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June 15, 2022


Redwood City, California


June 15, 2022


1.    Call to Order  

Vice-President Márquez called the Closed Session to order at 5:03 p.m. 

Present at the Closed Session Meeting: President María Díaz-Slocum, Vice-President Cecilia I. Márquez; Trustees Janet Lawson, Mike Wells, and Alisa MacAvoy; and Superintendent Baker.  

Others present: Peter Ingram, Consultant, and Clarissa Canady, Legal Counsel

2.    Oral Communication on Closed Session Items Only


3.    Closed Session – 5:00 p.m.

3.1    Conference with Real Property Negotiators (Gov. Code, § 54956.8) 
Property: 750 Bradford St, Redwood City, CA 94063 
Agency Negotiators: John Baker, Superintendent, Peter Ingram, Consultant and Clarissa Canady, Legal Counsel 
Negotiating parties: Redwood City School District and The Sobrato Organization Under Negotiation: Price and Terms of Payment of Property Exchange Agreement

4.    Reconvene to Regular Session at Approximately 6:00 p.m.

Regular session started at 6:07p.m. 

4.1     Roll Call
4.2     Report out on Closed Session from June 15, 2022

Vice-President Márquez reported that the School Board received information from consultants and no decisions were made.

5.    Welcome

5.1    Welcome

Vice-President Márquez welcomed those present. 

Others Present During the Regular Board meeting: Wendy Kelly, Liz Wolfe, Priscilla Aquino-Dichoso, Don Dias, Joy Kummer, Meredith Johnson, Blake Boehm, Will Robertson, and 140 other attendees

6.    Changes to the Agenda

Trustee MacAvoy requested items 13.1-13.6 be moved to Consent Items 12.1. Trustee MacAvoy also requested Bond Program Consent Items 10.1-10.5 and Consent Items 12.1-12.7 be moved to after Approval of Agenda Item 7.1.

Trustee Lawson requested the move of Bond Program Action Items 11.1 to after the Approval of Agenda Item 7.1.

7.    Approval of the Agenda

The board approved the agenda as amended, (Lawson/MacAvoy, 5-0).
10.    Bond Program Consent Items

The Board approved the Bond Program Consent Items (MacAvoy, Wells; 5-0), taking the following action:

10.1  Recommendation re:  Approval of Bond Program Consent Items
10.2  Recommendation re:  Approval of Concrete Masonry Unit (CMU) Wall Adjustment Proposal for Orion Alternative School (Formerly John Gill) with Boeger 
10.3  Recommendation re:  Approval of Measure T Bond Program Tracking List of Items Under $20k
10.4  Recommendation re:  Approval of New Buildings, Modernization and Sitework Project Bid, Package A, Change Order #7 for Garfield Community School with Duran and Venables, and Adoption of Futility Resolution 37 
10.5  Recommendation re:  Approval of New Buildings, Modernization and Sitework Project Bid, Package J, Change Order #4 for Taft Community School with PARC Environmental

11.    Bond Program Action Items (Action Required)

11.1  Recommendation re:  Adoption of Resolution 39, Resolution of Intent to Convey a Public Utility Easement to PG&E and Calling a Public Hearing in Connection Therewith 

The School Board adopted Resolution 39, Resolution of Intent to Convey a Public Utility Easement to PG&E and Calling a Public Hearing in Connection Therewith (MacAvoy, Lawson; 5-0)

President Díaz-Slocum (Ayes) 
Vice-President Márquez (Ayes) 
Trustee Lawson (Ayes) 
Trustee Wells (Ayes) 
Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes) 

12.    Consent Items (Action Required) 

The board approved the Consent Items (Lawson, Wells; 5-0), taking the following action: 

12.1  Recommendation re:  Approval of Consent Items
12.2  Recommendation re:  Ratification of Warrant Register, May 1, 2022-May 31, 2022
12.3  Recommendation re:  Approval of Agreement between Redwood City School District and Dannis, Woliver & Kelley for Fiscal Years 2022-23 and 2023-24
12.4  Recommendation re:  Approval of Agreement to Provide Meal Services to Connect Community Charter School and KIPP Excelencia Community Prep Charter School for Fiscal Year 2022-23 
12.5  Recommendation re:  Approval of Agreement between Redwood City School District and Maria Lucila Echeverria-Bustios for CDC Child, Family and Community Liaison Services for Fiscal Year 2022-23 
12.6  Recommendation re:  Approval of Agreement between Redwood City School District and Danielle Webb for CDC Education Specialist Services for Fiscal Year 2022-23 
12.7  Recommendation re:  Approval of Agreement between Redwood City School District and Effective School Solutions, LLC (ESS) Program for Mental Health Services for the 2022-23 School Year 
13.1  Recommendation re:  Second Reading and Approval of Board Policy 1230 - School-Connected Organizations 
13.2  Recommendation re:  Second Reading and Approval of Board Policy 4136/4236/4336 - Non-School Employment
13.3  Recommendation re:  Second Reading and Approval of Board Policy 4141.6/4241.6 - Concerted Action/Work Stoppage
13.4  Recommendation re:  Second Reading and Approval of Board Policy 6173 - Education for Homeless Children
13.5  Recommendation re:  Second Reading and Approval of Board Bylaw 9322 - Agenda/Meeting Materials
13.6  Recommendation re:  Approval of Personnel Report

8.    Oral Communication 


9.    School/Community Reports

9.1    Presentation and Discussion on the General Obligation (GO) Bond Next Steps

Ms. Kummer, Mr. Boehm, Ms. Johnson, and Don Dias provided a presentation to the School Board regarding the GO Bond. Details were shared about the projects that have been completed as well as projects still needed at school sites.

An overview of the polling was shared. Polling results show voters have a favorable rating of the School District. Overall support for all potential projects is high.

Mr. Boehm shared an overview of the financing details for the Bond’s next steps.

Ms. Johnson overviewed the process to pursue placing a general obligation bond measure on the November Ballot. Consideration and approval of a resolution is needed. The Resolution consists of four parts which include the Standard Text and 3 Appendices to the Resolution: (1) The questions voters are voting upon, (2) Full text of the ballot, and (3) Tax Rate Statement. 

The 75-word ballot statement is used to ask voters if they want to approve Redwood City School District issuing general obligation bonds. It is crafted as a question followed by a list of projects. The statement also includes the total amount of tax that the county will collect each year on an annual basis, the length of the tax levy, and the rate of tax. The tax rate is typically expressed cents per hundred dollars of assessed value or dollars per hundred thousand of assessed value. There is a tax rate maximum. Mr. Boehm suggests the use of $24 for $100K.

In the Full Text Ballot, the district recites the accountability provisions that are included in Prop 39 and details the Bond Project List. The project list is important for voters to read and decide how to vote.

The Tax Rate Statement is a transparency measure so that voters have an understanding of the financial impact of approving the bond measure.

Full package of documents needs to be turned in 88 days prior to the election. The Board has up to August 11th to approve the Resolution. It is useful to check-in with the County Elections Office to notify them that the GO Bond will be placed in the Ballot.

Trustee MacAvoy asked if in June 29th, the School Board will see the draft project list as it would look like in the bond language. 

Ms. Kummer responded, yes, the list will be provided with the intention to see what the potential final version would be for the School Board and Community to make comments.

President Díaz-Slocum commented she would like the list to include what safety measures projects will be done to improve the safety of the schools, as well as, consider climate change mitigation.

Trustee Wells asked how would the results be affected if the high school district also went for a GO bond? That factor was not included in the survey.

Ms. Kummer responded, neither district tested whether the other district was going out in their surveys. Based on previous experiences with other districts, people tend to support education together or sometimes it’s just not the right time.

Vice-President Márquez referenced page 20 of the presentation, regarding the voter’s expectations to inquire if that is how we received the voter’s expectations, through the survey. 

Ms. Johnson responded, yes, both surveys are an opportunity to find voter’s priorities and what the community wants to support.

The School Board decided on allowing 90 seconds per speaker. (MacAvoy, Wells; 5-0)

Caterina Schweidenback- Could not talk.

Le Jian- No response.

Jessica Shade- Voiced her support for a new school bond. Measure T was a life line for aging classrooms and infrastructure. The bond can act as a tool for equity for all schools to have the same learning standards. Jessica requested a Central Kitchen be included in the bill for students to have access to healthy, high-quality food. Lastly, she thanked the School Board for their time and effort.

MacAvoy and the School Board agree to move forward and bring the ballot language forward on June 29th. 

Dr. Baker commented, in the past, visits were made to school sites after the resolution approval. The resolution will not be approved until the August 10th board meeting. Once approved, there will be some discussion to add or delete projects after visiting the school sites.

9.2    Recommended Options to the School Board Regarding North Star Academy (NSA)

Dr. Baker reviewed the committee’s purpose, reported out on the different recommendations and the opened up the discussion for the public.

Speaker’s Cards:

Matt Schwall commented the North Star Committee was framed in a negative manner. He asks for the School Board to be inspirational and reframe the discussion in a positive manner. He wants North Star to be celebrated and recognized as a top-rated school and use that to inspire more positive change at other schools. Reframe the topic and provide proposals.

Cameron Hoffman expressed that the proposals are being rushed and that NSA is not broken. She mentioned the whole district should be made better along with the neediest schools. NSA’s current program is similar to U46’s program. Both programs have separate gifted classes, universal admission screening using CogAT, seats for all neighborhood school kids who qualify, specialized curriculum to meet the students’ needs, and great teachers and leaders. U46 offers a talent development program which leads up to its universal CogAT testing to drive equity and two-way dual Spanish immersion classes. Ms. Hoffman noted the focus should not be on NSA, but rather it should be on the neediest schools. She suggested adding a talent program to meet the needs of our struggling learners. She proposed that RCSD create the Redwood City Shine Program for 1st and 2nd grade students in which all schools would have specialized-lessons and seats for all qualified neighborhood students. This would benefit the Redwood City’s neediest students.

Tony Weibell served on the NSA Forward Committee. His son shared at the previous meeting, that NSA made a huge difference on his life. Mr. Weibell stated he agrees with much of what Superintendent Baker stated, however, he disagreed with a few of the major changes in the proposals. He shared, learning and achievement for all students is the primary focus. The district should be focused on learning and achievement for all students. Bylaw 9200 mandates, “board members shall hold the education of students above any partisan principle, group interest, or personal interest.”

Diana Fu, mentioned she was one of the parents that helped start the MI Program. The concern at the time was that the program would draw away good students from their neighborhood schools, which is similar to the complaints being heard now. Given that we are in a choice system, we need to provide more and better choices to serve our diverse community. Ms. Fu feels that the options are drastic and amount to taking away a choice for parents.

Alli Gilmore- No response.

Wenjing Zheng- No response.

Loan Hinh, the parent of a 1st grade student at Henry Ford, expressed she loves the Henry Ford community, but there are kids who need a place like NSA. Scaling back NSA will only cause for more students to have unmet needs.

Megan ONeill spoke out on the mismatch between the goals identified in the executive summary which stated the goals were to focus on the students and to help NSA serve more students. The four options would eliminate half of NSA so it would not serve more students. Nor would it focus on the students whose education needs are not being met by the existing public schools in Redwood City.

Matt Colyer, father of two students at Roy Cloud, expressed how NSA was an important draw for his family to choose the Redwood City School District. He urges the School Board to choose an option for NSA that allows programming to continue to be available. Having access to these programs fundamentally changed his educational career. He urges the board to support an option where K-8th NSA continues into the future for his children to experience these programs as well.

Anthony Loew, parent of a rising 3rd grade NSA student and co-president of Roy Cloud Dad’s Club, believes all available options are deficient. 

Andrew Hoffman, parent of 2 students in the district, believes the recommendations presented are focused on the wrong solutions. The majority of the district is under performing and the focus of the board should be on lifting up the lower performing parts of the district, rather than tearing down parts of the district that are performing well. The options presented will negatively impact NSA. They may push some kids back to their neighborhood schools, but it may also push kids out of the district entirely.

Heidi Walas commented on the struggles the district faces such as funding, teacher retention, low test scores, and continued disparity between district schools. The community should be focused on fixing the district wide problems instead of discussing dismantling NSA. There are other steps that have been proven successful at other districts.

Susan Bouchard commented on the quota cap restriction. Placing a cap on how many students are allowed to leave their home school for NSA will create a greater sense of division and competition resulting in more animosity amongst parents and students. She finds it disappointing that Dr. Baker set the tone from the beginning that something had to change. There is baggage and negative personal bias regarding NSA amongst board members. She asks that any personal bias does not cloud the judgement of the trustees and reject and reword all proposed options.

Costas Dimitropoulos discussed how neighborhood schools have performance needs that reflect the characteristics of their local demographics. There are differences between Redwood City neighborhood schools and schools in other districts. There are also differences in K-2. He questions, what would change in a high performing school do to improve other lower performing schools? What are models or examples that provide evidence of success?

Kelly McCarthy stated that the proposals are a waste of time and resources. This committee was formed before the pandemic started. This topic should not be at the top of the priority list when so many students in the district are underperforming. She believes most parents would be happy to stay at their neighborhood school if they felt their child’s needs were being met. Resources allocated to researching, changing and moving NSA should be used to bolster the programs and resources in the neighborhood schools. 

Casey Wright stated Superintendent Baker is asking the board to choose from 4 deeply flawed recommendations. She believes it is cruel to recommend to eliminate a highly successful educational opportunity. These ideas do not have a financial impact at the moment, but implementation is surely consequential. She questions, how the changes will be funded? Ms. Wright would like to see the energy and time being focused on other crises the district is facing. She urges the board to postpone the recommendations and demands new options to consider.

Catherine Stuart mentioned that she has not heard a single person say that NSA should be dismantled, eliminated, or reduced. Everyone seems to think their children will be better off at NSA. 

Gautam Dutta, parent of NSA student, echoed the same sentiment as the previous speakers before him. He commented that his child has been in both the public and private school setting and NSA is the best fit for their child. Mr. Dutta asks that the focus be placed in bond measures that can help and provide the necessary support. He asks that all 4 actions be rejected.

Jing Zhu stated that sometimes when a choice is made there are unintentional consequences. Ms. Zhu believes that the proposed options will generate many unhappy parents who may not vote the way you want, or might switch to private schools. Jing asks the school board to think about the lives of the current NSA students and families that you would disrupt. 

Kirsten McMullen stated the recommendations are not sufficient. They lack evidence-based approach. The only problem they solve is the 3rd grade attrition problem. Ms. McMullen encourages additional research before selecting a path, and demands a deeper estimate of the costs and benefits of the proposed changes.

Baraa Al-Dabagh reviewed the material developed by the NSA forward committee and there is a lot of data that can be discussed. Both of his NSA current students were in private schools before and moved to Redwood City School District because of NSA. He asks to not break a school that is recognized nationally. Use what NSA is doing well on other schools. NSA is providing a genuine need for families and students to thrive.

Michelle Fogarty expressed that the proposed actions appear to take direct aim at one school to pile on with criticisms rather than addressing the entire district's needs. She asks that the board take more time to review the recommendations examine the framework and timing of the data they’ve received, and urges the push of a new survey. Previously collected data was from 4 years ago. Now is the time to do more research.

Katie Goetz served at the NSA Forward Committee. Encourages the board to move forward with the proposal to make NSA a 6th-8th grade school on the Bayside. This would address the goals, and it would serve students across the district, not just those who have easy access to the Duane campus.

Christopher Bouchard asks the board to reject all 4 proposed actions and pause any major changes to NSA in the short term. All recommendations come from a process that was flawed. NSA Forward was formed based on feedback obtained during the 2018 Planning for Our Future Survey. This survey was taken during the school closures. He questions if those participants are still part of the district?

David Wright, thanked the trustees for their service to the Redwood City community. He feels that Dr. Baker has put the Board members in a difficult situation choosing from deeply flawed options that do not address the goals of the NSA Forward Committee. He asks for the board to defer the decision and requests a revised set of options. The options presented are not in the best interest of the students. Use the successes NSA has achieved as guidance. He implores the board to postpone these recommendations.

Mike Beebe responded it comes down to 3 main points. First, the elements in Dr. Baker’s plans that are broadly supported. Secondly, help with test prep and mechanics. Let people know what the CogAT is. Finally, help with daily logistics such as transportation and aftercare. To address the third-grade shift, a solution would be to spread out the entrance to 3rd through 5th grade. We are focusing on the wrong thing. The goal is to get every kid at 2nd grade to a decent grade level standard.

Ms. Johnson Park, a Sequoia parent, sincerely thanks Superintendent Baker and staff for support in her project on barriers preventing youth from using public transit. She fears adding K-2nd grade to the Duane location will be a poor decision. If NSA is expanded she recommends moving any gifted programs to an alternative location away from the area. Please consider designing walkable neighborhood schools which serve everyone’s needs.

Nathan Schmidt, a parent of two NSA students, voiced an analogy. If you have 10 boats and 9 are sinking, don’t dump water in the one that is floating well. Do the work to lift the other boats.

Mohammad Tabrizi, parent at NSA, agrees with the sentiments of Cameron Hoffman and adds that this has been a colossal waste of time. It has been a waste of resources of the district instead of paying attention to the education of the lower income students. He urges the trustees to reject all the ideas and reconsider and to not break one of the few systems in the district that works.

Lilli Milton, an Orion parent, urges the board to move forward with bold structural changes. There is a large community of parents who are asking for changes that will benefit the entire district. She asks the board to be bold and have courage and continue to think what makes the most sense for the whole district.

Beatrice Chan, a parent at NSA, believes that the recommendations are deeply flawed. She asks for new options to be presented that address real concerns such as how to introduce and support enrichment programs in community schools to keep students from moving away, and how to help current students meet grade level expectations. 

Marybelle Ang echoed many of the comments. She shared the struggles her student encountered before attending NSA. There was a lack of understanding of kids who were bored and needed to be engaged. The idea of elitism is misplaced. She loves NSA because the teachers see the students as individuals. She feels that spreading that philosophy across the district would fix a lot of the problems that students face when they struggle.

Trustee Wells thanked the committee, speakers, and staff for their participation and involvement in the NSA discussion. One thing that should be discussed is the criteria that would be used to make a decision, such as financial impact, funding, and trade-offs. Another thing to discuss is how any change would help reach the district goals in the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). Do these changes align with our mission, vision, and equity policy? Wells shared many challenges the district is facing. Knowing the prioritization is important to have a framework and provide context on how to look at each option. Wells believes access should be prioritized, not just at the Bayside, but access should also include more closely matching the demographics of our school district. He acknowledged that NSA is a non-boundary school, therefore we need to consider transportation and outreach. Trustee Wells explained the proposals are incomplete and no action will be taken tonight. He proposed pilot changes that get us moving in the right direction. He suggests to pursue the efforts that are already underway, such as outreach and transportation and provide additional details such as the cost. Another suggestion is to consider a change in the enrollment process by looking at processes that have worked before. Trustee Wells concluded he cannot make any recommendations based on the information provided. He proposes to come back with a plan that can be used as a pilot.

President Díaz-Slocum is conflicted. There are many students that benefit from a program like NSA. She recognizes it is a school without boundaries and that needs to be considered when thinking about enrollment. President Díaz-Slocum referenced a slide provided by Superintendent Baker that had the commonalities of all the mentioned recommendations including outreach, staff, and enrollment. Those are things the board can start to work on. President Díaz-Slocum mentioned that with any changes, the district needs to give the public ample time to analyze and provide feedback. There are a lot of unanswered questions and time will be needed considering all other priorities. She is in favor of providing a pilot.

Trustee MacAvoy thanked Dr. Baker, all the staff, the committee members, speakers, and the comments that were received via email. Trustee MacAvoy expressed appreciation for all the hard work put into the committee, but is struggling because none of the options presented feel like the right one. She stands behind broadening the access to the program because it fits the needs of the students there. To limit the program does not make sense, thus takes off 3 recommendations. Trustee MacAvoy shared she is struggling with the idea of assessing 4-year-olds when considering K-8. Trustee MacAvoy mentioned some challenges such as how in 2018 schools were merged or closed, COVID hit soon after that led to distance learning, and declining enrollment, ergo she has concerns with starting another K-2. Her recommendation is to keep the current 3-8th grade configuration, but try to address the goals to diversify NSA, as well as, all students’ needs are being met. She would like to continue with universal testing, and to encourage traditionally marginalize students to receive communication and outreach to understand the program. She also commented we need to understand the barriers that keep students from attending NSA. The district has done a lot with the National Urban Alliance (NUA). There are a lot of practices that can help rise kids up, especially those below grade level. Trustee MacAvoy commented on the emails that were received in April, and referenced one email by 3 committee members who had good ideas when thinking about measurable goals both for how to increase representation at NSA and ideas on how to improve other schools.

Trustee Lawson appreciates all the emails she received. She has maintained that she believes it is important to reach the committee goals with minimal impact to the current NSA school. She opposes the three options with the belief that they are drastic changes that would negatively impact NSA. Trustee Lawson echoed Trustee MacAvoy’s sentiment regarding Kinder enrollment being low which is concerning when considering adding K-2 to NSA. She opposes adding K-2 to the Duane site, but would consider talking about putting a K-2 at the Bayside, but this raises the concern of the environmental impact. She is also concerned about the additional investigation and consultation with experts resulting in more staff time and more financial impact on the district. Trustee Lawson would like to start with simple changes with less impact. Trustee Lawson mentioned the values that were worked up by the board. She believes the work with NUA and MTSS will build up the other schools with the focus of equity and innovation. There is a chance that with all that work, there would be less exodus from those schools to NSA. Trustee Lawson concluded by stating the board should step back and think about how to bring up the students at all of our schools rather than taking away from what is at NSA currently. Her recommendation is to start simple.
Vice-President Márquez’s sentiment is the same as what everyone has said. She noted that when we talk about being equitable and making changes, we need to consider our own implicit bias and not be so selfish. Vice-President Márquez formed part of the committee, and as a Bayside resident, she does think changes need to be made. However, with all the emails that were received, they need to look at the well-being of all students and do the homework. Vice-President Márquez thanked the NSA Forward Committee for the time and effort. She acknowledged Trustee Lawson’s comment on the cost of doing research, but believes research is needed to serve all kids in the Redwood City School District. Bayside parents would need more research and resources to make better choices for their students. More data is needed to make any decision.

President Díaz-Slocum echoed Vice-President Márquez’s sentiment, that the duty of the School Board is to all children. Thinking about the choices, we need to think about what will minimize the current students, but also without forgetting about those who want to attend NSA whose needs are not being met. President Díaz-Slocum supports the universal testing and outreach. She concluded by thanking the speakers and committee members for all their time.

Superintendent Baker mentioned this topic has been discussed for a long time and he has heard what everyone has said. He mentioned he would like to investigate what the pilot would look like, but also noted it would not happen right away. It would require very good research. Actions that can be taken now is having outreach for parents to know what the program is about. The district will continue with universal testing. Superintendent Baker concluded by stating there is no option at this time to come back with except for the outreach plan, solving the staffing issue by adding more Spanish speaking POC at NSA, and looking at the transportation piece.

In response to Dr. Baker’s comments, trustee MacAvoy thanked him. She agrees that the school board will continue to implement some of the things that will help meet the goals of adding diversification at NSA. She would also like to ensure that every school site is moving towards meeting the needs of all students. She would like for RCSD to continue to talk about strategies of having high academic language, high expectations and fun rigorous learning.

Superintended Baker added how all the trustees sit on different committees such as the LCAP and MTSS committees. Hopefully there will be additional dollars coming to work with our unduplicated population of students if the Trailer Bill passes. He expressed concern regarding finding the staff. To conclude, Superintendent Baker will do research on what a pilot would look like, but it won’t happen until a couple years down the road.

In response to Dr. Baker’s comments, trustee MacAvoy asked for clarification on the pilot. She then stated her recommendation would be to not look at K-2 given the declining enrollment. She also asked, how much time does the team want the staff to spend on this? She is not convinced that that is the right move. She wants additional resources for students who really need them. She doubts a K-8 NSA would meet the needs. She wants clarity on what kind of pilot the board is asking from Superintendent Baker.

Trustee Wells clarified he was not asking for a specific pilot. His request is that instead of doing something majorly disruptive at once, they instead look to pilot the change.

In response to Trustee Wells, Dr. Baker reiterated going forward with the previously mentioned items of doing the outreach, plan for staffing, and transportation access.

Trustee MacAvoy added looking at additional resources to put at the Bayside schools.

Vice-President Márquez suggested giving the students the tools they need to prepare for the test.

Superintendent Baker restated that would fall under the outreach strategy.

Trustee Lawson added that it would be important to do that district wide because there are teachers who are doing that with their students and not every student in the district is receiving the same support/tools.

Trustee MacAvoy mentioned the test is part of the application process, but there is no emphasis in prepping for a test for the application, instead, we are investing in our students to ensure that they are receiving the teaching and learning they need.

Trustee Wells noted that the team is trying to problem solve instead of set direction. They want to see changes in the testing process and entry method to enter NSA. Universal screening is in place, and outreach is being added to be available for people. Trustee Wells welcomes ideas on how to increase diversity and access for all students, and thinks about what changes will be done to the testing process to bring in a more diverse student body.

President Díaz-Slocum added not to lose sight of the equity issue and how to deal with non-boundary schools to make them more equitable.

Trustee MacAvoy stated, the focus is on NSA because it’s what was on the agenda, and there had been a commitment for the community to do research. She mentioned how the team had just attended graduation and promotion ceremonies. They had the opportunity to speak with students and staff and they love their schools. The team is focusing on NSA for a specific issue, but the district has a lot of great schools.

Vice-President Márquez thanked the staff, teachers, classified staff, and everyone who works for the district for making a difference in each student’s life. 

13.    Action Items (Action Required)

13.7    Recommendation re:  Adoption of Resolution 38, Approval of Education Code Options for Teaching Assignments – attachment 

Wendy Kelly, Deputy Superintendent, reported out that this is an annual request. The State of California allows teachers with credentials to teach one class outside of their designated credential area because of their expertise.

The School Board adopted Resolution 38, Approval of Education Code Options for Teaching Assignments (Lawson, MacAvoy; 5-0). The Education Code Options for Teaching Assignments were approved for the following teachers:

Ariana Baltay: Social Science EC 44258.2 – (8th Gr.)
Christian Baquero: Social Studies EC 44256(b) – (7th Gr.)
Diane Camara: English EC 44256(b) – (8th Gr.)
Rodric Hong: PE EC 44256(b) – (7/8th Gr.)
Jacqueline Le: Math EC 44256(b) – (7th Gr.)
Michael McAdams: Science EC 44256(b) – (7/8th Gr.)
Montana Miller: Science EC 44258.2 – (8th Gr.)
Michelle Territo: Science EC 44256(b) – (7/8th Gr.)
Stephanie Vance: Social Science EC 44258.2 – (7 Gr.)

Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)
Trustee Wells (Ayes)
Trustee Lawson (Ayes)
Vice-President Márquez (Ayes)
President Díaz-Slocum (Ayes)

14.    Board and Superintendent Reports

14.1 Report from Board Members and Superintendent

Trustee Wells reported attending the MTSS Leadership meeting, the Ribbon Ceremony at Taft, and attended promotions and graduation. Trustee Wells shared that he attended the 5th grade promotion at Orion, as well as, Kennedy and Hoover graduation. All promotions and graduations were filled with families and community supporting the students.

Trustee Lawson attended the MTSS Meeting, Taft Ribbon Ceremony, and Garfield, Henry Ford, Adelante Selby, and Kennedy graduations/promotions. Trustee Lawson echoed the same sentiment about everyone at the graduations being so excited. Each graduation was different and it shows the diversity of each of the schools.

Trustee MacAvoy attended the Roosevelt, North Star and Clifford graduations. They all had a different culture. She shared how wonderful the student speakers are, along with the principal and staff speeches. Trustee MacAvoy also reported meeting with 
Assembly member Kevin Mullin. She also met with the parent of a special education student. She attended the RCEF board meeting and spoke about the GO Bond. Lastly, she also attended the Taft Ribbon Ceremony and is hoping there will be open houses so community members can see the updates being done to the school and get them excited for the new bond.

President Díaz-Slocum reported attending the budget meeting with Vice-President Márquez, and the Child Nutrition Services meeting. She thanked the staff and acknowledged it was another tough year.

Vice-President Márquez attended the McKinley, Taft, and Kennedy graduations/promotions and they were all wonderful. She also attended the Taft Ribbon Ceremony, the Child Nutrition Service Committee, and the Budget Committee.

Superintendent Baker attended all the same events with the exception of RCEF. He attended the graduations and what stood out for him was the students speakers and how they spoke about leaving in March 2020 and it was hard to listen to some of them because of the challenges they went through being at home virtually.

15.    Information

15.1    San Mateo County Office of Education Review of RCSD Second Interim Financial Report 2021-22


Trustee MacAvoy thanked Priscilla for being a great CBO.

16.    Correspondence

The School Board were all in agreement that they received a lot of emails regarding the centralized kitchen and NSA.

17.    Other Business/Suggested Items for Future Agenda


18.    Board Agenda Calendar

18.1    Changes to the Board Agenda Schedule

No changes were reported. Superintendent Baker reminded the School Board there will be a Closed Session meeting at 6 p.m. before the Regular Board meeting scheduled for the following week, June 22, 2022.

19.    Adjournment (Action Required)

The Board adjourned the meeting at 9:45 p.m. (Wells, Diaz-Slocum; 5-0).