April 21, 2021
Redwood City, California
April 21, 2021
1. Call to Order
President MacAvoy called the regular meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. via Zoom Teleconference Meeting.
Present at the Regular Meeting: President Alisa MacAvoy, Vice-President María Díaz-Slocum; Trustees Cecilia I. Márquez, Janet Lawson, Mike Wells, and Superintendent Baker.
- Welcome
2.1 Welcome
President MacAvoy welcomed those present. The School Board dispensed with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Others Present During the Regular Board Meeting: Wendy Kelly, Linda Montes, Priscilla Aquino-Dichoso, Don Dias, Will Robertson, Jorge Quintana, Antonio Pérez, Kyle Brumbaugh, Liz Wolfe, Catherine Stuart, Maria Stockton, Jude Noyes, Ana Lague, Anna Solorio, Sue Jorgenson, Michelle Territo, Tracey Pitter, Pam Barasch, Indra Hernández, Stephanie Chen, Shana Hackworth, Gonzálo Córdova, Itzel Ramírez, Diane Prystas, Nathan Edelman, and 46 additional attendees.
- Changes to the Agenda
3.1 Changes to the Agenda
President MacAvoy requested that Bond Program Action Item 8.1 be pulled from the agenda.
President MacAvoy requested that item 6.2 under School/Community Reports be added.
- Approval of Agenda
The School Board approved the agenda as amended, (Díaz-Slocum, Wells; 5-0).
- Oral Communication
- School/Community Reports
6.1 McKinley Institute of Technology Student Projects Aligned with ISTE Standards
President MacAvoy addressed the School Board, Superintendent Baker and members of the public by introducing Nick Fanourgiakis, principal at McKinley Institute of Technology.
Principal Fanourgiakis presented to the School Board and Superintendent Baker a number of technology projects from 6th through 8th grade students. Principal Fanourgiakis presented the International Society of Technology in Education (ISTE) projects and assignments which focuses in facilitating technology integration with a project-based learning, validates and standard aligns work staff have already been doing, innovates teaching and learning to empower students’ skills in problem solving. Principal Fanourgiakis invited the School Board, Superintendent Baker, and members of the audience to visit the MIT’s ISTE project site for 2021 for further information on student project showcasing.
President MacAvoy, the entire School Board and Superintendent Baker thanked Mr. Fanourgiakis, students, and teachers for a wonderful presentation!
- Kennedy Middle School’s Presentation on Upcoming Musical
Sara Rosenbloom, Kennedy Middle School’s drama teacher, presented to the School Board and Superintendent Baker a trailer of the upcoming Little Mermaid Junior’s virtual musical. The musical will take place on May 1st and 2nd.
The School Board and Superintendent Baker thanked Ms. Rosenbloom for a wonderful presentation and they expressed excitement for the upcoming musical.
- Bond Program Consent Items (Action Required)
The Board approved the Bond Program Consent Items (Díaz-Slocum/Lawson; 5-0), taking the following action:
7.1 Recommendation re: Approval of the Modernization and New Building Project Bid Package G for Orion Alternative School (Formerly John Gill Elementary School) with Sausal Corportation, Change Order #3
7.2 Recommendation re: Approval of Measure T Bond Program Tracking List of Items Under $20K
President MacAvoy (Ayes)
Vice-President Díaz-Slocum (Ayes)
Trustee Márquez (Ayes)
Trustee Lawson (Ayes)
Trustee Wells (Ayes)
- Bond Program Action Items (Action Required)
Bond Program Action Item 8.1 was pulled from the agenda.
- Discussion Items
9.1 Spring Expansion of School District January Reopening
Superintendent Baker and the School Board continued a discussion about in-person learning, distance learning and an update of the reopening plan.
Superintendent Baker discussed the transition from 6 feet to 3 feet and expressed that schools are communicating with families and discussing potential scheduling changes with teachers. Superintendent Baker added that based on schedule and parent choice, more students have been added to in person instruction.
Superintendent Baker further provided information on updates from the California Department of Public Health and Governor Gavin Newsom’s office. Superintendent Baker added that all California schools are expected to fully reopen in the 2021-22 school year. Superintendent Baker mentioned that updates from the California Department of Public Health convey that there would be a minimum of 3 feet between students in classrooms and screening for symptoms and exposure for all students and staff before entering school campus would continue. Superintendent Baker added that everyone at the School District is required to wear a face covering and should continue to physically distance and limit gatherings. Superintendent Baker also noted that large meetings will continue to be done virtually due to space constraints to allow for 6 feet physical distance. In addition, Superintendent Baker commented that schools may plan for modified graduations, following the California Department of Public Health guidelines.
Deputy Superintendent Wendy Kelly reported that San Mateo County has moved to the Orange Tier and the county has begun to implement changes. Deputy Superintendent Kelly expressed that the School District will provide optional testing for students and mandatory testing for staff onsite via Curative tests at all sites if they are symptomatic or a close contact. Families are also able to go to a community testing site in Redwood City.
Assistant Superintendent Liz Wolfe reported that on March 16th, the State Board of Education directed the California Department of Education to prepare a waiver to allow for testing flexibility to allow districts the option of using the most viable option for assessment in the local context. On April 7th, the United States Department of Education, formally approved relief from certain testing and stated that the California Department of Education did not need a waiver. The Redwood City School District plans to use iReady for year-end assessment. The results will be shared publicly with the School Board at the June 23rd board meeting.
In closing, Superintendent Baker stated that all Redwood City School District schools will fully reopen on August 18th, which will be the first day of instruction for all students. Once schools fully reopen, families can expect regular full days and 5 days of instruction. Superintendent Baker reiterated that families that do not feel comfortable returning to in-person instruction will have the opportunity to do independent study. Furthermore, Superintendent Baker added that families could sign up for the independent study program for only one year and families need to inform the School District if they are not planning in returning for in-person instruction.
Trustee Lawson asked Superintendent Baker if a North Star Academy family chose independent study, would they lose their placement?
In response to Trustee Lawson’s question, Superintendent Baker replied that for the 2021-22 school year, families would not lose their placement at North Star Academy if they chose independent study.
Trustee Wells asked, how many students are returning for in-person instruction?
In response to Trustee Wells’ question, Superintendent Baker replied that on his Friday update to the School Board, he would provide them with data on the number of students returning to every school site.
Trustee Márquez asked Assistant Superintendent Wolfe if English learners could take the assessment in their native language?
In response to Trustee Márquez’s comment, Assistant Superintendent Wolfe commented that information about the students’ abilities in their native language have been noted; however, this particular assessment must be offered in English.
President MacAvoy asked Assistant Superintendent Wolfe if she could share with the School Board any useful information and trends in the student assessments.
In response to President MacAvoy’s request, Assistant Superintendent Wolfe replied that she would provide assessment information to the School Board during the June 23rd board meeting.
10. Consent Items (Action Required)
11. Action Items (Action Required)
12. Board and Superintendent Reports
12.1 Report from Board Members and Superintendent
Trustee Díaz-Slocum reported participating in conversations with the Mandarin Immersion and Orion Alternative parent community. Trustee Díaz-Slocum also attended a Migrant Education meeting and commented Assistant Superintendent Linda Montes and Gina Castañeda had done a wonderful job! Furthermore, Trustee Díaz-Slocum expressed that there had been many questions from parents that do not have children in the Redwood City School District, but rather in private or charter schools. Trustee Díaz-Slocum commented that there continues to be a discrepancy in communication amongst parents from private and charter schools when it comes to budgeting and finances. Lastly, Trustee Díaz-Slocum reported attending a meeting with Antonio Pérez where mental health services for students was discussed.
Trustee Lawson, together with Trustee Wells attended a Measure T Citizens Oversight Committee meeting. Trustee Lawson also participated in a Wellness Committee meeting with Director of Wellness, Andrea Garen. Lastly, Trustee Lawson attended an RCTA Climate meeting and a RWC Together meeting, where votes were casted for a logo selection.
Trustee Wells attended a Measure T Citizens Oversight Committee meeting and also attended a Bond Program meeting.
Trustee Márquez did not have a report.
President MacAvoy attended a meeting with City of Redwood City, partner agencies, Sequoia Healthcare District; Andrea Garen, Wellness Director; Jason Galisatus from the Redwood City Education Foundation to discuss 6 cannabis retail stores and the associated revenue from these businesses that will be used to support students with drug prevention and health education and mental health supports. President MacAvoy commented that she really appreciates the city partners and hopes for a wellness support meeting to receive an update. Furthermore, President MacAvoy attended a webinar on broadband from the California School Boards Association.
Superintendent Baker attended a RWC Together meeting.
13. Information
13.1 Information on San Mateo County Investment Fund – March, 2021
There were no comments or questions from the School Board and/or Superintendent Baker.
13.2 Quarterly Williams Report, 3rd Quarter, January 1, 2021 through March 21, 2021 – attachment
There were no comments or questions from the School Board and/or Superintendent Baker.
14. Correspondence
15. Other Business/Suggested Items for Future Agenda
President MacAvoy requested that a Wellness Report be added for a future board meeting.
16. Board Agenda Calendar
16.1 Changes to the Board Agenda Schedule
Superintendent Baker confirmed that the June 2nd board meeting has been canceled. Superintendent Baker added that there will be board meetings on June 16, 23, and 30.
In addition, Superintendent Baker commented that there will be a board retreat on May 7th for half a day and it will continue on May 21st.
17. Adjournment
The school board adjourned the meeting at 8:35 p.m. (Márquez/Lawson; 5-0).
Cecilia I. Márquez, Clerk