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December 11, 2020

DECEMBER 11, 2020


Redwood City, California


December 11, 2020


  1. Call to Order

President Janet Lawson called the closed session to order at 8:32 a.m. via Zoom Teleconference Meeting.

  1. Welcome

President Lawson welcomed those present. The School Board dispensed with the Pledge of Allegiance. 

  1. Oath of Office

Superintendent Baker issued the Oath of Office for Trustees Alisa MacAvoy, Janet Lawson and Mike Wells. 

Trustee Mike Wells thanked Trustee McBride for his advice and thanked his family and friends for being present during his Oath of Office ceremony. Trustee Wells expressed being excited to be of the Redwood City School Board and thanked the rest of the School Board for being supportive in the months leading to his Oath of Office.

Trustee Alisa MacAvoy thanked her family and fellow School Board members and expressed joy at being able to serve the Redwood City School District community for another four years.

Trustee Janet Lawson also thanked her family and thanked the School Board and Superintendent Baker for their great support this past year as School Board President. Trustee Lawson thanked Superintendent Baker and the Administrative Cabinet for the beautiful end-of-term gift. 

  1. Board Officers’ Rotation
  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Clerk
  • Secretary (Superintendent of Schools)
  • Trustee Representative of San Mateo County Committee on School District Organization
  • Legislative Network

The School Board held their annual board officer rotation, which follows board policy. The final rotation was as follows:

  • President – Alisa MacAvoy
  • Vice-President – María Díaz-Slocum
  • Clerk – Cecilia I. Márquez
  • Secretary (Superintendent of Schools) – John R. Baker
  • Trustee Representative of San Mateo County Committee on School District Organization – Janet Lawson
  • Legislative Network – Mike Wells
  1. Changes to the Agenda

There were no changes to the agenda.

  1. Approval of Agenda

The agenda was approved as submitted, (Díaz-Slocum, Wells; 5-0)

  1. Oral Communication


  1. Action Items (Action Required)
  • Discussion and Approval of the 2020-21 School Board Committee Assignments and School Assignments

The School Board briefly discussed the School Assignments for the 2020-21 school year. Trustee Wells took over Trustee McBride’s school assignments. Trustee Wells was assigned to CDC, Henry Ford School, MIT, and Adelante Spanish Immersion School.

The School Board Committee Assignments were updated with Trustee McBride leaving Board committees, Trustee Wells taking some committee assignments and existing Board members exchanging some committee assignments until all spots were filled. The School Board approved the 2020-21 School Board Committee Assignments and School Assignments as updated. 

The School Board approved the 2020-21 School Board Committee Assignments and School Assignments (Márquez/Lawson; 5-0).

President MacAvoy (Ayes) Vice-President Díaz-Slocum (Ayes) Trustee Márquez (Ayes) Trustee Lawson (Ayes) Trustee Wells (Ayes)

  1. Board Agenda Calendar
    • Changes to the Board Agenda Schedule

Superintendent Baker commented that he would like to convene an offsite meeting during mid-February. Superintendent Baker expressed that the purpose of the meeting would be to look at RCSD goals and strategic planning for the 2021-22 school year. Superintendent Baker recommended that the meeting last half a day.

The entire School Board commented that either February 12th or 15th would work for everyone. Trustee Wells expressed that the dates could possibly work, but would have to look at his calendar and confirm later. 

Superintendent Baker expressed preference to convene the meeting on February 12th. President MacAvoy requested to tentatively schedule the meeting for February 12th.

10. Adjournment (Action Required)

The board adjourned the Closed Session at 9:00 a.m. (Lawson, Márquez; 5-0).


Cecilia Márquez, Clerk