July 15, 2020
JULY 15, 2020
Redwood City, California
July 15, 2020
- Call to Order
President Janet Lawson called the special board meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. via Zoom Teleconference Meeting.
- Welcome
President Janet Lawson welcomed those present.
Present at the Special Board Meeting via Zoom: President Janet Lawson, Vice-President Alisa MacAvoy, Trustees María Díaz-Slocum, Cecilia I. Márquez, Dennis McBride and Superintendent John Baker.
Others Present: Wendy Kelly, Linda Montes, Jorge Quintana, Antonio Pérez, Kyle Brumbaugh, Patricia Pelino, Patricia Ortiz, Andrea Garen, Martin Cervantes, and many others present.
- Changes to the Agenda
President Lawson reported that Action Item 10.2 would be pulled from the agenda.
Trustee McBride requested that Action Items 10.3 and 10.4 be moved to Consent.
Vice-President MacAvoy requested that Public Comment be limited to 1 minute, given the high volume of speakers’ cards.
- Approval of Agenda
The board approved the agenda as submitted, (McBride/MacAvoy; 5-0).
- Oral Communication
- Bond Program Consent Items (Action Required)
The board approved the Bond Program Consent Items (McBride/MacAvoy; 5-0), taking the following action:
6.1 Recommendation re: Approval of Program Management Team Amendment #4 with Brailsford and Dunlavey
6.2 Recommendation re: Approval of Multi-Prime Construction Agreements for Garfield School with Various Contractors
6.3 Recommendation re: Approval of Drainage Upgrades and Bioswale Project Construction Agreement for Adelante Selby Spanish Immersion School with Silicon Valley Paving
6.4 Recommendation re: Approval of IT Wiring Upgrades for Roosevelt School with Vanden Bos
6.5 Recommendation re: Approval of Boundary Survey Project Authorization Form for Adelante Selby Spanish Immersion School with Kier and Wright
President Lawson (Ayes)
Vice-President MacAvoy (Ayes)
Trustee Díaz-Slocum (Ayes)
Trustee Márquez (Ayes)
Trustee McBride (Ayes)
- Bond Program Action Items (Action Required)
- Discussion Items
- Discussion of Roadmap to Reopening My School Plan
Liz Wolfe, Assistant Superintendent provided the School Board with a PowerPoint presentation on the plan to reopen schools for the 2020-21 school year.
Public Comments:
Pam Barasch, kindergarten teacher, expressed her appreciation for all the hard work of all staff and teachers. Ms. Barasch commented that currently, it is not safe for students to return to school. Ms. Barasch urged the School Board to hold their plans until it is safe for students, teachers, and staff to return to school.
Laura Easley, RCSD parent, addressed the School Board and Superintendent Baker by requesting an increase in social, emotional and mental services for students. Ms. Easley emphasized the students’ need for social interactions with their classmates and teachers. Ms. Easley thanked the School Board, Superintendent Baker, and staff for their hard work.
Mercedes Kwiatkowski, board certified doctor and psychiatrist, thanked the School Board and Superintendent Baker for their great leadership and support. Ms. Kwiatkowski commented that she would like to find the safest way to have children education. Ms. Kwiatkowski, expressed her concern about an increase in suicide attempts and thoughts amongst children during distance learning.
Gloria Comfort, RCSD parent and teacher, addressed the School Board and Superintendent Baker by stating that there are many questions for parents and staff left unanswered. Mrs. Comfort asked if a teacher tests positive and is asked to self-quarantine, will there be a substitute lined of for them?
Jeannette Melendez, teacher at Adelante/Selby, commented that she would love to return to school; however, she does not feel it is safe to do so yet. Ms. Melendez stated that when the stay at home order was issued, she felt appreciated as a teacher, now, she feels pressured to return to school.
Susan Forker, RCSD parent, thanked the School Board and Superintendent Baker for all of their hard work and support to families and staff. Ms. Forker stated she wanted to discuss equity and setting a reasonable standard for childcare services for families. Ms. Forker asked when would the School Board and Superintendent Baker make a final decision about whether students would return to school or continue distance learning?
Ariana Baltay, RCSD parent, stated that she did not feel comfortable with students returning to school. Ms. Baltay commented that there are more reports of children getting Covid-19 and there aren’t enough tests available.
Jennifer Overbey, RCSD staff member, expressed her support to continue distance learning for students.
Caitlin McManus, RCSD teacher, thanked the School Board and Superintendent Baker for their support. Ms. McManus expressed that she cannot wait until she is able to return to her classroom and see her students; however, she proposes that the School District choose to continue distance learning in order to ensure everyone’s safety.
Michele Pacquet, RCSD teacher, thanked everyone for all the time they have invested in a plan to reopen schools. Ms. Pacquet expressed her concern for students to return to school. Ms. Pacquet reiterated that young children could also contract Covid-19 and encouraged the School Board and Superintendent Baker to continue distance learning for the safety of students, teachers and staff.
Fletcher Haskell, RCSD staff, asked how flexible were schedules going to be? Mr. Haskell asked if families were going to be given an option to consider independent study?
Peggy Klein, RCSD teacher, commented that cases are not declining. Ms. Klein commented that the School District must consider that many teachers might have to make a tough decision to either stay or leave the School District. Ms. Klein added that even though distance learning would be challenging, it would be the best option for students.
Candice Nance Carrigan, RCSD parent, asked the School Board and Superintendent Baker what training have teachers received for distance learning?
Sandie Hoover, teacher at Clifford, expressed her support for distance learning. Ms. Hoover asked when a student or teacher become sick, how many people would it take for the School Board and the Superintendent to decide when the school should be closed?
Elle Koleckar, RCSD parent, addressed the School Board by asking if distance learning would affect students who are currently enrolled under a Schools of Choice application?
Jennifer Mercado, RCSD teacher, expressed her support for distance learning.
Kevin Sugar, RCSD teacher, addressed the School Board and Superintendent Baker by requesting that the School District continue distance learning. Mr. Sugar expressed his concern for his two elderly parents.
Kristy Herrera, RCSD teacher, advocated for full distance learning. Ms. Herrera commented that children and teachers should not be exposed to environments were there isn’t enough space for social distancing. Ms. Herrera reiterated that students’ and teachers’ health should not be put at risk.
Jeanne Martin, RCSD teacher, commented that she is a teacher that falls within the 25% percentile of underlying health conditions. Ms. Martin expressed her desire for full distance learning.
Jocelyn Rutenberg-Semke, RCSD parent, commented that she would not like for her 5th grade student to return to school physically. Ms. Rutenberg-Semke requested that the School Board and Superintendent Baker consider full distance learning.
Ann Lucero, RCSD staff member, expressed that she would like for the School District to do distance learning.
Christina Kim, Mandarin Immersion Program parent, addressed the School Board by commenting that she would like for the School District to do 100% distance learning.
Dione Smith, teacher at Clifford School, addressed her support of doing 100% distance learning. Ms. Smith expressed her disappointment on seeing that there aren’t more fletched programs geared towards distance learning.
Ellen Jacobson, RCSD parent, encouraged the School Board and Superintendent Baker to utilize the funds reserved for PPE on technology devices for students to help support distance learning.
Tiffany Anderson, RCSD parent, commented that she is hesitant to send her children to school. Ms. Anderson reiterated that she would not like to put teachers in a dangerous situation. Ms. Anderson urged the School Board to continue distance learning.
Betsy Snow, expressed her support with continuing distance learning. Ms. Snow further added that librarians are school sites are essential and urged the School Board and Superintendent Baker to keep them. Ms. Snow mentioned that although librarians have been trained to do read aloud sessions, they have a plethora of resources available for students.
Meghan O’Rilley, expressed that there is an inequity in education. Ms. O’Reilly-Green proposed that there be child care cohorts offered to families.
Cathryn Stewart, thanked everyone for their comments. Ms. Stewart encouraged the School Board and Superintendent Baker to continue with the distance learning plan.
Indra Hernández, thanked the School Board and Superintendent Baker for continuing to prioritize the health and safety of students and staff. Ms. Hernández urged the School Board to continue distance learning for the safety of students and staff.
Rita Melton, RCSD teacher, addressed the School Board by stating that there is a collective unit of teachers concerned about starting the school year following a hybrid model. Ms. Melton reiterated that she did not think it was safe to return to school yet. Ms. Melton respectfully requested from the School Board that they think about the lives of RCSD students, staff and teachers.
Maribel Parenti, Adelante/Selby Spanish Immersion staff member, commented that once school starts in August, she would like for the School District to continue on a distance learning model. Ms. Parenti expressed that teachers and staff are seeking safety and the well-being of students, families, and staff.
Eric Sutton, virtual Pokemón teacher at Orion Alternative School, commented that there needs to be Google groups of 5 students.
Katie Goetz, RCSD parent, addressed the School Board and Superintendent Baker by asking for clear models and expectations for a full distance learning plan and a hybrid plan. Ms. Goetz also asked how would English learner families be equipped for a distance learning plan?
Joan Perez, addressed the School Board by reiterating the importance of keeping students, staff, and teacher safe.
Julia Feng, Mandarin Immersion Program parent, asked the School Board and Superintendent Baker how would immersion programs work online? Ms. Feng commented than an online immersion program might be challenging for students. Ms. Feng urged the School Board and Superintendent Baker to figure out a way to help students in immersion programs.
Michelle Beutler, RCSD teacher, expressed her appreciation for the School Board. Ms. Beutler commented that she would hate to put the families’ health at risk. Ms. Beutler added that many of her students made progress during distance learning. Ms. Beutler urged the School Board to continue with the distance learning plan.
Maria Stockton, CSEA President, expressed her concern with brining teachers and students back to school. Ms. Stockton encouraged administration to meet with CSEA and RCTA to alert them when someone at the School District has been in contact with someone infected with Covid-19.
Josephina Libunao, addressed the School Board and Superintendent Baker by stating that a decision needs to be made based on data. Ms. Libunao expressed that it would not be safe to return to school when there has been an increase in Covid-19 cases.
Bryan Howell, RCSD teacher, commented that teachers care deeply about their students’ emotional wellbeing and safety. Mr. Howell urged the School Board to continue with the distance learning plan.
Jeanett Serrano, RCSD teacher, thanked the School Board and Superintendent Baker for their support during distance learning.
Franklin Herrera, Kennedy Middle School staff member, commented that he misses the kids. Mr. Herrera stated that as soon as places begin to reopen, the cases of Covid-19 also begin to increase. Mr. Herrera reiterated that the Redwood City School District needs to be part of the solution.
Vanessa Sánchez, teacher at Adelante/Selby Spanish Immersion School, urged the School Board and Superintendent Baker to start the 2020-21 school year via distance learning. Ms. Sánchez stated that it is irresponsible to assume everyone has the resources to do a hybrid model.
Sarah Gierke, asked if there will be independent study available for students, starting the 2020-21 school year. Ms. Gierke commented it is important to keep the same cohorts of those students participating in after school programs.
Suba Marti, RCSD technology coach, addressed the School Board and Superintendent Baker by requesting that the School District continue with the distance learning plan.
David Weekly, commented that he would like for outdoor instruction to take place, in addition to regular testing.
Michelle Lehr, RCSD psychologist, commented that returning to school would put vulnerable students at risk.
Joan Solari, RCSD teacher, thanked the School Board and Superintendent Baker for all the support. Ms. Solari commented that it is not safe to return to school yet. Ms. Solari encouraged the School District to continue monitoring the science data in order to make decisions that will not put anyone’s health at risk.
Jennifer Wenzel, RCSD teacher, expressed her concern about the virus and the danger it imposes on everyone. Ms. Wenzel encouraged the School Board to continue on the distance learning plan once school resumes in August.
Alex Herrera, RCSD parent, expressed his concern about returning to school. Mr. Herrera urged the School Board and Superintendent Baker to continue on the distance learning plan.
Michelle Mairani, RCSD teacher, thanked all administrators involved in the planning of a hybrid model. Ms. Mairani expressed that returning to school is not safe for students, teachers, and staff. Ms. Mairani urged the School Board and Superintendent Baker to continue on a distance learning plan.
Sophie Mintier, commented that both of the proposals place an enormous burden on all teachers.
Stephanie Calsing, RCSD teacher, commented that teachers will need a quiet place to record their lessons. Ms. Calsin emphasized the need for custodians to perform deep cleaning to ensure a safe and healthy environment.
Alec Duncan, expressed concern about students returning to school. Mr. Duncan urged the School Board to continue with distance learning.
Aida Ortiz de Aguilar, RCSD preschool teacher, commented that she would like to continue with distance learning.
Zoe Wilson, stated that she appreciated all the remarks from the School Board and thanked everyone for their great support to RCSD students.
Kayla Kamiley, expressed that she fully supports distance learning. Ms. Kamiley commented that it is extremely important for students to interact with their teachers, especially online.
Silvia Antonelli, RCSD teacher, thanked the School Board for their leadership.
Susanne Dunlap, RCSD teacher, expressed that distance learning is the safest plan for students and teachers.
Jacqueline Rodriguez, Innovate Public Schools leader, addressed the School Board by stating that administrators, educators, and parents have to work collaboratively to enhance education.
Patricia Perla, encouraged the School Board and Superintendent Baker to continue with distance learning. Ms. Perla stressed the importance of wearing a mask to help prevent the spread of Covid-19.
MaríaElena Gaona, expressed the importance of listening to the parents’ comments. Ms. Gaona opined that distance learning is the safest plan for students, teachers, and staff.
Mercedes Northen, asked the School Board and Superintendent Baker if services could be offered to students at risk? Ms. Northen encouraged the School Board and Superintendent Baker to think about offering outdoor classrooms when students return to school.
Michelle Ban, addressed the School Board, Superintendent Baker, and all staff by thanking them for their leadership and hard work.
Elvira Cortez, RCSD teacher, asked the School Board and Superintendent Baker not to open schools until it is deemed safe.
Gwen Minor, commented that she supports the continuation of distance learning.
Adriana Bejar, thanked the School Board and expressed that distance learning is the best option for students and teachers.
James Carrig, commented that he believes in distance learning and supports the School District in moving forward with a distance learning model.
Abid Kemal, expressed that he strongly encourages distance learning and believes it would be easier to cater to the needs of students.
Michelle Ortez, RCSD teacher, encouraged members of the public to call their local government to request assistance and resources for distance learning and child care.
Michelle Smith, RCSD parents, asked the Redwood City School District to leverage its relationship with partners for help and additional resources related to child care. Ms. Smith commented that the hybrid model leaves underrepresented families behind.
Ariandy Jiménez, commented that she does not believe that distance learning is the safest plan to move the School District forward.
Linda Elkins, stated that she is an advocate for the hybrid model. Ms. Elkins commented that her children attended a summer camp and felt comfortable with all the safety procedures followed by the camp staff.
Alli Gilmore, expressed her disappointment in seeing that the School District is moving in a different direction. Ms. Gilmore asked that parents advocate at the county and state level.
Rob Hager, thanked the School Board and Superintendent Baker for the presentation. Furthermore, Mr. Hager stated his support for a full distance learning plan.
Superintendent Baker, commented that afterschool programs are waiting to see what the School District is planning on doing to present a plan for their programs. Superintendent Baker expressed that the School District could speak to its partners to see how much more support they can provide RCSD. Superintendent Baker commented that if the Redwood City School District did outdoor classrooms, tents would have to be placed outdoors and security guards would have to be hired to make sure those tents are not messed with.
Deputy Superintendent Wendy Kelly mentioned that the Human Resources Department is working on a schedule for librarians.
Superintendent Baker commented that he will be checking data with the San Mateo County Health Department and the San Mateo County Office of Education. Superintendent Baker expressed that some families did not have a positive experience with distance learning, but he and administration are working together to make sure the distance learning model is improved. Superintendent Baker commented that he will need support from all parties involved.
Vice-President MacAvoy thanked all the parents, staff and teachers for their comments and letters. Vice-President MacAvoy expressed that she has been in constant calls with health officials
Trustee McBride thanked all administrative staff involved in the plan to reopen schools.
Trustee Díaz-Slocum thanked parents, teachers, and staff for all of their hard work and support. Trustee Díaz-Slocum expressed that she would like for the School District to continue with a full distance learning model until it is deemed safe to return to school.
President Lawson, thanked Superintendent Baker, administration and staff for all of their work and support to families. President Lawson mentioned that this item would be placed on next week’s agenda for approval.
Trustee Márquez thanked Superintendent Baker, staff and teachers for all of their hard work. Trustee Márquez expressed her support to continue distance learning.
9. Consent Items (Action Required) **Per Trustee McBride, Action Items 10.3 and 10.4 were moved to Consent.
The board approved the Consent Items (Díaz-Slocum/MacAvoy; 5-0), taking the following action:
10.3 Recommendation re: Approval of Facilities Use Agreement between RCSD and Connect Community Charter School
10.4 Recommendation re: Approval of Joint Use Agreement with Little Budz, Inc. dba BuildingKidz School at Hawes School Site
President Lawson (Ayes)
Vice-President MacAvoy (Ayes)
Trustee Díaz-Slocum (Ayes)
Trustee Márquez (Ayes)
Trustee McBride (Ayes)
10. Action Items (Action Required)
10.1 Recommendation re: Adoption of Resolution 1, Consent of the San Mateo County Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) Local Plan 2020-2023
The School Board adopted Resolution 1, consent of the San Mateo County Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) Local Plan 2020-2023 (McBride, MacAvoy; 5-0).
President Lawson (Ayes)
Vice-President MacAvoy (Ayes)
Trustee Díaz-Slocum (Ayes)
Trustee Márquez (Ayes)
Trustee McBride (Ayes)
11. Adjournment (Action Required)
The board adjourned the meeting at 10:55 p.m. (McBride, Díaz-Slocum; 5-0).
María Díaz-Slocum, Clerk