May 20, 2020
MAY 20, 2020
Redwood City, California
May 20, 2020
- Call to Order
President Lawson called the closed session meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. via Zoom Teleconference Meeting.
Present at the Closed Session Meeting: President Janet Lawson, Vice-President Alisa MacAvoy; Trustees María Díaz-Slocum, Cecilia I. Márquez, and Dennis McBride, and Superintendent Baker.
Others Present: Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, Wendy Kelly.
- Oral Communication on Closed Session Items Only
There were no public comments for the closed session item.
- Closed Session 6:00-7:00p.m.
3.1 CSEA Negotiations Update
- Reconvene to Regular Session at Approximately 7:02p.m.
4.1 Roll Call
4.2 Report Out on Closed Session from 5.6.20
President Lawson reported that there was no action taken by the School Board on Closed Session Item 3.1 from the May 6th board meeting.
President Lawson reported that the School Board received an update on Closed Session Items 3.2 and 3.3 from the May 6th board meeting.
4.3 Report Out on Closed Session from 5.20.20 President Lawson reported that the School Board received an update during Closed Session and no action was taken.
- Welcome
5.1 Welcome
5.2 Pledge of Allegiance
President Lawson welcomed those present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by an RCSD student.
Others Present During the Regular Board Meeting: Wendy Kelly, Linda Montes, Priscilla Aquino-Dichoso, Don Dias, Will Robertson, Jorge Quintana, Antonio Pérez, Kyle Brumbaugh, Antonio Pérez, Patricia Ortiz, Patricia Pelino, Andrea Garen, Martin Cervantes, Itzel Ramírez, Gonzálo Cordova, and many others.
- Changes to the Agenda
Trustee McBride requested to move Action Item 15.2 to Consent.
Vice-President MacAvoy requested to add 9.1, Staff Recognition, to read the Proclamation given to teachers by the City of Redwood City.
- Approval of Agenda
The board approved the agenda as amended, (Díaz-Slocum, Márquez; 5-0).
- Oral Communication
Catherine Stuart, parent at Mandarin Immersion Program, addressed the School Board and Superintendent Baker by requesting that they reconsider out of district students. Ms. Stuart further added that considering that students are no longer in classrooms, it would be recommended that out of district students enroll in to the Redwood City School District. Lastly, Ms. Stuart asked the School Board and Superintendent Baker if the School District would be funded differently due to distance learning.
Jacqueline Rodríguez, was not present during Oral Communication.
Maria Stockton, CSEA President and Clifford School staff, thanked Vice-President MacAvoy for working hard in obtaining a Proclamation from the City of Redwood City acknowledging and honoring all teachers. Ms. Stockton reiterated that many Classified Staff are essential workers; therefore, a contract would be soon available for ratification.
Juana Martínez-González, parent at Kennedy Middle School, thanked the School Board and staff for all their hard work and their support to the RCSD community. Furthermore, Ms. Martínez-González commented that Principal Sabrina Adler at Kennedy Middle School is doing a wonderful job assisting and communicating with families. Furthermore, Ms. Martínez-González thanked Vice-President MacAvoy for answering all of her questions and suggested that all board members answer emails in order for parents to build a strong relationship with the School District.
Raquel González, parent at Adelante/Selby Spanish Immersion School, expressed frustration about Adelante Spanish Immersion School’s past being ignored, when it came to choosing a name for the Adelante/Selby school site.
In response to Ms. González’s comment, Superintendent Baker reiterated that an agenda item regarding the renaming of the Adelante/Selby site would be placed on an agenda in June 2020.
- Community/Staff Recognition
- Recognition of 2019-20 Induction Program Participants
Vice-President MacAvoy thanked Maria Stockton, Diane Howard (Mayor of Redwood City) for their help in recognizing teachers and staff for all of their hard work.
The School Board and Superintendent Baker congratulated and thanked all the teachers, staff and mentors for their support and hard work at the Redwood City School District.
- School/Community Reports
- Bond Program Update
Will Robertson, Program Manager for the RCSD Measure T Bond Program Team provided the School Board with a presentation on the construction updates with Taft School, Selby/Adelante, North Star, MIT, Hoover, and Kennedy Middle School.
- Bond Program Consent Items (Action Required)
The board approved the Bond Program Consent Items (McBride/MacAvoy; 5-0), taking the following action:
11.1 Recommendation re: Approval of Site Modernization Project Change Order #1 with FE Controls Corporation for 909 Roosevelt Avenue
11.2 Recommendation re: Approval of Multi-Prime Construction Agreement with Various Contractors for Orion Alternative School
11.3 Recommendation re: Approval of Administration Building and Parking Lot Project Change Order #8 with Beals Martin for Kennedy Middle School
11.4 Recommendation re: Approval of Amended Agreement #5 for Administration Portable Project Inspection Service with Inspectacon for Roosevelt School
President Lawson (Ayes)
Vice-President MacAvoy (Ayes)
Trustee Díaz-Slocum (Ayes)
Trustee Márquez (Ayes)
Trustee McBride (Ayes)
12. Bond Program Action Items (Action Required)
12.1 Recommendation re: Approval of Construction Agreement with CalState for Roosevelt School
The School Board approved the construction agreement with CalState for Roosevelt School (Díaz-Slocum/McBride; 5-0).
President Lawson (Ayes)
Vice-President MacAvoy (Ayes)
Trustee Díaz-Slocum (Ayes)
Trustee Márquez (Ayes)
Trustee McBride (Ayes)
- Discussion Items
**Note: Superintendent Baker requested to pull Discussion Items 11.3 and 11.4 from the agenda.
- Discussion Items
- Discussion of School Attendance Boundary Change for Neighborhood Schools
Superintendent Baker addressed the School Board, staff, and the community by explaining that a year ago, the Redwood City School District began the process of resizing the School District. A public hearing was agendized in order to gather input from the community regarding boundaries and attendance zones.
Zach Worthen, demographer, provided the School Board and Superintendent Baker with a presentation, where he explained that the former Fair Oaks’ neighborhood, the former John Gill neighborhood, the former Hawes’ neighborhood, the former Selby Lane neighborhood attendance areas will now need to be absorbed by the current seven attendance areas of Clifford School, Roy Cloud School, Henry Ford School, Garfield School, Hoover School, Roosevelt School, and Taft School. Mr. Worthen studied the current projected enrollment, facility capacity, new development, and other data trends to better guide the School District with creating new attendance areas for each neighborhood school.
Mr. Worthen provided the School Board and Superintendent Baker with two different scenarios:
Scenario I: Would leave several K-8s unchanged and divides up the attendance areas of the closed buildings between adjacent catchment areas. All buildings are mathematically viable, but have more variance in capacity usage.
Scenario II: This scenario changes several boundaries that could remain viable in Scenario I, but balances capacity percentages at more buildings.
Public Comment:
Christina Lee, Kentifield Commons resident, addressed the School Board by stating that she is a supporter of public school education. Ms. Lee added that many Kentfield Commons’ residents send their children to private schools. Ms. Lee expressed that she would like to send her daughters to Henry Ford School and urged the School Board to make this a possibility.
Keith Simmons, Kentfield Commons resident, thanked Demographer Zach Worthen and the School Board for all the time invested in the study. Ms. Simmon added that public education is an institution he believes in. Mr. Simmons commented that Henry Ford School would be a great option for Kentfield Commons’ residents.
Michelle Smith, thanked the School Board and Demographer Zach Worthen for all the time invested in the study. Ms. Smith expressed that a lot of the school closures that took effect did not seem equitable. Ms. Smith commented that Scenario II would be a better option for the Redwood City School District.
Lisa Giannangeli, thanked the School Board and Demographer Zach Worthen. Ms. Giannangeli asked if she was residing in the former John Gill neighborhood, would she be connected to Clifford School? If the boundaries would remain as is, would she be asked to go to Kennedy?
In response to Ms. Giannangeli’s questions, Mr. Worthen answered that her family would be allowed to attend a K-8 school. The John Gill area would go to Kennedy Middle School.
Jackie Rodríguez, RCSD parent, commented that distance learning has been challenging for her family. Ms. Rodríguez added that many parents have commented that they are also struggling with distance learning.
In response to Ms. Rodríguez’s comment, Superintendent Baker stated that he would ask Michelle Remond to get in touch with her to further assist her.
Elizabeth Flegel, Roosevelt neighborhood resident, commented that Sterling Heights is a neighborhood adjacent to the Roosevelt neighborhood, which should in reality belong to the Henry Ford neighborhood. Ms. Flegel added that her students currently attend Adelante/Selby Spanish Immersion School.
Jeni Overbey, commented that many of her questions had been answered. Ms. Overbey thanked the School Board and Demographer Zach Worthen for all of their work on the school attendance and boundary changes.
Devon Mullane, RCSD parent, addressed the Petes Harbor area and stated that it is quite far a distance to get to Clifford School. Mr. Mullane expressed that there could be a possibility that Petes Harbor area students attend the Belmont-Redwood Shores School District, due to shorter proximity.
Bill Brown, thanked the School Board and Superintendent Baker for their tremendous work on the school attendance boundary changes.
Vanessa Della Pasqua, thanked the School Board and Superintendent Baker for their hard work on the school attendance boundary changes. Ms. Della Pasqua requested that the information about the school attendance and boundary changes be made available to parents.
Thomas Brole, Roosevelt School parent, thanked the leadership at Roosevelt School and commented they have been awesome! Mr. Brole added that everything is going well; however, Roosevelt School has been impacted greatly. Mr. Brole noted that a lot of pressure has been put on Roosevelt School to take more students. Mr. Brole commented that he did not understand why students were being transported to Roosevelt via bus, when other schools were not having capacity issues. Mr. Brole stated that the socioeconomically disadvantaged school sites were not given an option and now that the School District is a basic aid district, it will not matter where students go.
13.2 Discussion on COVID-19
Superintendent Baker thanked Cabinet administrators for their incredible work and support amidst the stay at home order.
Cabinet administrators provided School Board members with an update on staff development, technology support (Chromebook and hotspot distribution), communications, food distribution, maintenance and cleaning of school sites and the District Office, special education, business office, wellness, student services and community outreach.
The School Board thanked administrators, teachers and staff for all their hard work and support.
Public Comments:
Pam Barasch, kindergarten teacher at Henry Ford School, commented that there has been 9 week of distance learning and teachers are doing their very best to help care for students and families.
Mohammad Tabrizi, addressed the School Board by noting that there has been a switch with the platforms used for distance learning. Mr. Tabrizi asked what are neighboring districts using? Mr. Tabrizi expressed that distance learning has been frustrating for both teachers and students. Mr. Tabrizi urged the School Board to look further into the technology platforms.
Michelle Beutler, RCSD teacher, commented that she had a meeting with one of her student’s parents regarding technology. Ms. Beutler expressed that it would be great to inform parents that technology is coming. Ms. Beutler stated that it was particularly important to inform those families that do not have access to Facebook or the RCSD website. Furthermore, Ms. Beutler expressed that she has found Google Meet effective.
Michelle Ortez, RCSD teacher, expressed her concern on the information provided to teachers and staff at the last board meeting. Ms. Ortez commented that distance learning would be the best option for both teachers and students. Ms. Ortez stated that she understood things are constantly changing, but opined that returning to school would not be a viable alternative for families and staff.
Michelle Territo, teacher at Clifford School, commented that she was given two hours to notify her students and families that the School District had transitioned to distance learning and had limited time to provide her students with instructional materials. Ms. Territo added that the transition to distance learning happened fast and unexpectedly; however, she and her students have been attempting to master the platforms and have had a positive experience.
Catherine Stuart, parent at Mandarin Immersion Program, addressed the School Board by stating that she would keep her child at home until there was a vaccine available. Ms. Stuart added that allowing students to resume classes would put them at high risk.
Devon Mullane, RCSD teacher and parent, commented that it has been challenging to do his job, while also trying to teach his daughters. Mr. Mullane added that the amount of time that teachers have to participate in online platforms is not tangible.
In response to Ms. Mullane’s comment, Director of Technology Kyle Brumbaugh stated that the Technology Department is working hard in having a digital device for every student.
Michelle Smith, RCSD parent, asked what happens to students that are enrolled in immersion programs and do not have Spanish speaking parents at home? Ms. Smith further commented that her son sees his Spanish Immersion teacher for half an hour a week and it is not enough.
Maria Stockton, CSEA President and Clifford School staff, asked if there were enough devices for instructional assistants to use at home? Ms. Stockton also asked if instructional assistants were going to receive training?
Robin Estrada, RCSD parent, expressed her concern about the need for children to constantly wash their hands and keep their masks on. Ms. Estrada asked how would staff make sure students follow safety guidelines while being at school?
Shana Hacksworth, RCSD parent, thanked the Department of Technology for providing her children with a Chromebook. Ms. Hacksworth asked if it was possible to install a security bar on devices, which would prevent students from accessing unwanted websites?
In response to Ms. Hacksworth’s question, Director of Technology Kyle Brumbaugh expressed that all the Chromebooks distributed to students have a filtering option, which actively secures the Chromebooks. Furthermore, Ms. Brumbaugh commented that the filter picks up profanity, self-harming, etc.
Superintendent Baker stated that the last day of instruction would be May 29th.
Trustees McBride and Díaz-Slocum expressed their support to have May 29th be the last day of instruction.
Vice-President MacAvoy asked Superintendent Baker if he had checked with legal counsel to make sure instruction could end on May 29th?
In response to Vice-President MacAvoy’s question, Superintendent Baker replied he had checked with legal counsel and he was approved to move forward with the plan.
13.3. Update on the Development of the 2020-21 Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)
Linda Montes, Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services, Prek-5, stated that the Local Control Accountability Plan is an important part of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). Based on LCFF, funds are allocated to support English Learners, Foster Youth, Homeless, Special Education and low-income students. Ms. Montes reported that due to the Covid-19 emergency, the California Department of Education released an executive order requiring for all Local Education Agencies to complete a written report, rather than developing a three-year LCAP, which is due on July 1, 2020.
13.4 Updates on the Outcomes to the Federal Program Monitoring Review
Linda Montes, Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services, PreK-5, reported to the School Board that the Redwood City School District had completed an extensive review of federal programs, which included: compensatory education (Title I), education equity, English Learner (Title III), Early Learning and Care (ELC), fiscal monitoring (Title I, II, III, IV), and uniform complaint procedures.
Ms. Montes stated that there was a total of 12 findings in areas such as education equity, English Learner (Title III) and the uniform complaint procedures. Ms. Montes added that the Redwood City School District was given a total of 45 days to resolve each finding.
There were no comments or questions from the School Board or Superintendent Baker.
13.5 Update on Immunizations
Andrea Garen, Director of Health and Wellness gave the School Board and Superintendent Baker an update on immunizations for the Redwood City School District. Ms. Garen stated that there is a total of 344 immunizations missing districtwide. Ms. Garen further added that some of the reasons why a school is not one hundred percent compliant when it comes to immunizations is due to homelessness, foster youth, unable to reach families, parents agreeing to a medical appointment but then unable to keep the appointment, students on a vaccine catch-up schedule, medical or personal belief exemptions, new preschool students, newcomers, new student transfers, and most recently the shelter in place order due to Covid-19. In addition, there is an unusually high number of missing vaccinations for students entering 7th grade due to a requirement for a second varicella booster vaccine.
There were no comments or questions from the School Board or Superintendent Baker.
- Consent Items
**Note: Per Trustee McBride, Action Item 15.2 was moved to Consent.
The board approved the Consent Items (MacAvoy/McBride; 5-0), taking the following action:
14.1 Recommendation re: Acceptance of Donations
14.2 Recommendation re: Approval of Agreement between Redwood City School District and KNN Public Finance
15.2 Recommendation re: Approval of Cisco/AMS.NET – Cisco Telecommunications Flex Licensing Contract
President Lawson (Ayes)
Vice-President MacAvoy (Ayes)
Trustee Díaz-Slocum (Ayes)
Trustee Márquez (Ayes)
Trustee McBride (Ayes)
15. Action Items (Action Required)
15.1 Recommendation re: Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding between the California School Employees Association Chapter V and the Redwood City School District
The School Board approved the Memorandum of Understanding between the California School Employees Association Chapter V and the Redwood City School District (Díaz-Slocum/MacAvoy; 5-0).
President Lawson (Ayes)
Vice-President MacAvoy (Ayes)
Trustee Díaz-Slocum (Ayes)
Trustee Márquez (Ayes)
Trustee McBride (Ayes)
15.3 Recommendation re: Review and Approval of Board Policy 5141.52 – Suicide Prevention
The School Board reviewed and approved Board Policy 5141.52 – Suicide Prevention (MacAvoy/McBride; 5-0).
President Lawson (Ayes)
Vice-President MacAvoy (Ayes)
Trustee Díaz-Slocum (Ayes)
Trustee Márquez (Ayes)
Trustee McBride (Ayes)
15.4 Recommendation re: Adoption of Resolution 28, Grading During Emergency School Closures
The School Board adopted Resolution 28, grading during emergency school closures (McBride/Díaz-Slocum; 5-0).
President Lawson (Ayes)
Vice-President MacAvoy (Ayes)
Trustee Díaz-Slocum (Ayes)
Trustee Márquez (Ayes)
Trustee McBride (Ayes)
- Board and Superintendent Reports
16.1 Report from Board Members and Superintendent
Vice-President MacAvoy reported attending a California School Boards Association Board of Directors Legislative meeting. Furthermore, Vice-President MacAvoy attended a Redwood City 2020 meeting.
Trustee Díaz-Slocum reported visiting an online classroom and commented it had been great! Trustee Díaz-Slocum also reported participating in many calls with the San Mateo County.
Trustee Márquez did not have a report.
Trustee McBride reported working with a donor who has graciously donated 19 devices to the Redwood City School District. Trustee McBride reported that there will be more devices to come.
President Lawson reported that there is free COVID-19 testing. President Lawson commented that anyone interested can log in at and schedule an appointment.
Superintendent Baker commented that he participated in many of the same meetings as board members.
- Information
- Information on San Mateo County Investment Fund – April
There were no comments or questions from the School Board or Superintendent Baker.
- Correspondence
President Lawson reported receiving several correspondences regarding the boundary changes and the renaming of Adelante/Selby.
- Other Business/Suggested Items for Future Agenda
- Board Agenda Calendar
20.1 Changes to the Board Agenda Schedule
Superintendent Baker requested that a Special Board meeting be added for June 3rd.
- Adjournment (Action Required)
The board adjourned the meeting at 11:26 p.m. (Díaz-Slocum/MacAvoy; 5-0).
María Díaz-Slocum, Clerk