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May 1, 2019

MAY 1, 2019

Redwood City, California

May 1, 2019

1. Call to Order

President Dennis McBride called the special board meeting to order at 5:58 p.m. at the Redwood City School District (“RCSD”), 750 Bradford Street, Redwood City.

2. Welcome

President Dennis McBride welcomed those present. The School Board dispensed with the recital of the pledge.

Present at the Special Board Meeting: President Dennis McBride, Vice-President Janet Lawson, Trustees María Díaz-Slocum, Alisa MacAvoy, Cecilia I. Márquez and Superintendent John Baker.

Others Present: Linda Montes, Wendy Kelly, Priscilla Aquino-Dichoso, Don Dias, Will Robertson, Sarah Schoening, Ola Gbadamosi, Will Mangrum, Mark Newton, Candy Burns, Annabelle Vitali.

3. Changes to the Agenda
Trustee MacAvoy requested to move Action Items 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.6, 7.7, 7.8 to Consent.

4. Approval of Agenda
The board approved the agenda as amended, (MacAvoy/Díaz-Slocum; 5-0).

5. Oral Communication


6. Consent Items (Action Required)

The board approved the Consent Items (Lawson/Díaz-Slocum; 5-0), taking the following action:

  1. 6.1 Recommendation re: Approval of Color Run, Kennedy Middle School

  2. 6.2 Recommendation re: Approval of Field Trip Inflatables, Kennedy Middle School

  3. 7.2 Recommendation re: Approval of Add Service for DSA Uncertified Project Closeout Support with HED Architects

  4. 7.3 Recommendation re: Approval of Garfield School’s Enviroplex Structural Engineering Support with CYS

  5. 7.4 Recommendation re: Approval of Hoover School’s New Gas Line Project Change Order #1

  6. 7.6 Recommendation re: Approval of Kitchen HVAC Upgrades at 9 Sites with CP Mechanical

  7. 7.7 Recommendation re: Approval of McKinley Institute of Technology Add Service and Hawes School Deductive Add Service with Spencer and Associates Architects

  8. 7.8 Recommendation re: Approval of North Star Academy Fire Alarm Pull Station Removal with Siemens Industry, Inc.

President McBride (Ayes)

Vice-President Lawson (Ayes)

Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)

Trustee Díaz-Slocum (Ayes)

Trustee Márquez (Ayes)

7. Action Items (Action Required)

7.1 Recommendation re: Measure T Bond Program Budget Study, Update, and Adoption

The School Board approved the Measure T Bond Program Budget Study, Update, and Adoption; (Lawson, Díaz-Slocum; 5-0).

President McBride (Ayes)

Vice-President Lawson (Ayes)

Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)

Trustee Díaz-Slocum (Ayes)

Trustee Márquez (Ayes)

7.5 Recommendation re: Approval of Interim Housing Project Site Work Bid Awards for John Gill School, Garfield School, Roosevelt School, Kennedy Middle School, and Henry Ford School

The School Board approved the Interim Housing Project Site Work Bid Awards for John Gill School, Garfield School, Roosevelt School, Kennedy Middle School, and Henry Ford School; (MacAvoy, Díaz-Slocum; 5-0)

President McBride (Ayes)

Vice-President Lawson (Ayes)

Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)

Trustee Díaz-Slocum (Ayes)

Trustee Márquez (Ayes)

8. Adjournment (Action Required)
The board adjourned the meeting at 6:52 p.m. (Lawson, Díaz-Slocum; 5-0).

Alisa MacAvoy, Clerk