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January 9, 2019

JANUARY 9, 2019


Redwood City, California


January 9, 2019

  1. Call to Order

President McBride called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at the District Office, Redwood City School District (“RCSD”), 750 Bradford Street, Redwood City.

Present at the meeting: President McBride, Vice-President Janet Lawson, Alisa MacAvoy, María Díaz-Slocum, Cecilia I. Márquez and Superintendent Baker.

Others Present: Linda Montes, Wendy Kelly, Antonio Pérez, Jorge Quintana, Leslie Stafford, Bret Baird, Whitney Wood, Stacey Cerrillo, Lily Melton, Laura García, Diane Friedlander, Kate Vergess, Sheila Viyas, Liz Coughenour, Mackenzie Wagner, Matthew Ruiz, Elise Hernández, José Maldonado Jr., Cindy Wolwhin, Abel García, Erica Potts, Anna Gormino, Eva McGlaphlin, Lily Hornsworth, and Gemma Hernández.

  1. Welcome

2.1 Welcome

2.2 Pledge of Allegiance

President McBride welcomed those present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

  1. Changes to the Agenda

Trustee MacAvoy requested to move Action Items 10.1 and 10.2 to Consent.

  1. Approval of Agenda

The board approved the agenda as submitted, (Díaz- Slocum, MacAvoy; 5-0).

  1. Oral Communication

Bret Baird, PE teacher at Kennedy Middle School, provided the School Board with a copy of the Climate Magazine, which includes history of the health of RCSD students. Mr. Baird commented that the biggest challenge he faces as a physical education teacher is to get students to be physically active. Mr. Baird invited the School Board and Superintendent Baker to the Hall of Fame Ceremony scheduled for March 21st.

Whitney Wood, parent at Orion School, thanked the School Board for allowing the parent participation model to continue at Orion School. Ms. Wood thanked Superintendent Baker for retaining the current school status.

Stacey Cerrillo, parent at Orion School, commented that she had addressed the School Board with her concerns back in November and added that Orion School is a successful campus. Ms. Cerrillo commented that the process of changes have been disheartening, as she felt that the Orion community was told one thing and something else to others. Ms. Cerrillo commented that currently, Orion School is extremely full and there is also a wait list. Ms. Cerrillo added that they would like to grow, but the idea of living their home school behind is hard. Ms. Cerrillo added that in the Resolution, which is currently under development, needs to include a protection of the status of Orion as an alternative school.

In response to Ms. Cerrillo’s comment, Superintendent Baker apologized for the misunderstanding and clarified that he did not mean that Orion School was closing. Superintendent Baker added that the resolution needs to go through legal counsel.

Lily Melton, parent at Orion School, commented that whenever she attends School Board meetings, she is able to see who is committed to the District and the schools. Ms. Melton expressed that her goal is to provide a compromise. Ms. Melton further added that the back and forth is not giving the Orion School community clarity about the future of their school. Ms. Melton commented that she would attend Kindergarten Information Night to bring in students to Orion School.

Laura García, parent at Selby Lane School, addressed the School Board by stating that the Selby Lane School community has written letters in support of having Principal Warren Sedar remain as the principal of Selby Lane School. Ms. García commented that many parents and staff at Adelante Spanish Immersion School, felt pressured to support their principal to remain as principal when Adelante moved to Selby Lane School. Ms. García stated that she would bring forth more letters of support to the School Board and Superintendent Baker.

Diane Friedlander, parent at Orion School, commented that she appreciated the heartfelt testimonies and wanted to offer a counter balance. Ms. Friedlander stated that she has conducted research in schools and recently at Stanford University. Ms. Friedlander expressed that she would like to present research on how to continue programs, which require good teaching staff. Ms. Friedlander stated that if the School District wants to continue a parent participation program, it needs a staff that is willing to welcome parents. Ms. Friedlander further expressed that time is crucial during the transition process and the School District needs to move fast, as there are some Orion families that can opt out of the program. Ms. Friedlander commented that the Orion community’s goal is to keep as many RCSD students as possible. Ms. Friedlander encouraged the School Board and Superintendent Baker to preserve the current teaching staff at Orion School.

Kate Vergess, parent at Orion School, commented that she is concerned that the great program at Orion School is in dire jeopardy. Ms. Vergess added that there needs to continue to be strong leadership, teachers, and status in order for the school to succeed at the John Gill campus.

Sheila Viyas, parent at Orion School, commented that the alternative education at Orion School allows families to have a parent participation program and a unique opportunity. Ms. Viyas stated that her son’s preschool teacher recommended Orion School, due to its philosophy and alternative education, which has greatly helped her son who has ADHD.

Trustee Díaz-Slocum expressed that while families, staff, and the rest of the Orion School community are anxious, Trustee Díaz-Slocum assured the audience that RCSD staff and administration is doing the best they can. Trustee Díaz-Slocum further added that there are things that needed to be tweaked in order to fit the students, teachers and principal in a different setting.

Trustee MacAvoy reiterated Trustee Díaz-Slocum’s comment and added that it has been the School District’s intent for the program at Orion School to grow. Recognizing that the Orion campus is too small to accommodate the wait list, Trustee MacAvoy assured that the School District would follow the law, in order to preserve the essence of the program at a different site. Trustee MacAvoy stated that Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources Wendy Kelly is working closely with the Teacher’s Union (RCTA).

  1. Public Hearing

6.1 Renewal Hearing for KIPP Excelencia

KIPP Excelencia Principal Liz Coughenour presented the School Board with a Power Presentation on the overview of the educational program, EL support, attendance, student services, overview of parent engagement, LCAP overview, Title I overview and summary of their first interim budget report.

Oral Communication on the Renewal Hearing for KIPP Excelencia

Matthew Ruiz, 7th grade student at KIPP Excelencia, commented that there are wonderful teachers and staff that make KIPP fun. Matthew added that teachers and administration set a high academic standard.

Elise Hernández, 4th grade student at KIPP Excelencia, expressed that there are amazing teachers and students that help each other learn. Elise commented that she loves math and being with her friends. Elise added that whenever she has a problem, she could count on her teachers to help her resolve her academic challenges. Elise added that students listen and pay attention and because of the welcoming environment, she invites other students to be part of the KIPP community.

José Maldonado Jr, student at KIPP, commented that he loves KIPP Excelencia because of the great teachers who are always willing to help. José stated that students thrive thanks to the teachers who make subjects challenging and fun. José expressed that no students get bullied or excluded.

Cindy Wolwhin, 5th grade student at KIPP Excelencia, commented that she has been a student at KIPP for 3 years. Cindy commented that teachers do a great job at helping students reach their grade level academically so no students are left behind. Cindy expressed that teachers also help students greatly with their education in order for students to go to college.

Abel García, parent of 6th and 7th grade students at KIPP Excelencia, stated that his children excelled academically within 6 months of being at KIPP. Mr. García expressed that he likes that KIPP has a culture, which promotes college education. Mr. García added that his children now want to go to Stanford University and UCLA. Mr. García commented that there is a great parent to teacher and principal rapport.

Erica Potts, parent of a kindergarten student at KIPP Excelencia, commented that her son’s teacher helped him get through his first few days of kindergarten. Ms. Potts stated that her son blossomed from a shy student to a confident kid.

Anna Gormino, parent of a 1st grade student at KIPP Excelencia, expressed that KIPP is an excellent school, where she feels that students are safe. Ms. Gormino commented that her daughter has learned to read and knows math. Ms. Gormino commented that she would love for both of her children to be students at KIPP Excelencia.

Eva McGlaphlin, 5th grade student at KIPP Excelencia, commented that KIPP is a good school, where she feels safe. Eva expressed that students help each other and she loves her school.

Lily Hornsworth, parent and teacher at KIPP Excelencia, commented that she began her journey 7 years ago in Texas. Ms. Hornsworth expressed that she liked student centered learning. Ms. Hornsworth added that when she received her training, no one gave up on her and since then, loved KIPP’s teaching model. Ms. Hornsworth invited the School Board and Superintendent Baker to see the Ocean Unit projects and writing on January 29th.

Gemma Hernández, parent of a kindergartener and 3rd grade student at KIPP Excelencia, commented that she loves watching her children solve problems and sees that both of her children are receiving a deserving education. Ms. Hernández stated that whenever she has questions, she knows her children’s teachers and principal are a phone call away.

Trustee Díaz-Slocum commented that when the former principal left KIPP Execelencia, many families were not happy with the administration and teachers. Trustee Díaz-Slocum asked Principal Coughenour how was the new administration selected.

In response to Trustee Díaz-Slocum’s question, Principal Coughenour replied that change is always hard. Nevertheless, she has been a member of the regional staff and has been principal for 8 years and stated that she looks forward to being a consistent leader for the KIPP Excelencia community.

Trustee MacAvoy thanked Principal Coughenour for the presentation and asked where were board meetings held. Furthermore, Trustee MacAvoy asked if parents have accessibility to the board meetings. Lastly, Trustee MacAvoy asked how are complaints handled.

In response to Trustee MacAvoy’s questions, Principal Coughenour replied that board meetings are staggered throughout the Bay Area. Principal Coughenour stated that there had been 2-3 board meetings held in Redwood City last year and expressed that she recognizes that board meetings need to be more accessible to parents and members of the community. Principal Coughenour added that KIPP Excelencia administration has been looking into video and audio conferencing to make it accessible to all locations.

The rest of the School Board and Superintendent Baker thanked KIPP Exelencia for their presentation to the School Board.

President McBride adjourned the Public Hearing.

  1. School/Community Reports

7.1 Bond Program Update

Will Robertson, Program Manager with RGM and Associates provided the School Board and Superintendent Baker with a brief Bond Program update.

Mr. Robertson stated that the parking lot redesigning at Kennedy Middle School is currently taking place, in addition to the Hoover Community School gas line replacement. Furthermore, the storm water bio-retention project is also taking place at Kennedy Middle School.

  1. Discussion Items

8.1 Discuss 2018/19 School Board Committee Assignments

The School Board and Superintendent Baker engaged in a discussion regarding the 2018-19 school board committee assignments. The following were the changes made:

Policy Committee: Vice-President Lawson and Trustee MacAvoy;

7-11 Committee: Trustees MacAvoy and Márquez;

Superintendent’s Advisory Council: Trustees MacAvoy and Márquez (President McBride gave his seat in the Council to Trustee Márquez);

Food Service Committee: Vice-President Lawson and Trustee Díaz-Slocum;

Bond Construction Committee: President McBride and Vice-President Lawson;

Citizen’s Oversight Measure T Committee: President McBride and Vice-President Lawson;

Charter School Sub-Committee: President McBride and Trustee Díaz-Slocum;

Redwood City 2020 Committee: Vice-President Lawson and Trustee MacAvoy;

Wellness Committee: Vice-President Lawson and Trustee MacAvoy;

Measure U Oversight Committee: President McBride;

Audit Committee: President McBride and Trustee MacAvoy;

LCAP Committee: Vice-President Lawson and Trustee MacAvoy;

BTSA Committee: Vice-President Lawson;

2x2x2 Committee: Trustees Alisa MacAvoy and María Diaz-Slocum.

President McBride expressed interest in being on the KIPP Excelencia board.

  1. Consent Items

**Note: Per Trustee MacAvoy Action Items 10.1 and 10.2 were moved to Consent.

The board approved the Consent Items (Lawson/Díaz-Slocum; 5-0), taking the following action:

9.1 Recommendation re: Approval to Extended Agreement between the County Health Unit and Redwood City School District (Redwood City Community Schools)

9.2 Recommendation re: Approval to the Agreement between the Peninsula Community Center (PCC) and Redwood City School District (Redwood City Community Schools)

9.3 Recommendation re: Approval of Field Trip Request to Año Nuevo State Park, Taft Community School

9.4 Recommendation re: Denial of Claim

9.5 Recommendation re: Ratification of Warrant Register, December 1, 2018-December 31, 2018

9.6 Recommendation re: Approval of Agreement between Redwood City School District and Ivonne Watson to Provide Psychological Evaluations

9.7 Recommendation re: Approval of Hawes Site Investigation Add Service with Spencer and Associates 9.8 Recommendation re: Approval of Garfield School and Kennedy Middle School Reproduction Add Service with HED Architects

10.1 Recommendation re: Management Compensation Changes and Salary Schedule Approval

10.2 Recommendation re: Retirement Notification Incentive

President McBride (Ayes)

Vice-President Lawson (Ayes)

Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)

Trustee Díaz-Slocum (Ayes)

Trustee Márquez (Ayes)

  1. Board and Superintendent Reports

11.1 Report from Board Members and Superintendent

Trustee Márquez reported attending the Adelante Spanish Immersion School Informational Night where Assistant Superintendent Linda Montes and Superintendent Baker spoke about district-wide changes. Trustee Márquez added that many parents expressed their concerns during the meeting. Furthermore, Trustee Márquez reported attending the Familias Unidas Ceremony and commented that parents were great and expressed having a heartfelt experience.

Trustee Díaz-Slocum did not have a report.

Trustee MacAvoy reported attending the RWC2020 meeting and commented that Jana Kiser would be on medial leave for 12 weeks. Trustee MacAvoy announced that the President’s breakfast was rescheduled to June 14th.

Vice-President Lawson did not have a report.

President McBride reported attending a Bond Program meeting. Furthermore, President McBride reported talking to teachers and parents about Orion School commitment hours and commented that a legal document would be drafted with the help of Legal Counsel. President McBride added that Superintendent Baker had met with Counsel Rosendo Padilla about the aforementioned topic. President McBride reported working with Safe Routes to School about traffic lanes.

Superintendent Baker reported that County Counsel Rosendo Padilla would accompany him to the Orion School meeting coming up. Superintendent Baker further added that the law changed about a year ago regarding alternative schools.

  1. Information

12.1 Information on San Mateo County Investment Fund – November, 2018

President McBride commented that the site link to the County of San Mateo was not working. President McBride reported that the website had been fixed and was up and running.

  1. Correspondence

Trustee Díaz-Slocum reported receiving correspondence from charter schools and Selby Lane School.

Trustee MacAvoy reported receiving an email from Rocketship Redwood City Prep Charter School and forwarded the email to Superintendent Baker.

  1. Other Business/Suggested Items for Future Agenda

Board members requested that parking spaces be available for board members on Thursday night during the Meet RCSD Night.

  1. Board Agenda Calendar

15.1 Changes to the Board Agenda Schedule

There were no changes to the board agenda schedule.

  1. Adjournment (Action Required)

The board adjourned the meeting at 9:56 p.m. (MacAvoy/Márquez; 5-0).

Alisa MacAvoy, Clerk