September 30, 2020
SEPTEMBER 30, 2020
Redwood City, California
September 30, 2020
- Call to Order
President Janet Lawson called the special board meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. via Zoom Teleconference Meeting.
Present at the Special Board Meeting: President Janet Lawson, Vice-President Alisa MacAvoy; Trustees María Díaz-Slocum, Cecilia I. Márquez, and Dennis McBride, and Superintendent Baker.
- Welcome
President Lawson welcomed those present. The School Board dispensed with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Others Present During the Regular Board Meeting: Wendy Kelly, Linda Montes, Priscilla Aquino-Dichoso, Don Dias, Will Robertson, Jorge Quintana, Antonio Pérez, Kyle Brumbaugh, Antonio Pérez, Patricia Ortiz, Patricia Pelino, Andrea Garen, Martin Cervantes, Itzel Ramírez, Gonzálo Cordova, and many others.
- Changes to the Agenda
There were no changes to the agenda.
- Approval of Agenda
The agenda was approved as submitted, (Díaz-Slocum, McBride; 5-0)
- Oral Communication
Douglas Alsop, Kennedy Middle School neighbor, submitted a speaker’s card, but was not available during the live portion of the meeting.
- School/Community Reports
- Child Nutrition Service Report
Anna Lague, Sodexo Child Nutrition Consultant provided the School Board and Superintendent Baker with a presentation on the distribution of meals during distance learning. Ms. Lague explained to the School Board and Superintendent Baker that there are several United States Department of Agriculture waivers in place, which allow flexibility in meal service during the current school year.
Ms. Lague commented that on August 31, 2020, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) extended a waiver through December 31, 2020. This waiver extension allows for school district to offer meals at no cost to any child less than 18 years of age.
Ms. Lague added that the “Grab and Go Pickup” dates are on Monday and Thursday at 11:30am to 1:30pm and 2:30pm to 4:30pm. Ms. Lague commented that each child receives breakfast, lunch, supper and a snack. The sites offering these services are: Adelante Selby Spanish Immersion School, Garfield Community School, Hoover Community School, Taft Community School, 2950 Fair Oaks Avenue, Henry Ford School, and Roosevelt School. Ms. Lague further added that delivery routes have also been added on Mondays and Thursdays to provide meals to families in their neighborhood.
The School Board and Superintendent Baker thanked Anna Lague and the entire Child Nutrition Services Department for all of their hard work and support of the Redwood City School District.
- Discussion Items
- Discussion on COVID-19/Distance Learning
Speaker’s Cards:
Maureen McPeek, teacher at Roosevelt School, addressed the School Board and Superintendent Baker by stating that she would like to continue with the original plan to continue with distance learning through November 13th. Ms. McPeek expressed that there isn’t a rush to reopen and would much rather prefer that distance learning continues. Ms. McPeek encouraged the School Board to reopen in mid January 2021.
Jackie Moore, teacher at Hoover School, addressed the School Board and Superintendent Baker by expressing that the community has entrusted in the School Board and administration to make a decision about distance learning. Ms. Moore expressed that she would prefer to continue with distance learning.
Nooshin Kaviani, RCSD parent, encouraged the School Board to continue with the distance learning plan until mid-January 2021.
Mercedes Kwiatkowski, child psychiatrist, expressed her support for teachers. Dr. Kwiatkowski commented that there are many students that are being affected by social distancing, she continued by stating that there are many students that don’t shower, they look disheveled, withdrawn and some of them do not participate during class. Dr. Kwiatkowski commented that there is an increase in anxiety and depression. Dr. Kwiatkowski further added that going back to school is not in everyone’s best interest and there are students that need more structure. Dr. Kwiatkowski encouraged the School Board to run a pilot and run the pillars that Superintendent Baker proposed.
Sarah Henderson-Martínez, preschool teacher, thanked the School Board and Superintendent Baker for all of their hard work. Ms. Henderson-Martínez thanked administration for the presentation. Ms. Henderson-Martínez expressed concern about contact tracing. Ms. Henderson-Martínez commented that when someone tests positive for Covid-19, she finds out by other colleagues. Ms. Henderson urged the School Board to improve contact tracing and to continue distance learning to ensure health and safety for students, teachers and staff.
Catherine Stuart, RCSD parent, commented that her child loves to go to school; however, she will continue with distance learning until there is a vaccine available. Ms. Stuart urged the School Board to continue with distance learning in order to keep students, teachers and staff healthy.
Kristy Herrera, RCSD teacher, expressed her support of continuing with the distance learning model.
Indra Hernández, CDC teacher, commented that she would like to return to teach when it is deemed safe. Ms. Hernández expressed that preschool students have been doing great! Ms. Hernández commented that there have been a few students that have had challenges with technology.
Ramine Kavan, husband of an RCSD preschool teacher and business owner, commented that he has seen the School District be thrown into disarray. Mr. Keyvan has seen the administration try in a valent way to provide a well-rounded education. Mr. Keyvan commented that distance learning is working for many. Mr. Keyvan expressed that students, teachers and staff need to remain safe and encouraged the School District to provide PPE.
Christina Kim, Mandarin Immersion Program parent, addressed the School Board by stating that she would like for the Mandarin Immersion Program to remain intact. Ms. Kim thanked the School District for all of their hard work.
Christina Hsu, Mandarin Immersion Program parent, thanked the School Board, Superintendent Baker and administration for sending the parent survey out to parents and staff. Ms. Hsu commented that it is great to know that families can have the flexibility to continue with distance learning or in person learning when the school district reopens.
Devon Mullane, yielded his time to another speaker.
Cameron Hoffman, RCSD parent, expressed her disappointment over hearing disrespectful comments. Ms. Hoffman encouraged everyone to take a deep breath and remember that everyone wants the same thing. Ms. Hoffman asked that everyone speak thoughtfully and listen to experts.
Linda Elkins, RCSD parent, commented that the survey was compounded by a number of variables. Ms. Elkins expressed that it is important for her children to stay with their teachers for the remainder of the school year. Ms. Elkins opined that the Redwood City School District needs to look at other neighboring districts to provide a more robust and well-thought out plan. It would be great if teachers and parents can convene to discuss what is working and what is not.
Melanie Haskell, RCSD parent, expressed that she supports distance learning. Ms. Haskell encouraged the School District to continue offering independent study as an option. Ms. Haskell commented that Menlo Park School District convened with parents to develop a distance learning plan and would like for the Redwood City School District to do the same.
Kerry Schmidt, teacher at Taft Community School, commented that it has been extremely difficult to not be able to teach her students in person. Ms. Schmidt opined that pushing for an in person model is not providing a safe learning environment for students, teachers and staff. Ms. Schmidt stated that she has made an honest effort to connect with her students and parents.
Kamilee Nannini, RCSD parent, stated that she is very pleased to know the School District has been working on a plan to return to school. Ms. Nannini commented that she would not like to return to in person learning until it is deemed safe. Ms. Nannini expressed that she would not want the School District to make decisions on anecdotal comments, but rather than advice from medical experts.
Meghan O’Reilly-Green, expressed her appreciation and respect for the School Board, Superintendent Baker and Cabinet members for working so hard on the plan to return to school. Ms. O’Reilley-Green commented that there needs to be a partnership between the School District and parents. Ms. O’Reilley encouraged the School District to offer parents autonomy in decision making and meet with them to develop a more resourceful plan for returning to school.
Michelle Smith, RCSD parent, expressed her support for teachers and commented that her children are doing well with distance learning. Ms. Smith encouraged the School District to continue with distance learning.
Michelle Beutler, RCSD teacher thanked the School Board and Superintendent Baker for all of their hard work. Ms. Beutler commented that she loves her students and would love to do in person teaching; however, she would prefer to return to school until it is safe to do so. Ms. Beutler urged the School Board to continue with distance learning.
Jeanett Serrano, RCSD teacher, commented that she would like to continue with distance learning.
Maria Stockton, CSEA President, expressed concern for older students. Ms. Stockton urged the School Board and Superintendent Baker to seek medical advice from medical experts to care for the mental health of students. Ms. Stockton encouraged the School Board and Superintendent Baker to wait until the first trimester was over to discuss what would be the next step in the distance learning plan.
Keely Vega, RCSD parent, expressed that she would like to hear Dr. Kwiatkowski’s pilot proposal. Ms. Vega commented that she would like to hear Deputy Superintendent Wendy Kelly’s opinion about the legal feasibility of this in person learning pilot.
The School Board thanked the community, parents, and staff for their comments and questions. The School Board also thanked Superintendent Baker and Cabinet members for working diligently on a distance learning and in person pilot program for students.
Superintendent Baker reported that he and Cabinet members are working on a webinar where medical professionals provide information to teachers and staff.
- Consent Items
- Action Items
9.1 Recommendation re: Approval of the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan for 2020-21
The School Board approved the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan for 2020-21 (MacAvoy/Márquez; 5-0).
President Lawson (Ayes)
Vice-President MacAvoy (Ayes)
Trustee Díaz-Slocum (Ayes)
Trustee Márquez (Ayes)
Trustee McBride (Ayes)
9.2 Recommendation re: Approval of 2019-20 Unaudited Actuals Financial Statement
The School Board approved the 2019-20 Unaudited Actuals Financial Statement (McBride/Díaz-Slocum; 5-0).
President Lawson (Ayes)
Vice-President MacAvoy (Ayes)
Trustee Díaz-Slocum (Ayes)
Trustee Márquez (Ayes)
Trustee McBride (Ayes)
9.3 Recommendation re: Adoption of Resolution 10, Resolution to Adopt the Gann Limit
The School Board adopted Resolution 10, Resolution to Adopt the Gann Limit (MacAvoy/Márquez; 5-0).
President Lawson (Ayes)
Vice-President MacAvoy (Ayes)
Trustee Díaz-Slocum (Ayes)
Trustee Márquez (Ayes)
Trustee McBride (Ayes)
- Information
10.1 San Mateo County Office of Education Review of RCSD Covid-19 Operations Written Report and Adopted Budget for Fiscal Year 2020-21
The School Board and Superintendent Baker did not have any comments or questions about the changes to the board agenda schedule.
- Adjournment
Trustee McBride requested to adjourn the Special Board meeting in honor of Superintendent Baker and all Cabinet members for all of their hard work with the distance learning planning.
The board adjourned the Special Board meeting at 9:57 p.m. (McBride, Díaz-Slocum; 5-0).
María Díaz-Slocum, Clerk