January 27, 2021
JANUARY 27, 2021
Redwood City, California
January 27, 2021
- Call to Order
President MacAvoy called the closed session meeting to order at 5:41 p.m. via Zoom Teleconference Meeting.
Present at the Closed Session Meeting: President Alisa MacAvoy, Vice-President María Díaz-Slocum; Trustees Cecilia I. Márquez, Janet Lawson, Mike Wells, and Superintendent Baker.
Others Present: Deputy Superintendent Wendy Kelly and Chief Business Official Priscilla Aquino-Dichoso.
- Oral Communication on Closed Session Items Only
3. Closed Session 5:30-7:00p.m.
3.1 Conference with Real Property Negotiator Property: 750 Bradford Street, Redwood City, CA 94063 Agency Negotiator: John R. Baker, Ed.D., Superintendent Negotiating Parties: RCSD and Sobrato Foundation Under Negotiation: Price and Terms of Payment
3.2 CSEA Negotiations Update
3.3 RCTA Negotiations Update
4. Reconvene to Regular Session at Approximately 7:00p.m.
4.1 Roll Call
4.2 Report Out on Closed Session from 1.27.21 President MacAvoy reported that the School Board received information during Closed Session from the Administration and accepted their recommendation.
- Welcome
5.1 Welcome
President MacAvoy welcomed those present. The School Board dispensed with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Others Present During the Regular Board Meeting: Wendy Kelly, Linda Montes, Priscilla Aquino-Dichoso, Don Dias, Jorge Quintana, Antonio Pérez, Kyle Brumbaugh, Liz Wolfe, Catherine Stuart, Itzel Ramírez, Gonzálo Cordova, and many others.
- Changes to the Agenda
There were no changes made.
- Approval of Agenda
The board approved the agenda as submitted, (Díaz-Slocum, Lawson; 5-0).
- Oral Communication
- School/Community Reports
- Adelante Selby Spanish Immersion School Musical
President MacAvoy addressed the School Board, Superintendent Baker and members of the public by stating that the Adelante Selby Spanish Immersion School Musical would be showcased, as a way to start the board meeting on a positive note.
President MacAvoy expressed that videos and audio showcasing students’ art, music, acting, and projects would be showcased at the beginning of school board meetings.
Principal Warren Sedar from Adelante Selby Spanish Immersion School presented the Character Matters, Too musical. Principal Sedar commented that in the musical, fairy tale characters interact in a humorous way as they learn valuable lessons about being a good person, how to treat others, and how to take care of the environment. The Adelante Selby Spanish Immersion annual school musical is done in partnership with the San Carlos Children's Theater every year. Students in K-2 are in the ensemble and 3rd-5th graders have the main roles in the musical.
Principal Sedar thanked Danny Giray, Dance Instructor: Choreographer; Lidia Orduña-Ruiz, from Music for Minors: Ensemble Vocal Director; Maestra Rita Melton: Producer;
Lisa Bock, from San Carlos Children's Theater: Director and Vocal Director. Principal Sedar also thanked all parents who helped their children.
The School Board and Superintendent Baker thanked Principal Sedar, the production staff, and the students for their great work in the musical!
- Bond Program Consent Items (Action Required)
The board approved the Bond Program Consent Items (Díaz-Slocum/Lawson; 5-0), taking the following action:
10.1 Recommendation re: Approval of Additional California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Air Monitoring Project Authorization Form #31-4 for Orion Alternative School (Formerly John Gill School) with Ninyo and Moore
10.2 Recommendation re: Approval of Fire Sprinkler Piping Upsize Proposal for Orion Alternative School (Formerly John Gill School) with Marquee Fire Protection
10.3 Recommendation re: Approval of Perimeter Fencing Proposal for Clifford School with Dryco
10.4 Recommendation re: Approval of Additional Construction Management Services Fee Proposal for Roosevelt School, Roy Cloud School, and Adelante Selby School with Kitchell
10.5 Recommendation re: Approval of Roy Cloud School Modernization and Barrier Removal Project with Mar Con Builders, Change Order #2
10.6 Recommendation re: Approval of Measure T Bond Program $20K and Under Items Tracking List
10.7 Recommendation re: Approval of Budget Movement from Program Contingency to Henry Ford School Project
10.8 Recommendation re: Approval of Path of Travel Upgrades Construction Agreement for Hoover School with Guerra
President MacAvoy (Ayes)
Vice-President Díaz-Slocum (Ayes)
Trustee Márquez (Ayes)
Trustee Lawson (Ayes)
Trustee Wells (Ayes)
11. Bond Program Action Items (Action Required)
11.1 Recommendation re: Adoption of Resolution 15, Approval of Hoover Community School New Gymnasium and Modernization Project Package D with Atlas Pellizzari, Inc., Change Order #3
The School Board adopted Resolution 15, approval of Hoover Community School New Gymnasium and Modernization Project Package D with Atlas Pellizzari, Inc., Change Order #3 (Lawson/Márquez; 5-0).
President MacAvoy (Ayes)
Vice-President Díaz-Slocum (Ayes)
Trustee Márquez (Ayes)
Trustee Lawson (Ayes)
Trustee Wells (Ayes)
12. Discussion Items
- Discussion on Covid-19
Superintendent Baker and the School Board continued a discussion about distance learning and an update of the reopening plan.
Assistant Superintendent Liz Wolfe, provided the School Board and Superintendent Baker with a PowerPoint presentation, which provided further information about in-person learning, distance learning, and an update of the reopening plan.
Assistant Superintendent Wolfe stated that on January 25th, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) issued a public health directive, which requires that every educational agency (school district, county office of education, charter school, and private school) in California to notify CDPH whether it is serving students in person. Assistant Superintendent Wolfe added that all Redwood City School District schools that have reopened, need to post a Covid-19 Safety Plan (CSP) on the district website by February 1st.
Furthermore, Lupe Torres-Khalil, principal at Garfield Community School; Tina Mercer, principal at Roosevelt School; and Anna Herrera, principal at Taft Community School addressed the School Board and Superintendent Baker with an update of their reopening plan. All three principals spoke about the positive impact in-person learning is having in students, in addition to them also receiving additional academic support.
Currently, Garfield School reported that 85 students were receiving in-person learning, Roosevelt School reported 136 students, and Taft Community School reported 178 students.
Governor Gavin Newsom’s Proposal Update:
Superintendent Baker addressed California Governor Gavin Newsom’s latest proposal by stating that Governor Newsom proposed for immediate action in January, $2 billion for the safe reopening of schools beginning in February, with priority for returning the youngest children (TK-2nd grade) and those who are most disproportionately impacted first, then returning other grade levels to in-person instruction through the spring. Furthermore, Superintendent Baker added that the funds would provide $450 per student to school districts offering in-person instruction and will be weighted for districts serving students from low-income families, English Learners and foster youth.
In addition, Superintendent Baker commented that RCSD parents have commented on Governor Newsom’s Plan, stating the following:
- Get all RCSD teachers on a CA vaccination distribution list immediately;
- Negotiate with RCSD teachers’ union regarding vaccinations and returning to
school sites to teach in-person;
- Get all elementary schools K-6 back to in-person (at least hybrid) instruction as of
Governor Newsom’s timeline, March 15th. This means vaccinations need to begin
happening ASAP if timeline between doses is 3-4 weeks (Pfizer vs. Moderna).
Superintendent Baker opined that the uncertainty of not knowing whether the plan will be approved is putting the School District at a standstill.
President MacAvoy proposed that the School Board work with the Redwood City School District administration to write a resolution to the San Mateo County asking that educators be prioritized for the Covid-19 vaccine.
Speaker’s Cards:
Cameron Hoffman, RCSD parent, thanked the inspiring principals for making in-person instruction happening! Ms. Hoffman said she was pleased that equity and mental health have been an important piece of present dialogue. In addition, Ms. Hoffman recommended that the School District share data with the public in regards to student attendance, connectivity issues, learning loss, iReady assessments, so teachers, staff and families know the actual impact of distance learning on students. Ms. Hoffman mentioned that hubs and pods should also be considered under the distance learning category. Furthermore, Ms. Hoffman commented that she appreciated a different tone of encouraging in-person learning; however, the School District has a low number of teachers returning to in-person learning.
In response to Ms. Hoffman’s comments, President MacAvoy replied that the Redwood City School District is one out of seven school districts in San Mateo County returning to in-person learning. President MacAvoy added that many students are returning in an as-needed basis and those who have expressed desire to return to school. President MacAvoy also expressed that the Redwood City School District continues to be a leading school district in having students returning to in-person learning.
The School Board and Superintendent Baker thanked all principals for their great work, support and leadership!
- First Reading of Board ByLaw 9100 – Organization
Deputy Superintendent Wendy Kelly thanked President MacAvoy and Trustee Lawson for serving in the Policy Committee and for their support in updating board policies.
Trustee Lawson affirmed that the bylaw has changed. Previously, the bylaw read that newly elected board members would be seated the first Friday in December. The bylaw has now changed to reflect that newly elected board members must be seated on the second Friday in December. Trustee Lawson stated that according to the bylaw, the swearing in ceremony should happen within the first 15 days of the second Friday in December. Furthermore, Trustee Lawson commented that the rotation of seats within the board had not changed.
Trustee Wells asked if there was a possibility to ease the board policy so there wouldn’t have to be a special board meeting during the second Friday in December, especially when it’s not an election year?
In response to Trustee Wells inquiry, Trustee Lawson expressed that the bylaw might be only referencing special board meetings for newly elected board members and swearing in ceremonies, rather than the school board rotation.
Following Trustee Lawson’s comment, President MacAvoy stated that the Policy Committee would confirm with counsel about holding a special board meeting, only when newly elected board members need to be sworn in.
- First Reading of Board Policy 3530 – Risk Management/Insurance
Deputy Superintendent Wendy Kelly commented that the new items on the Board Policy appear in bold and the items that the School Board requested to remove are stricken out. Furthermore, Deputy Superintendent Kelly expressed that the Policy Committee would be providing an update to the School Board regarding risk management and insurance, worker’s compensation, training, and safety in classrooms.
- First Reading of Board Policy 4040 – Employee Use of Technology
Deputy Superintendent Wendy Kelly stated that she reviewed Board Policy 4040 with Director of Technology Kyle Brumbaugh to include new language that defined staff member’s obligation to not use the School District’s technology devices for personal use.
Deputy Superintendent Wendy Kelly expressed that all the discussed Board Policies would be presented to the School Board at the next board meeting for final approval.
- Consent Items
The board approved the Consent Items (Díaz-Slocum/Lawson; 5-0), taking the following action:
13.1 Recommendation re: Approval of January 13th Board Minutes
13.2 Recommendation re: Approval of Additional Vendor to be Included with Non-Public School (“NPS”)/Non-Public Agency (“NPA”) Master Contract
13.3 Recommendation re: Approval of Swing Education Platform and Services Agreement to Provide Access to Substitute Services
President MacAvoy (Ayes)
Vice-President Díaz-Slocum (Ayes)
Trustee Márquez (Ayes)
Trustee Lawson (Ayes)
Trustee Wells (Ayes)
14. Action Items (Action Required)
14.1 Recommendation re: Acceptance of Redwood City Teachers Association Sunshine Proposal
Speaker’s Cards: Brian Cagle, PE Teacher at North Star and Chair of RCTA Negotiations, addressed the School Board and Superintendent Baker by stating that he would like for the negotiations’ team to work collaboratively with the School District to improve bargaining negotiations.
The School Board accepted the Redwood City Teachers Association Sunshine Proposal (Lawson/Márquez; 5-0).
President MacAvoy (Ayes)
Vice-President Díaz-Slocum (Ayes)
Trustee Márquez (Ayes)
Trustee Lawson (Ayes)
Trustee Wells (Ayes)
14.2 Recommendation re: Governing Board’s Initial Proposal for Negotiations with Redwood City Teachers Association for 2021-22
The School Board approved the Governing Board’s Initial Proposal for Negotiations with Redwood City Teachers Association for 2021-22 (Wells/Lawson; 5-0).
President MacAvoy (Ayes)
Vice-President Díaz-Slocum (Ayes)
Trustee Márquez (Ayes)
Trustee Lawson (Ayes)
Trustee Wells (Ayes)
- Board and Superintendent Reports
15.1 Report from Board Members and Superintendent
Vice-President Díaz-Slocum reported attending a 2x2x2 meeting. Vice-President Díaz-Slocum expressed that the Redwood City School District provided an update to 2x2x2 meeting attendees on what the Redwood City School District has been doing in terms of their plan to reopen for in-person learning and the continuation of distance learning.
In addition to Vice-President Díaz-Slocum’s report, President MacAvoy commented that there was a discussion about resources officers impacting schools on the high school district level during the 2x2x2 meeting.
Trustee Wells reported attending a Reclassification Virtual Ceremony this past Monday, together with the School Board members and Superintendent Baker. Furthermore, Trustee Wells congratulated all students and their families for achieving a valuable milestone in becoming reclassified. Trustee Wells also attended a SEPTAR PTA meeting for Adelante/Selby Spanish Immersion School and a Bond Program Committee meeting.
Trustee Lawson reported attending a Policy Committee meeting, a Bond Program Committee meeting and a Redwood City Together meeting. Trustee Lawson commented that Redwood City 2020 has been renamed to Redwood City Together. Furthermore, Trustee Lawson commented that she participated in an Equity Committee meeting to start Administrative Regulations. Trustee Lawson stated that she attended the Reclassification Ceremony and commented it was a fantastic celebration! Trustee Lawson expressed that the slideshow that showcased pictures of students and their families was great!
Trustee Márquez reported attending the Reclassification Ceremony and thanked Assistant Superintendent Linda Montes and the entire EL Department for a wonderful job! Trustee Márquez commented she came to the U.S. when she was in 7th grade and felt a sense of pride for the students reclassified, as she had been reclassified when she was a middle school student. In addition, Trustee Márquez met with Superintendent Baker for their weekly meeting.
President MacAvoy reported attending a Policy Committee meeting and also an Equity Committee meeting. President MacAvoy commented that the Reclassification Ceremony had been wonderful! President MacAvoy thanked Assistant Superintendent Linda Montes and the entire EL Department for organizing and putting together a great presentation for the Reclassification Ceremony. President MacAvoy also attended many California School Boards Association webinars, in addition to a Redwood City Together meeting. President MacAvoy expressed being thrilled to have Rafael Avendaño as Redwood City Together’s Executive Director.
Superintendent Baker reported attending many of the same meetings as the board members. Superintendent Baker commented attending the virtual Reclassification Ceremony and expressed it had been a wonderful ceremony! Superintendent Baker added that the family pictures of each student gave it a great and personal touch. Furthermore, Superintendent Baker reported attending a principals’ meeting. Superintendent Baker thanked Erin Kekos, Antonio Pérez, and the School District nurses for facilitating Covid-19 tests. Superintendent Baker expressed there will be student nurses assisting the School District nurses.
- Information
16.1 Information on the San Mateo County Investment Fund – December, 2020
No comments or questions from the School Board or Superintendent Baker.
16.2 Quarterly Williams Report, 2nd Quarter, October 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020
No comments or questions from the School Board or Superintendent Baker.
- Correspondence
President MacAvoy reported receiving many emails from parents regarding the in-
person learning plan.
- Other Business/Suggested Items for Future Agenda
President MacAvoy recommended that Executive Director Rafael Avendaño from Redwood City Together be invited to a future board meeting to offer the School Board an update on Redwood City Together, formerly known as Redwood City 2020.
- Board Agenda Calendar
19.1 Changes to the Board Agenda Schedule
There were no changes made to the Schedule of Board Agenda Items.
The School Board and Superintendent Baker agreed on starting the February 12th School Board Retreat at 8:45 a.m. instead of 8:30 a.m.
- Adjournment (Action Required)
The board adjourned the meeting at 9:15 p.m. (Márquez/Lawson; 5-0).
Cecilia I. Márquez, Clerk