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June 21, 2023 - Regular Session


Redwood City, California


June 21, 2023


1.         Call to Order

President Márquez called the Regular Session to order at 7:00 p.m.


1.1       Roll Call

Present at the Regular Board meeting: President Cecilia Márquez, Vice-President Janet Lawson; Trustees Mike Wells, Alisa MacAvoy, and David Weekly; and Superintendent Baker


Others present during the Regular Board meeting: Assistant Superintendent Liz Wolfe, Deputy Superintendent Wendy Kelly, CBO Rick Edson, Gonzalo Cordova, Itzel Gloria, Jenny Tran, Will Robertson, and others.


2.         Welcome

President Márquez welcomed those present.


3.      Changes to the Agenda



4.      Approval of the Agenda

The School Board approved the agenda as submitted (Wells, MacAvoy; 5-0).


Trustee Weekly (Ayes)

Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)

Trustee Wells (Ayes)

Vice-President Lawson (Ayes)

President Márquez (Ayes)


5.         Oral Communication



6.         Bond Program Consent Items

The School Board approved the Bond Program Consent Items (Wells, Weekly; 5-0), taking the following action:


6.1       Recommendation re: Approval of Bond Program Consent Items

6.2       Recommendation re: Approval of Proposals for Upper Campus TK/K and Lower Campus Play Structures with Park Planet for Roosevelt School


Trustee Weekly (Ayes)

Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)

Trustee Wells (Ayes)

Vice-President Lawson (Ayes)

President Márquez (Ayes)


7.         Bond Program Action Items



8.         Discussion Items


8.1       Year End Assessment Results Discussion

Jenny Tran, Coordinator of Data and Assessment, provided the School Board with a presentation covering year-end local assessment information, which included iReady Reading and Math data. The student assessment data demonstrated a comparison between the fall and spring results. The presentation also included iReady growth from three years. Furthermore, Jenny reported on CAASPP performance data from two years, categorized by student subgroups, and data from the Panorama Climate Survey, also categorized by groups.


The School Board and Superintendent Baker expressed their utmost gratitude for the data presented. They were all in agreement that scores are low due to the pandemic, but are glad to see the Fall to Spring growth. Trustee MacAvoy encourages the principals, teachers, and staff to look into the Panorama Climate survey results to get more information on how to improve those results. President Márquez requested to see data categorized by newcomers vs. English Learners.


9.         Consent Items

The School Board approved the Consent Items (MacAvoy, Lawson; 5-0), taking the following action:


9.1       Recommendation re:  Approval of Consent Items

9.2       Recommendation re:  Approval of May 24, 2023 Board Minutes – attachment

9.3       Recommendation re:  Approval of June 14, 2023 Board Minutes – attachment

9.4       Recommendation re:  Approval of the Board Meeting Dates Calendar for the 2023-24 School Year – attachment

9.5       Recommendation re:  Approval of the MOU between San Mateo County Office of Education and Redwood City School District for SEL Curriculum Changing Perspectives for the 2023-2024 School Year – attachment

9.6       Recommendation re:  Approval of the Agreement between Peninsula Community Center and the Redwood City School District for the 2023-24 School Year – attachment


Trustee Weekly (Ayes)

Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)

Trustee Wells (Ayes)

Vice-President Lawson (Ayes)

President Márquez (Ayes)


10.       Public Hearing


10.1     Public Hearing and Discussion of the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) for 2023-24

Assistant Superintendent Liz Wolfe gave the School Board and Superintendent Baker a presentation of the Public Hearing and Discussion of the LCAP. The purpose is to get any additional recommendations or comments from the public before approval. Assistant Superintendent Liz Wolfe shared an overview of the LCAP and the budget overview for parents. There have been no changes made to the goals, but some of the metrics were updated.


The School Board of Trustees and Superintendent Baker thanked Assistant Superintendent Liz Wolfe for all of her work. The trustees commented on their thoughts and opinions on the LCAP.


Trustee Wells expressed excitement over the various student performances that occurred because of the electives, among other comments.


Trustee MacAvoy acknowledged that the LCAP was very well-written and really highlights the district’s priorities. Trustee MacAvoy also expressed excitement over the Seal of Biliteracy at Kennedy Middle School.


Trustee Weekly requested that for future LCAP reports, he would like to see the denominator of how many students total were classified as ELs after five years of being enrolled in the district.


President Márquez echoed the previous comments. Furthermore, she inquired regarding the tutoring program and whether its curriculum aligns with the district’s curriculum. She also asked about how much parent communication is there for parents to be able to better help their children. Assistant Superintendent Liz Wolfe addressed President Márquez’s questions.


President Márquez called for public comment. There were no comments or questions from the audience. President Márquez closed the public hearing.


10.2     Public Hearing for the RCSD 2023-24 Proposed Budget

Chief Business Official Rick Edson provided the School Board and Superintendent Baker with a presentation regarding the proposed preliminary budget for the 2023-24 fiscal year. CBO Edson commented that certain funds that were available to the district in the last few years are soon expiring presenting a few challenges for the following year’s budget proposal. He noted a lot of information will be updated as the business department closes the books for the 2022-23 fiscal year.


The School Board Trustees and Superintendent Baker thanked CBO Rick Edson and his department for all of their hard work in keeping the district fiscally solvent.


Trustee Wells asked for clarification regarding the timeline of the fiscal stabilization plan.


President Márquez called for public comments. There were no comments or questions from the audience. President Márquez closed the public hearing for the RCSD 2023-24 proposed budget.


10.3     2023-24 Statement of Reasons for Reserves in Excess of the Minimum State-Recommended Level

Rick Edson, Chief Business Official, explained that Education Code 42127(a)(2)(B) requires a statement of reasons that substantiates the need for assigned and unassigned ending fund balances in excess of the minimum reserve standard for economic uncertainties for the fiscal year identified in the budget.


There were no questions or comments from the trustees.


President Márquez called for public comments. There were no comments or questions from the audience. President Márquez closed the public hearing for the 2023-24 Statement of Reasons for Reserves in Excess of the Minimum State-Recommended Level.


11.       Action Items



12.       Board and Superintendent Reports


12.1     Report from Board Members and Superintendent

Trustee Wells did not have a report.


Vice-President Lawson visited the professional development (PD) day training and she encouraged other trustees to visit PD in August.


Trustee MacAvoy reported attending the Redwood City Together meeting. She commended Redwood City Together for their amazing work in bringing additional resources to the community.


Trustee Weekly did not have a report.


President Márquez reported attending the Redwood City Together meeting. She requested that Rafael Avendano present to the School Board. President Márquez also attended the Familias Unidas graduation via Zoom.


Superintendent Baker reported attending the Redwood City Together meeting.


13.       Information


13.1     Information on San Mateo County Investment Fund - April 2023

No questions or comments.


14.       Correspondence

Trustee Weekly reported the School Board received an email from a parent who would like their child enrolled at North Star. Superintendent Baker commented that Principal Sara Shackel responded to the email.


15.       Other Business/Suggested Items for Future Agenda

Trustee MacAvoy requested to add the Redwood City Together presentation in a Fall 2023 Board Meeting.


Trustee Weekly requested to have a discussion regarding bulk enrollment for parent volunteers.


16.       Board Meetings Calendar


16.1     Changes to the Board Meetings Calendar

The Closed Session on June 28th will start at 6:15, not at 6:00 pm as previously noted on the June 21st Board Meeting Agenda.


17.       Adjournment

The School Board adjourned the meeting at 9:15 p.m. (Weekly, Wells; 5-0).