May 24, 2023 - Regular Session
Redwood City, California
May 24, 2023
1. Call to Order
President Márquez called the Closed Session to order at 6:30 pm.
1.1 Roll Call
Present at the Closed Board meeting: President Cecilia Márquez, Vice-President Janet Lawson; Trustee Mike Wells; and Superintendent Baker
Others present during the Closed Board meeting: CBO Rick Edson, and district attorneys Janet Mueller and Will Tunick.
Absent at the Closed Board Meeting: Trustee Alisa MacAvoy
2. Oral Communication on Closed Session Items Only
3. Closed Session - 6:30 PM
3.1 Conference with Legal Counsel – Anticipated Litigation
Trustee Weekly officially arrived to the meeting.
4. Reconvene to Regular Session at Approximately 7:00 PM
The School Board reconvened for the Regular Session at 7:00 pm.
4.1 Roll Call
Present during the Regular session: President Cecilia Márquez, Vice-President Janet Lawson; Trustees Mike Wells and David Weekly; and Superintendent Baker.
Others present during the Regular Board Meeting: Assistant Superintendent Liz Wolfe, Deputy Superintendent Wendy Kelly, Gonzalo Cordova, Michelle Griffith, Michelle Remond, Itzel Gloria, Afelda Aguilera, Elsa Aispuro, Elizabeth Calderon, Cynthia Cardona, Ixchel Baltazar, Jose Luna, Enrique Calderon, and many others.
4.2 Report Out on Closed Session from May 24, 2023
The School Board received information from the district attorneys and will move forward with the recommendations.
5. Welcome
President Márquez welcomed those present.
6. Changes to the Agenda
Trustee Weekly and Trustee Wells recommended that Agenda item 14.1 Recognitions be moved to before oral communication.
7. Approval of the Agenda
The School Board approved the agenda as amended (Wells, Weekly; 4-0).
Trustee Weekly (Ayes)
Trustee MacAvoy (Absent)
Trustee Wells (Ayes)
Vice-President Lawson (Ayes)
President Márquez (Ayes)
14.1 Recognition of RCSD Employees
Deputy Superintendent Wendy Kelly, along with the School Board Trustees and the Superintendent, expressed their sincere gratitude towards all the employees of RCSD, including those in the Classified, Certificated, and Management positions. The dedication and efforts of these employees were acknowledged, and they were commended for their unwavering commitment and hard work.
8. Oral Communication
9. Bond Program Consent Items
The School Board approved the Bond Program Consent Items (Lawson, Weekly; 4-0), taking the following action:
9.1 Recommendation re: Approval of Bond Program Consent Items
9.2 Recommendation re: Approval of Proposal for In-Wall Tables and Benches with Nelson Adams NACO, Inc. for Henry Ford School
9.3 Recommendation re: Approval of Proposal for Cabinets and Sink Replacement with Beals Martin for Kennedy Middle School
9.4 Recommendation re: Approval of Proposal for STEAM Rover Tables with Campbell Keller for Kennedy Middle School
Trustee Weekly (Ayes)
Trustee MacAvoy (Absent)
Trustee Wells (Ayes)
Vice-President Lawson (Ayes)
President Márquez (Ayes)
10. Bond Program Action Items
11. School/Community Reports
11.1 Community Schools and Expanded Learning Program Board Report
Michelle Griffith, the Director of Community Schools and Partnerships, and Enrique Calderon, the Expanded Learning Operations Manager, along with Community School Coordinators and other participants, gave a presentation on the Community School and Expanded Learning programs in the Redwood City School District. They discussed the programs' achievements, provided resources, and highlighted the expanded opportunities available throughout the district.
The School Board and Superintendent Baker expressed their appreciation for the work of the Community Schools and Expanded Learning Program Department.
12. Consent Items
The School Board approved the Consent Items (Wells, Weekly; 4-0), taking the following action:
12.1 Recommendation re: Approval of Consent Items
12.2 Recommendation re: Approval of April 26, 2023 Board Minutes
12.3 Recommendation re: Approval of May 10, 2023 Board Minutes
12.4 Recommendation re: Approval of Agreement between Redwood City School
District and St. Francis Center for Siena Youth Center for Summer of 2023
12.5 Recommendation re: Approval of Agreement between Redwood City School
District and Peninsula Covenant Church for the 2023 RCSD Summer Session
12.6 Recommendation re: Approval of Agreement between Redwood City School
District and Olimpico Learning for the 2023 RCSD Summer Session
12.7 Recommendation re: Second Reading and Approval of Board Policy 3250 –
Transportation Fees
12.8 Recommendation re: Second Reading and Approval of Board Policy 3540 –
12.9 Recommendation re: Second Reading and Approval of Board Policy 3555 –
Nutrition Program Compliance
12.10 Recommendation re: Second Reading and Approval of Board Policy 4030 –
Nondiscrimination in Employment
12.11 Recommendation re: Second Reading and Approval of Board Policy 5142 –
12.12 Recommendation re: Second Reading and Approval of Board Policy 5142.2 –
Safe Routes to School Program
12.13 Recommendation re: Second Reading and Approval of Board Bylaw 9320 –
Meetings and Notices
12.14 Recommendation re: Approval of Facilities Use Agreement between Redwood
City School District and Rocketship Redwood City Prep Charter School
12.15 Recommendation re: Approval of Facilities Use Agreement between Redwood
City School District and Connect Community Charter School
12.16 Recommendation re: Accept the Measure T Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee
FY 2020-21 Annual Report
12.17 Recommendation re: Approval of Addendum to 2022-23 Measure U Application
for Hoover Community School
12.18 Recommendation re: Approval of RCAA Compensation Proposal
Trustee Weekly (Ayes)
Trustee MacAvoy (Absent)
Trustee Wells (Ayes)
Vice-President Lawson (Ayes)
President Márquez (Ayes)
13. Action Items
13.1 Recommendation re: Approval of CBEST Waiver for Substitute Teachers for 2023-2024
No questions.
The School Board approved the CBEST Waiver for Substitute Teachers for 2023-2024 (Wells, Lawson; 4-0).
Trustee Weekly (Ayes)
Trustee MacAvoy (Absent)
Trustee Wells (Ayes)
Vice-President Lawson (Ayes)
President Márquez (Ayes)
13.2 Recommendation re: Approval of Prop 28 Expenditure Plan for 2023-24 school year
The School Board Trustees expressed their excitement about the Prop 28 funding.
The School Board approved the Prop 28 Expenditure Plan for 2023-24 school year (Wells, Weekly; 4-0).
Trustee Weekly (Ayes)
Trustee MacAvoy (Absent)
Trustee Wells (Ayes)
Vice-President Lawson (Ayes)
President Márquez (Ayes)
13.3 Recommendation re: Approval of Local Interagency Agreement(s) to Provide Education and Training to Credential Candidates
The School Board Trustees asked questions concerning the local interagency agreements, to which Deputy Superintendent Wendy Kelly provided responses.
The School Board approved the Local Interagency Agreement(s) to Provide Education and Training to Credential Candidates (Weekly, Lawson; 4-0).
Trustee Weekly (Ayes)
Trustee MacAvoy (Absent)
Trustee Wells (Ayes)
Vice-President Lawson (Ayes)
President Márquez (Ayes)
14. Information
Moved to after Approval of Agenda.
15. Board and Superintendent Reports
15.1 Report from Board Members and Superintendent
Trustee Weekly reported attending the LCAP Committee meeting. Additionally, he met with the IReady team to talk about data. Moreover, he spoke with a parent who is trying to enroll their child in the Mandarin Immersion program.
Trustee Wells reported attending the LCAP and IReady meetings. He also attended a school recognition event at the County Office of Education, the Measure U Citizens Committee meeting, and the teacher induction colloquium at Henry Ford.
Vice-President Lawson reported that she attended a Citizen's Bond Oversight Committee meeting with CBO Rick Edson and Superintendent Baker. In addition, she briefly attended the Future Chef competition held at Henry Ford and later transitioned to the induction colloquium. Furthermore, she joined President Márquez and Superintendent Baker in attending the Kent Awards. Moreover, she participated in the NSA Social Studies Festival.
President Márquez reported attending the Superintendent Advisory Committee meeting, the Redwood City Together meeting, the Kent Awards, and the induction colloquium.
Superintendent Baker reported attending many of the meetings mentioned by the Board Trustees. In addition, Superintendent Baker had a meeting with a Hoover parent and Michelle Remond to discuss strategies for improving parent engagement. Furthermore, Superintendent Baker mentioned plans to visit a few Kindergarten classrooms.
16. Correspondence
Trustee Weekly received correspondence from Erinn Washburn regarding his RCSD AI chatbot.
President Márquez received correspondence from Familias Unidas and Healthy City Tutoring, who requested her signature on certificates.
17. Other Business/Suggested Items for Future Agenda
Superintendent Baker confirmed the date for the offsite Board Retreat for June 23rd, 2023.
18. Board Meetings Calendar
18.1 Changes to the Board Meetings Calendar
19. Adjournment
The School Board adjourned the meeting at 8:37 p.m. (Weekly, Lawson; 4-0).