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January 12, 2022 - Study Session


Redwood City, California


January 12, 2022


1.         Call to Order  


President Díaz-Slocum called the Study Session to order at 6:10 p.m.


Present at the Study Session: President María Díaz-Slocum; Vice-President Cecilia I. Márquez; Trustees Janet Lawson, Mike Wells, Alisa MacAvoy; and Superintendent Baker. 


2.         Welcome


2.1     Welcome


President Díaz-Slocum welcomed those present.  The School Board dispensed with the Pledge of Allegiance.    


Others Present During the Study Session:  Peter Ingram, Clarissa Canady, Joy Kummer, Priscilla Aquino-Dichoso, Don Dias, Kyle Brumbaugh, Eliana García and many other attendees.   


3.         Changes to the Agenda


No changes were made to the agenda. 


4.         Approval of Agenda


The board approved the agenda as submitted, (MacAvoy/Lawson; 5-0).


5.         Oral Communication




6.         Study Session Discussion


6.1     Update on Workforce Housing at 750 Bradford Street


Peter Ingram from Ingram Consulting provided the School Board and Superintendent Baker with an overview of the Workforce Housing initiative. 
In June 2019, the School Board voted to move forward with a feasibility study that would transform the current District Headquarters into an affordable housing building for teachers and staff.  The School Board decided that the District Office should not be leased in its current state and that a feasibility study needed to be conducted.  The School Board supported to reduce cost-of-living impediments to recruiting and retaining teachers and staff, create affordable housing options for staff in the extremely high cost peninsula market. 
In August 2020, the Redwood City School District and The Sobrato Organization entered into a Memorandum of Understanding and the feasibility phase begun to fully explore a public-private partnership for the project.  In October 2020, the City Council approved the Gatekeeper and directed the staff to process a formal development application.  In June 2021, a formal application was submitted for 87 workforce housing apartments in a 7-story residential building, in addition to a two-level shared parking structure. 
Mr. Ingram added that the Redwood City School District and The Sobrato Organization are in the early stages of the financing planning process.  Currently, the estimated project cost is approximately $77million.  Cost estimate includes ability to increase project to 102 housing units.  Mr. Ingram reiterated that the School Board’s direction is to ensure that the General Fund is protected from new expenses before and after construction.  In order to cover a financing gap of approximately $25million, it is recommended that the Redwood City School District move forward with a G.O. Bond Measure. 
Ms. Joy Kummer recommended that RCSD move forward with a G.O. Bond feasibility survey, send informational mail to community about facility needs, begin internal communications about facility needs and conduct a bond feasibility survey in January 2022.  In February 2022, RCSD should review survey results and make a decision to include the G.O. Bond Measure in the November 2022 elections.
The School Board recommended to move forward with the feasibility study and survey. 
Superintendent Baker added that he would move forward with placing an agreement between the Redwood City School District and Godbe Research at the January 19th board meeting for approval.    


7.         Adjournment (Action Required)


The board adjourned the Study Session on Workforce Housing at 6:57 p.m.


Janet Lawson, Clerk