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December 15, 2021


Redwood City, California


December 15, 2021


1.         Call to Order  


President MacAvoy called the regular board meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. via Zoom Teleconference Meeting. 


Present at the Regular Board Meeting: President Alisa MacAvoy, Vice-President María Díaz-Slocum; Trustees Janet Lawson and Mike Wells; and Superintendent Baker.


Absent: Trustee Cecilia I. Márquez.


2.         Welcome


2.1     Welcome


President MacAvoy welcomed those present.  The School Board dispensed with the Pledge of Allegiance.    


Others Present During the Regular Board Meeting:  Wendy Kelly, Liz Wolfe, Priscilla Aquino-Dichoso, Don Dias, Will Robertson, Jorge Quintana, Antonio Pérez, Kyle Brumbaugh, Itzel Ramírez, Gonzálo Cordova, and many more attendees. 


3.         Board Officers’ Rotation

3.1     President

3.2     Vice-President

3.3     Clerk

3.4     Secretary (Superintendent of Schools)

3.5     Trustee Representative to San Mateo County Committee on School District Organization

3.6     Legislative Network


The School Board held their annual board officer rotation, which follows board policy.  The final rotation was as follows:


President – María Díaz-Slocum

Vice-President – Cecilia I. Márquez

Clerk – Janet Lawson

Secretary (Superintendent of Schools) – John R. Baker

Trustee Representative of San Mateo County Committee on School District Organization – Mike Wells

Legislative Network – Alisa MacAvoy

After the School Board held its rotation, President Díaz-Slocum asked Trustee MacAvoy if she could please continue leading the remainder of the regular board meeting. 


4.         Changes to the Agenda


Trustee MacAvoy requested to move Action Items 12.1, 12.3 and 12.4 to Consent.


5.         Approval of Agenda


The board approved the agenda as amended, (Díaz-Slocum/Wells; 4-0).


6.         Oral Communication




7.         School/Community Reports


7.1     Bond Program Update


Will Robertson, Bond Program Manager, provided the School Board with an update about the completion of construction projects happening at Clifford, Garfield, Hoover, Kennedy Middle School, Orion Alternative, Roosevelt and Taft.  Mr. Robertson expressed that many of the current projects will be completed by 2022. 


8.         Bond Program Consent Items (Action Required)


The board approved the Bond Program Consent Items (Lawson/Wells; 4-0), taking the following action:


8.1  Recommendation re:  Approval of Bond Program Consent Items   

8.2  Recommendation re:  Approval of Architect Additional Services Proposals for Garfield, Kennedy, and Taft Schools with HED

8.3  Recommendation re:  Approval of Security Project Switch Licensing and Trenching Change Orders with Siemens

8.4  Recommendation re:  Approval of Architect Additional Services Proposals for Orion Alternative School (Formerly John Gill) with CAW

8.5  Recommendation re:  Approval of Kinder/TK Play Structure Construction Agreements for Clifford and Adelante Selby Schools with Park Planet


President Díaz-Slocum (Ayes)
Vice-President Márquez (Absent)
Trustee Lawson (Ayes)
Trustee Wells (Ayes)
Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)
9.         Bond Program Action Items (Action Required)
10.      Discussion Items
Discussion Item 10.1 was moved to proceed Action Item 12.2. 


11.      Consent Items


The board approved the Consent Items (Wells/Lawson; 4-0), taking the following action:


11.1  Recommendation re:  Approval of Consent Items

11.2  Recommendation re:  Approval of November 17th Board Minutes (Study Session on CNS)

11.3  Recommendation re:  Approval of November 17th Board Minutes (Regular Board Meeting)

11.4  Recommendation re:  Discard Obsolete and Damaged Library Books

12.1  Recommendation re:  Approval of Amended Agreement between the Redwood City School District and One Life Counseling and Star Vista for Fiscal Year 2021-22

12.3  Recommendation re:  Retirement Notification Incentive

12.4  Recommendation re:  Adoption of 2021 Educator Effectiveness Block Grant Plan


President Díaz-Slocum (Ayes)
Vice-President Márquez (Absent)
Trustee Lawson (Ayes)
Trustee Wells (Ayes)
Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)
12.      Action Items (Action Required)
12.2  Recommendation re:  Approval of the 2021-22 First Interim Budget Report for RCSD
The School Board approved the 2021-22 first interim budget report for RCSD (Lawson, Wells; 4-0).
President Díaz-Slocum (Ayes)
Vice-President Márquez (Absent)
Trustee Lawson (Ayes)
Trustee Wells (Ayes)
Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)

Discussion Item


10.1  Presentation Regarding Potential Trustee Area Revisions


On October 20, 2021, the School Board received information from its demographer, Cooperative Strategies, giving an overview of the results of the 2020 Census data and the need for the District to consider revisions to trustee area boundaries.


On November 17, 2021, the School Board received another presentation from Cooperative Strategies regarding potential revisions to the trustee areas to reduce the variance in population between the areas given the 2020 Census data.


During the December 15th presentation, Cooperative Strategies provided the School Board with a presentation regarding potential revisions to the trustee areas, including several map scenarios based on the 2020 Census data and School Board and public input.   


At the December 15th board meeting, there were no public comments received.


Based on the information provided and the revised maps reviewed, the School Board opted for Map 2A.  The School Board expressed that they would vote at the January 19th board meeting for a final map.   


13.      Board and Superintendent Reports


13.1  Report from Board Members and Superintendent


President Díaz-Slocum did not have a report.


Trustee Wells did not have a report.


Trustee Lawson reported attending a Workforce Housing Committee meeting and a Policy Committee meeting. 


Trustee MacAvoy reported attending a Committee meeting led by parents in our district to talk about the food service program, together with Anna Lague, Patricia Corea, and parents.  Trustee MacAvoy expressed that discussion revolved around the elimination of a few more sugary items, such as the cinnamon buns, chocolate milk and juice.  Trustee MacAvoy commented that she attended a Familias Unidas Ceremony, which took place outdoors.  Trustee MacAvoy thanked the Redwood City Public Library for donating many books that were raffled during the Familias Unidas Ceremony. 


Superintendent Baker reported meeting with some of the Mandarin Immersion Program parent community to discuss some of their concerns and to discuss their presentation coming to the School Board in January.      


14.      Information




15.      Correspondence


Trustee MacAvoy and Superintendent Baker reported receiving correspondence from many Mandarin Immersion Program parents.    


16.      Other Business/Suggested Items for Future Agenda




17.      Board Agenda Calendar


17.1  Changes to the Board Agenda Schedule


No changes were reported. 


18.      Adjournment (Action Required)


The board adjourned the meeting at 8:40p.m. (Díaz-Slocum/Wells; 4-0).



Janet Lawson, Clerk