First Reading and Discussion of Board Policy 4030 - Nondiscrimination in Employment

Deputy Superintendent Wendy Kelly presented the first reading of a series of Board Policies for Board review. A few of the Board Policies in question focused on a recent US Supreme Court decision regarding an employee’s rights to free speech.


No questions or comments from the School Board.


10.2     First Reading and Discussion of Board Policy 4118 - Dismissal/Suspension/ Disciplinary Action

Deputy Superintendent Kelly commented this policy also references the free speech rights of the district employees and how that pertains to the current disciplinary process.


No questions or comments from the School Board.


10.3     First Reading and Discussion of Board Policy 4119.1/4219.1/4319.2 – Civil and Legal Rights

Deputy Superintendent Kelly informed the School Board this policy also references the rights to free speech and the protection of an employee who might be advocating for a student’s ability to free speech as well.


No questions or comments from the School Board.


10.4     First Reading and Discussion of Board Policy 4216 - Probationary/Permanent Status

Deputy Superintendent Kelly informed the School Board this policy is new. This policy was recently updated by CSBA to reflect new law AB 486 which requires full-time district police officers, and public safety dispatchers as specified, to serve in a probationary status. The Redwood City School District does not currently employ police officer(s), but the policy committee decided it was wise to leave it in, in the case it is decided that support is needed in that arena.


Trustee Wells wondered if something was changing, and he thanked Wendy Kelly for answering his question in advance. As previously mentioned by Wendy Kelly, the policy is being added, but no changes are currently happening in that aspect.


10.5     First Reading and Discussion of Board Policy 4218 - Dismissal/Suspension/ Disciplinary Action

Deputy Superintendent Kelly informed the School Board the policy also references the case regarding free speech. The policy addresses classified employees and their ability to support students’ free speech within the current disciplinary guidelines.


Trustee Wells commented that regarding this policy and the one referencing the certificated staff, he understands the district is adhering to and expanding personal rights. He acknowledged it applies as long as there is no coercion.


10.6     First Reading and Discussion of Board Bylaw 9100 – Organization

The Board Policy committee would like the School Board to discuss the Board Policy.


Trustee MacAvoy explained the Redwood City School District does not elect officers. Instead, they do a Board Rotation. Trustee MacAvoy requested the Board Bylaw be updated because the way it is currently written, the practice is confusing and difficult to understand. Trustee MacAvoy shared her suggested Board Bylaw description in attempt to make it clearer but requests that the other Trustees also share any possible suggestions.


Trustee Wells asked for clarification to understand what position the Board President moves to if there are multiple elected members.


Trustee MacAvoy responded that is the wording on the bylaw that needs to be made clearer.


President Díaz-Slocum suggested the use of a graphic to make it less confusing. She also inquired about what the process would look like if there was no election, what positions would the Trustee Elects fall into, and how would it be decided.


Trustee MacAvoy agreed that there needs to be a revision on the bylaw regarding how it is decided which positions the trustee elects will be placed in the case that 2 or more new trustees are joining the School Board. This is something that should be discussed in case there is a lot of changeover.


11.       Consent Items

The School Board approved the Consent Items (MacAvoy, Wells; 4-0), taking the following action:


11.1     Recommendation re:  Approval of Consent Items

11.3     Recommendation re:  Approval of Governing Board's initial proposal for negotiations with the Redwood City Teachers Association for the 2022-23 school year, 2023-24 school year, and the successor contract term July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2026

11.4     Recommendation re:  Denial of Claim

11.5     Recommendation re:  Approval of Unscheduled Classified Management Salary Schedules

11.6     Recommendation re:  Approval of the First Amendment to the Agreement between Redwood City School District and Maxim Healthcare Staffing, Inc.

12.3     Recommendation re:  Approval of Addendum to 2022-23 Measure U Application for Taft Community School

12.4     Recommendation re:  Denial of Classified General Leave Request(s)

12.5     Recommendation re:  Approval of Personnel Changes for 2022-2023


Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)

Trustee Wells (Ayes)

Trustee Lawson (Ayes)

Vice-President Márquez (Absent)

President Díaz-Slocum (Ayes)


12.       Action Items


11.2     Acceptance of Redwood City Teachers Association's Sunshine Proposal

Brian Cagle, PE Teacher at North Star Academy and RCTA Negotiations Chair, and Erinn Washburn, District Music Teacher and RCTA President, addressed the School Board to present the RCTA Sunshine Proposal.


The School Board approved the acceptance of Redwood City Teachers Association’s Sunshine Proposal (MacAvoy, Wells; 4-0)


Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)

Trustee Wells (Ayes)

Trustee Lawson (Ayes)

Vice-President Márquez (Absent)

President Díaz-Slocum (Ayes)


12.1     Adoption of Resolution 18, Authorizing Electronic Meetings of the Board of Trustees During a State of Emergency Pursuant to Government Code Section 54953(e)

The School Board adopted Resolution 18, authorizing electronic meetings of the Board of Trustee during a state of emergency pursuant to Government Code Section 54953(e) (Lawson, MacAvoy; 4-0).


Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)

Trustee Wells (Ayes)

Trustee Lawson (Ayes)

Vice-President Márquez (Absent)

President Díaz-Slocum (Ayes)


12.2     Approval of School Plans for Student Achievement (SPSAs)

President Díaz-Slocum thanked the principals and everyone that met to complete the SPSAs.


Superintendent Baker informed the School Board that Assistant Superintendent Liz Wolfe would be giving a presentation to review why these SPSAs are in place.


Assistant Superintendent Liz Wolfe presented to the School Board the connection of the SPSAs with the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) and Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and an overview of the purpose of the SPSAs.


Trustee MacAvoy asked for clarification on who inputs the data.


In response to Trustee MacAvoy’s question, Assistant Superintendent Liz Wolfe answered the charts are sent to Document Tracking Services, and they input the data into the charts.


Superintendent Baker commented the iReady assessment will be given to students again starting the week after Thanksgiving, and the results will be shared with the School Board to compare where we are currently and where we will be in December.


Assistant Superintendent Liz Wolfe added comparison data will be provided.


Superintendent Baker added the data/actions will be looked at by site administrators to figure out what is working, what isn’t working, and what changes need to be made. The site administrators will then present the information starting in January.


Trustee MacAvoy commented her understanding is that in lieu of the bigger presentations from the past, this year's focus will be on the SPSAs.


Trustee Wells thanked the principals, Ed Services, teachers, staff, parents, and community members who are on the School Site Councils and ELs Advisory Committee who make it possible to put the information together. He acknowledged test scores are not where the district would like them to be and is aware that the pandemic affected test scores nationwide. Prior to the pandemic test scores were increasing, and it is nice to see plans in place to improve student academic success. Trustee Wells added he would like to hear more from the sites about the partnerships. Additionally, Trustee Wells believes it would be good to look at what could be done differently to go back to making growth. Lastly, he mentioned he appreciates the adoption of MTSS.


Trustee Lawson thanked the principals, Liz and all the staff that worked on the SPSAs. She mentioned the absentee rate is very alarming. When students are not in class, they are not learning. Additionally, the test scores are low, and she hopes to see growth. Something for Principals to think about is the schools and the partnerships. She wonders if there are any partnerships that are not necessarily effective, and the money used on those partnerships can be best put elsewhere. Lastly, Trustee Lawson commented she is looking forward to having school reports again.


Trustee MacAvoy thanked Liz, her team, and everyone who worked on the SPSAs. She commented how it took her a couple days to read and digest the information, so she can only imagine the work and effort it took to write them. She really hopes this will be useful in checking to see what is working and what improvements can be made. She mentioned the chronic absentee rates really stood out. She also wonders if there is something more the Board or the Superintendent can be doing to call attention to this important issue. Also, she noticed the comparison of unduplicated students receiving free/reduced lunch was missing, and would like to see that included in future conversations. She noted how important Measure U dollars are when looking at the budget, and she thanked the community for voting in that parcel tax. She also thanked PTO, PTA, and RCF funds. Additionally, she shared she was pleased to see suspension rates have minimized and that restorative justice systems were in place at some schools.


President Díaz-Slocum shared that this report was the easiest to read compared to previous years. She appreciated the included summary. She shared that one of the things she looks at is to see what is working well at one site that can be shared at another. She also mentioned it would be good to know what the district is funding and if that can be explained further to the parents. Furthermore, she acknowledges that the presentation of the reports will change, but she requests that everyone remembers to keep in the joy of learning. She mentioned it would be nice for the students to be able to attend the board meetings and showcase their work whether it be in the form of reading a poem or playing music like before. This gives the School Board a sense of the students and what they are learning. She thanked everyone for all the work that was put into the SPSAs.


Superintendent Baker commented he is looking forward to the presentations. He is also looking forward to the next set of iReady results to see if there has been any growth. He mentioned how principals and their staff would be present during the presentation. He hopes parents also join because they can provide a lot of information.


Trustee MacAvoy added that based on the information given, English Learners (ELs) and Newcomers have a difficult time with the iReady and CAASPP because they are learning the language. She did notice there are interventions and services in place in the SPSAs. She reminded everyone how important it is to reclassify those students sooner for them to be more successful.


Trustee Wells agreed with Trustee MacAvoy’s point. He shared he is happy that it is goal #2 in the LCAP to continue to push for EL students to make progress.


Superintendent Baker added the district continues to be part of the Stanford group that focuses its work with ELs and long-term ELs. He suggested the idea of bringing in Amy Gerstein and her group from the Gardner Center to share their research on Redwood City with the School Board.


Trustee MacAvoy commented how distance learning was challenging for all students, but especially difficult for the ELs.


The School Board approved the School Plans for Student Achievement (SPSAs) (MacAvoy, Lawson; 4-0).


Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)

Trustee Wells (Ayes)

Trustee Lawson (Ayes)

Vice-President Márquez (Absent)

President Díaz-Slocum (Ayes)


13.       Board and Superintendent Reports


13.1     Report from Board Members and Superintendent

Trustee MacAvoy reported attending a panel organized by Jessica Shade and her committee that discussed the benefits and challenges of becoming self-operating. She also reported attending her last CSBA Finance meeting as chair. Lastly, she reported she will be giving a workshop at CSBA in regard to climate action plans.


Trustee Wells reported attending the Benefits and Challenges of going Self-Op Panel.


Trustee Lawson reported attending a Workforce Housing Committee meeting with Trustee MacAvoy and Superintendent Baker.


President Díaz-Slocum reported corresponding with two city council members regarding the Hoover safety issue. She has also been talking to parents and students.


Superintendent Baker reported visiting Taft and spending time with a few students and Principal Anna Herrera. Dr. Baker visited a classroom where Stefanie Rome from NUA was working with a third-grade teacher. Additionally, Superintendent Baker reported meeting with the San Mateo County Office of Education along with San Mateo County Health regarding a grant. The grant is focused on mental health. He thanked Ana Paula for her assistance in gathering the needed information.


14.       Information


14.1     Information on Changes to Administrative Regulation 4161.5, 4261.5, 4361.5 - Military Leave

Deputy Superintendent Wendy Kelly reported this was a new administrative regulation, and it is good information to have.


Trustee MacAvoy added the Policy Committee often looks at administrative regulations, and this one seemed important enough to make it public.


No questions or comments.


14.2     Information on San Mateo County Investment Fund - September 2022

No questions or comments.


15.       Correspondence

President Díaz-Slocum reported receiving an email from a community member requesting documents. She received correspondence from Theater Works that has matinees for students for $10 a ticket. Additionally, she received correspondence from the Red Cross regarding the Pillowcase Project and Prepare with Pedro. Both are preparedness education programs that teach students how to be prepared in an emergency.


16.       Other Business/Suggested Items for Future Agenda

Superintendent Baker requested a Closed session for December 15th at 9:30 am regarding workforce housing at the district office.


17.       Board Meetings Calendar

            17.1     Changes to the Board Meetings calendar

Added Closed Session on December 15th at 9:30 am.


14.       Adjournment

The School Board adjourned the meeting at 8:14 p.m. (Wells, MacAvoy; 4-0).