January 12, 2022 - Regular Board Meeting
Redwood City, California
January 12, 2022
1. Call to Order
President Díaz-Slocum called the regular board meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.
Present at the Regular Board Meeting: President María Díaz-Slocum, Vice-President Cecilia I. Márquez; Trustees Janet Lawson, Mike Wells, and Alisa MacAvoy; and Superintendent Baker.
2. Welcome
2.1 Welcome
President Díaz-Slocum welcomed those present. The School Board dispensed with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Others Present During the Regular Board Meeting: Wendy Kelly, Liz Wolfe, Priscilla Aquino-Dichoso, Don Dias, Will Robertson, Jorge Quintana, Antonio Pérez, Kyle Brumbaugh, Itzel Ramírez, Gonzálo Cordova, Roger Lim, Jesse Marcus, Eliana García, Pam Barasch, Aila Spinelli-Stansel, Rebecca Foutch, and many more attendees.
3. Changes to the Agenda
Trustee Wells requested to move Action Items 10.5, 10.6, and 10.7 to Consent.
Trustee MacAvoy requested to move Action Items 10.3 and 10.4 to Consent.
4. Approval of Agenda
The board approved the agenda as amended, (Wells/Márquez; 5-0).
5. Oral Communication
6. Bond Program Consent Items (Action Required)
The board approved the Bond Program Consent Items (Márquez/Wells; 5-0), taking the following action:
6.1 Recommendation re: Approval of Bond Program Consent Items
6.2 Recommendation re: Approval of Measure T Bond Program Tracking List of Items Under $20k
6.3 Recommendation re: Approval of MUB Transfer Switch Installation Proposal for Various Sites with Atlas Pellizari
President Díaz-Slocum (Ayes) Vice-President Márquez (Ayes) Trustee Lawson (Ayes) Trustee Wells (Ayes) Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes) 7. Bond Program Action Items (Action Required) 7.1. Recommendation re: Adoption of Resolution 20, Approval of Orion Alternative School (Formerly John Gill Elementary School) Modernization and New Building Project Bid Package E Foothill Air Conditioning, Change Order #1 The School Board adopted Resolution 20, approval of Orion Alternative School (formerly John Gill Elementary School) modernization and new building project bid package E Foothill Air Conditioning, change order #1 (MacAvoy, Márquez; 5-0). President Díaz-Slocum (Ayes) Vice-President Márquez (Ayes) Trustee Lawson (Ayes) Trustee Wells (Ayes) Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes) 7.2 Recommendation re: Adoption of Resolution 21, Approval of Garfield Community School New Buildings, Modernization and Sitework Project Bid Package HO.C. McDonald, Change Order #2 The School Board adopted Resolution 21, approval of Garfield Community School new buildings, modernization and sitework project bid package HO.C. McDonald, change order #2 (Lawson, Wells; 5-0). President Díaz-Slocum (Ayes) Vice-President Márquez (Ayes) Trustee Lawson (Ayes) Trustee Wells (Ayes) Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes) 8. Discussion Items
8.1 Covid-19 Update for January 2022
Superintendent Baker provided the School Board with a presentation regarding updates on Covid-19 response.
Superintendent Baker commented that the Redwood City School District continues to test and keep students in school. Superintendent Baker further explained that the reason why schools are not closing is because students need access to in-person learning, social-emotional interaction with peers and caring adults, and meaningful engagement. Superintendent Baker added that in schools, there are safety protocols in place, continuous testing, staff and many students are vaccinated and there are independent study options available for students.
Speaker’s Cards:
Pam Barasch, RCSD teacher, commented that she was very happy to see all the slides in the presentation. Ms. Barasch addressed the School Board about her concern over the N-95 masks. Ms. Barasch explained that she was surprised to learn that N-95 masks had been reserved for only unvaccinated staff. Ms. Barash added that she received painter’s masks, instead. Ms. Barasch stated that she purchased N-95 masks; however, yesterday, she only had one mask left for the rest of the week. Ms. Barasch urged the School Board and Superintendent Baker to provide more masks for teachers.
In response to Ms. Barasch’s comment, Superintendent Baker mentioned that the San Mateo County Office of Education would provide N-95 masks for staff members.
Aila Spinelli-Stansel, addressed the School Board and Superintendent Baker by asking if there was a faster process for Covid-19 vaccine clearance for volunteers? Ms. Spinelli-Stansel commented that once volunteers are cleared, they could provide help to students much faster.
In response to Ms. Spinelli-Stansel’s comment, Superintendent Baker asked her what volunteer group she was part of?
In response to Superintendent Baker’s question, Ms. Spinelli-Stansel replied that she was part of Healthy Cities.
Deputy Superintendent Kelly expressed she would ask Jennifer Nichols in Human Resources to reach out to Ms. Spinelli-Stansel the day after.
Rebecca Foutch, RCSD parent, addressed the School Board by stating that she is shocked to learn about the amount of work being asked from staff. Ms. Foutch asked if a student’s Day 5 of Covid-19 quarantine falls on a Monday, will the School District provide testing for the student the Sunday before?
Deputy Superintendent Kelly commented that the Bay PLS Team is providing the Redwood City School District with Covid-19 testing support. Deputy Superintendent Kelly stated that students should typically test after Day 5.
The School Board thanked all of administration and staff for their continued support and hard work in keeping students and staff safe and healthy.
Superintendent Baker thanked parents for their continued input, as their comments and questions provide administration with ideas on how to improve Covid-19 processes.
8.2 First Reading and Discussion of Board Policy 1240 – Volunteer Assistance
8.3 First Reading and Discussion of Board Policy 3555 – Nutrition Program Compliance
8.4 First Reading and Discussion of Board Policy 0460 – Local Control and Accountability Plan
8.5 First Reading and Discussion of Board Policy 5141.31 – Immunizations
Wendy Kelly, Deputy Superintendent of Human Resources explained that the Policy Committee met to discuss any needed changes to the aforementioned policies.
There were no comments or questions from the School Board.
9. Consent Items
The board approved the Consent Items (Wells/Lawson; 5-0), taking the following action:
9.1 Recommendation re: Approval of Consent Items
9.2 Recommendation re: Ratification of Warrant Register, December 1, 2021-December 31, 2021 – attachment
10.3 Recommendation re: Approval of Personnel Changes for 2021-22
10.4 Recommendation re: Approval of Personnel Report
10.5 Recommendation re: Approval of Addendum to 2021-22 Measure U Application for McKinley Institute of Technology
10.6 Recommendation re: Approval of Addendum to 2021-22 Measure U Application for Taft Community School
10.7 Recommendation re: Approval of Addendum to 2021-22 Measure U Application for Clifford School
President Díaz-Slocum (Ayes) Vice-President Márquez (Ayes) Trustee Lawson (Ayes) Trustee Wells (Ayes) Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes) 10. Action Items (Action Required) 10.1 Recommendation re: Revisiting the School Board’s March 11, 2020 Vote on Interdistrict Transfers Superintendent Baker stated that the Mandarin Immersion Program is the District’s newest and youngest program. Superintendent Baker recommended for the School Board to honor the MI parents’ request and approve the interdistrict transfers of the nine (9) younger siblings wishing to enroll in the program in TK and Kindergarten spanning five school years from 2022-23 to 2026-27. Superintendent Baker added that a policy revision would soon come before the School Board. In the policy revision, the district would make it clear to families that selecting a specialized program does mean commitment to that specific program only or to their neighborhood school. Trustee Wells stated being in support of Superintendent Baker’s recommendation. Trustee Wells reiterated the importance of making special provisions, considering that the program was still in its infancy stage. Trustee Wells expressed that due to decreased enrollment numbers, the School Board and Superintendent Baker would have to convene to discuss in a holistically manner the future of the program. Vice-President Márquez expressed it had been a difficult decision for her. Vice-President Márquez commented that at first, she was leaning towards saying rejecting the MI parents’ request; however, after meeting with a group of parents, she would like for the program to continue to grow. Vice-President Márquez stated it would be problematic if some of the middle school classrooms continue to have low enrollment, Vice-President Márquez recommended that the School Board have a future conversation about classroom sizes. Superintendent Baker commented that both Trustee Wells and Vice-President Márquez addressed their concerns about attrition and added that later, the Policy Committee should review a policy on Schools of Choice. Trustee MacAvoy thanked administration and the Mandarin Immersion Program for all of the information provided and for answering all of her questions. Trustee MacAvoy expressed that she is supportive of Superintendent Baker’s recommendation. Trustee Lawson expressed that she appreciated all of the background information provided about the program. Trustee Lawson added that moving forward, she knows they need to be supportive of the program to ensure it thrives. Trustee Lawson stated that she was supportive of Superintendent Baker’s recommendation. President Díaz-Slocum thanked the Mandarin Immersion Program parents and administration for gathering all of the historical information about the program. President Díaz-Slocum commented that the program is still in its early stage and needs more time to grow. President Díaz-Slocum was also supportive of Superintendent Baker’s recommendation. Lilli Milton, Mandarin Immersion Program parent, expressed her support of retaining siblings in the program. Ms. Milton said she would be working hard with the rest of the Mandarin Immersion Program community to bring her community back. The School Board approved the March 11, 2020 Vote on Interdistrict Transfers (MacAvoy/Lawson; 5-0). President Díaz-Slocum (Ayes) Vice-President Márquez (Ayes) Trustee Lawson (Ayes) Trustee Wells (Ayes) Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes) 10.2 Recommendation re: Adoption of Resolution 22, Authorizing Electronic Meetings of the Board of Trustees During a State of Emergency Pursuant to Government Code Section 54953(e) The School Board adopted Resolution 22, authorizing electronic meetings of the Board of Trustees during a State of Emergency pursuant to Government Code Section 54953 (e) (Wells, Márquez; 5-0). President Díaz-Slocum (Ayes) Vice-President Márquez (Ayes) Trustee Lawson (Ayes) Trustee Wells (Ayes) Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)
11. Board and Superintendent Reports
11.1 Report from Board Members and Superintendent
Vice-President Márquez met with a group of parents from the Mandarin Immersion Program, in addition to attending her standing meeting with Superintendent Baker.
Trustee Lawson attended a Workforce Housing meeting, together with Trustee MacAvoy and Superintendent Baker. Furthermore, Trustee Lawson attended a San Mateo County Chamber of Education meeting, a Bond Program meeting and an MTSS Leadership meeting.
Trustee Wells reported attending an MTSS Leadership meeting, in addition to participating in the Covid Response meeting with Superintendent of Schools, Nancy Magee.
Trustee MacAvoy reported participating in a couple of calls with the San Mateo County and the California School Boards Association. Furthermore, Trustee MacAvoy attended a Safe Routes to School meeting. In addition, Trustee MacAvoy stated that SamTrans and the San Mateo County are collaborating on a pilot program to issue 60 clipper cards to students receiving free and reduced lunches. The clipper cards will be offered for 6 months.
President Díaz-Slocum reported meeting with parents from Orion Alternative Elementary School and also advocated to the San Mateo County for additional Covid response help to the School District.
Superintendent Baker reported meeting with some of the Mandarin Immersion Program parent community to discuss some of their concerns and to discuss their presentation coming to the School Board in January.
12. Information
12.1 Quarterly Williams Report, 2nd Quarter, October 2021 through December 2021
There were no comments or questions from the School Board and Superintendent Baker.
13. Correspondence
President Díaz-Slocum reported receiving an email from a North Star Academy parent regarding the Schools of Choice process and an email from a parent/community member about the Child Nutrition Services Committee.
14. Other Business/Suggested Items for Future Agenda
15. Board Agenda Calendar
15.1 Changes to the Board Agenda Schedule
No changes were reported.
16. Adjournment (Action Required)
The board adjourned the meeting at 8:42p.m. (Lawson/Márquez; 5-0).
Janet Lawson, Clerk