February 27, 2019
FEBRUARY 27, 2019
Redwood City, California
February 27, 2019
- Call to Order
President McBride called the closed session meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. at the District Office, 750 Bradford Street, Redwood City.
Present at the closed session meeting: President Dennis McBride, Vice-President Janet Lawson, Alisa MacAvoy, María Díaz-Slocum, Cecilia I. Márquez, Superintendent John Baker and Assistant Superintendent Wendy Kelly.
- Oral Communication on Closed Session Items Only
- Closed Session 6:00-7:00pm
3.1 Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release/Retention: Gov. Code 54957 (4 cases)
- Reconvene to Regular Session at Approximately 7:05pm
- Roll Call
- Report Out on Closed Session from 2.20.19 (CSEA Negotiations Update)
President McBride reported that the School Board received an update on CSEA negotiations and agreed to the Administration’s recommendation.
- Report Out on Closed Session from 2.27.19
President McBride reported that the School Board received information on 4 cases and agreed to the recommendation of Administration.
- Welcome
President McBride welcomed those present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Present at the regular board meeting: President Dennis McBride, Vice-President Janet Lawson, Alisa MacAvoy, María Díaz-Slocum, Cecilia I. Márquez, and Superintendent John Baker.
Others Present: Linda Montes, Wendy Kelly, Priscilla Aquino-Dichoso, Antonio Pérez, Jorge Quintana, Kyle Brumbaugh, Will Robertson, Lynne Griffiths, Shaunna Ingersol, María Gil, Miranda Gil, Rebecca Foutch, Judie Gutierrez, Bob Gutierrez, Luis Torres, Melissa Stuart, Leslie Stafford, Maria Stockton, Emily Parker, Gabriel García, Noah (did not state his last name) and many others that did not sign in.
- Changes to the Agenda
President McBride requested that Information Item 14.1: Information on 2015 Measure T Fund Financial Report and Performance Audit Report for the Year Ended June 30, 2018 be moved to follow 7.1 Approval of Agenda.
President McBride requested that Consent Items 11.1-11.8 be tabled to the March 13th agenda.
President McBride requested that Action Item 12.3 be pulled from the agenda and tabled for the March 13th agenda.
- Approval of Agenda
The board approved the agenda as amended, (Díaz-Slocum, MacAvoy; 5-0)
**Note: President McBride requested that Information Item 14.1: Information on 2015 Measure T Fund Financial Report and Performance Audit Report for the Year Ended June 30, 2018 be moved to follow 7.1 Approval of Agenda.
14.1 Information on 2015 Measure T Fund Financial Report and Performance Audit Report for the Year Ended June 30, 2018
Nathan Edelman, CPA, Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co., LLP, expressed that the auditors had thoroughly reviewed the Measure T Fund Financial Report and Performance Audit Report and concluded that there were no audit findings. Mr. Edelman further expressed that the reports were complete and accurate and that the Redwood City School District used the funds in accordance to the ballot regulations.
- Oral Communication
Pam Barasch, kindergarten teacher at Henry Ford School, addressed the School Board about having Music for Minors having a length of more than 10 weeks. Ms. Barasch expressed that the 10 weeks was not enough time and the lack of exposure to music for students can be considered a disservice to them. Ms. Barasch urged the School Board to consider prolonging the period of the Music for Minors program.
In response to Ms. Barasch’s comment, Superintendent Baker commented that the Music for Minors program is aware that the Redwood City School District is under financial constraint.
Coleen Lewcock, parent at Henry Ford School and North Star Academy, expressed her concern about Music for Minors program being limited in scope. Ms. Lewcock commented that it is difficult for parents, teachers, and staff to showcase RCSD to new parents who are interested in music when the music offerings are being lessened.
In response to both public comments, Superintendent Baker expressed that he would follow up with the Executive Director of Music for Minors. Trustee MacAvoy thanked the speakers for bringing up the decreased time for Music for Minors since she was unaware of the change. She said that she and the Board are supporters of music and the arts.
- Community/Staff Recognition
9.1 Recognition of Henry Ford School
President McBride, School Board and Superintendent Baker recognized María Gil, Miranda Gil, Rebecca Foutch, Judie Gutierrez, Bob Gutierrez, Luis Torres, Melissa Stuart of REACH and Henry Ford PTA for their tremendous hard work, leadership, and support of Henry Ford School.
President McBride, the entire School Board, and Superintendent Baker presented María Gil, Miranda Gil, Rebecca Foutch, Judie Gutierrez, Bob Gutierrez, Luis Torres, Melissa Stuart of REACH and Henry Ford PTA with a Certificate of Recognition for their countless hours of support and dedication to Henry Ford School.
- School/Community Reports
10.1 Bond Program Update
Will Robertson, Program Manager at RGM and Associates – Measure T Bond Program Team, provided the School Board and Superintendent Baker with an update on the Bond Program construction progress.
10.2 Henry Ford School Report
Principal Lynne Griffith updated the School Board on Henry Ford’s programs and activities. Principal Griffith presented the School Board with a Power Point presentation that demonstrated Henry Ford’s demographics, test scores, reading proficiency levels, math levels, ELD strengths, extracurricular activities, physical education, enrichment and parent engagement.
Principal Griffith thanked her staff, teachers, students and parents for supporting Henry Ford School.
School Board Trustees and Superintendent Baker expressed their utmost thanks to Principal Griffith, teachers, staff, students and parents at Henry Ford School for all their hard work and dedication.
10.3 Update from the LCAP Steering Committee for the Development of the 2019-20 LCAP
Assistant Superintendent Linda Montes provided the School Board and Superintendent Baker with an update on the LCAP Steering Committee and the development of the 2019-20 LCAP.
Assistant Superintendent Montes commented that members were invited to join the LCAP committee from all 16 schools, including teachers, parents, administrators, cabinet members, and School Board members. Assistant Superintendent Montes added that members convened on January 24th 2019 to review the progress of the 2018-19 LCAP actions and services, the California Dashboard 2018 Spring SBAC results and progress toward local indicators, the current LCAP Supplemental and Concentrations priority areas funded and created questions for the annual LCAP survey. Assistant Superintendent Montes also expressed that the LCAP survey was separated from the Climate Survey. Furthermore, the LCAP survey was given to community stakeholders during three weeks in February. Assistant Superintendent Montes commented that over 700 community members responded to the survey.
- Consent Items
***Note: President McBride’s requested that Consent Items 11.1 through 11.8 were tabled for the March 13th agenda. No voting on these items took place.
11.1 Recommendation re: Approval of October 24th Board Minutes
11.2 Recommendation re: Approval of November 14th Board Minutes
11.3 Recommendation re: Approval of November 15th Board Minutes
11.4 Recommendation re: Approval of December 12th Board Minutes
11.5 Recommendation re: Approval of December 18th Board Minutes
11.6 Recommendation re: Approval of January 9th Board Minutes
11.7 Recommendation re: Approval of January 16th Board Minutes
11.8 Recommendation re: Approval of January 24th Board Minutes
President McBride requested to move Action Items 12.8 through 12.15 to Consent.
The board approved Consent Items 11.9 through 11.24; 12.8 through 12.15 (Díaz-Slocum/MacAvoy; 5-0), taking the following action:
11.9 Recommendation re: Approval of Addendum to 2018-19 Measure U Application fro Fair Oaks Community School
11.10 Recommendation re: Approval of Addendum to 2018-19 Measure U Application for John Gill School
11.11 Recommendation re: Approval of Addendum #2 to 2018-19 Measure U Application for Taft Community School
11.12 Recommendation re: Approval of Measure U Application for Connect Community Charter School
11.13 Recommendation re: Approval of KIPP Excelencia Community Prep Measure U Application
11.14 Recommendation re: Approval of Field Trip Request to Exploratorium, Embarcadero and Pier 15, Hawes School
11.15 Recommendation re: Approval of Field Trip Request to Half Moon Bay State Beach, John Gill School
11.16 Recommendation re: Approval of Field Trip Request to Historic Seaport, John Gill School
11.17 Recommendation re: Approval of Field Trip to Aquarium of the Bay in San Francisco, Fair Oaks School
11.18 Recommendation re: Approval of Field Trip to Windy Hill Open Space Preserve, Henry Ford School
11.19 Recommendation re: Approval of Field Trip Request, California’s Great America, Kennedy Middle School
11.20 Recommendation re: Approval of Field Trip Request to Pescadero Marsh and Beach, Selby Lane School
11.21 Recommendation re: Disposal of Obsolete Equipment
11.22 Recommendation re: Approval of Agreement between the Redwood City School District and Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Company, LLP
11.23 Recommendation re: Approval of the Amendment to the Agreement between RO Health and Redwood City School District (Redwood City Community Schools)
11.24 Recommendation re: Approval of NPS/NPA Contracts
12.8 Recommendation re: Approval of Schoening Group Program Advisor Amendment to Contract
12.9 Recommendation re: Approval of Adelante Spanish Immersion School Modernization Scope Reduction and Cost Estimate
12.10 Recommendation re: Approval of Hawes Community School Modernization Scope Reduction Cost Estimate
12.11 Recommendation re: Approval of Redcat Voice Enhancement System Purchase Agreement
12.12 Recommendation re: Adoption of Resolution 18, Resolution for Clifford School Solar Ground-Mount System
12.13 Recommendation re: Approval of Interim Housing Architect Agreement with CAW for Roosevelt School and HED for Kennedy Middle School
12.14 Recommendation re: Approval of Add Service with HED Architects for DSA Submittal for Parking Lot and Solar Coordination at Selby Lane School
12.15 Recommendation re: Approval of Purchase of Picnic Tables and Umbrellas from NSP3 for Henry Ford School and Taft Community School
President McBride (Ayes)
Vice-President Lawson (Ayes)
Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)
Trustee Díaz-Slocum (Ayes)
Trustee Márquez (Ayes)
12. Action Items (Action Required)
12.1 Recommendation re: Public Disclosure of Collective Bargaining Agreement and Approval of the Tentative Agreement between the California School Employees Association Chapter V and the Redwood City School District
Public Comment: Maria Stockton, CSEA President, commented that the LCAP meeting had been great! Ms. Stockton expressed that she enjoyed the data presented during the meeting and wanted the meeting to run longer so she could obtain more information. Ms. Stockton commented that the negotiations had been very long and draining. Ms. Stockton added that there had been no discussion about medical benefits and commented that many staff members who are not employed full-time, pay out of pocket for medical benefits. Ms. Stockton thanked Assistant Superintendent Wendy Kelly for her leadership! Ms. Stockton commented that Assistant Superintendent Kelly is level headed and great to work with!
The School Board approved the public disclosure of collective bargaining agreement and approval of the tentative agreement between the California School Employees Association Chapter V and the Redwood City School District (MacAvoy, Díaz-Slocum; 5-0).
President McBride (Ayes)
Vice-President Lawson (Ayes)
Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)
Trustee Díaz-Slocum (Ayes)
Trustee Márquez (Ayes)
12.2 Recommendation re: Release and Reassignment of Certificated Administrative Personnel The School Board approved the release and reassignment of Certificated Administrative Personnel (Díaz-Slocum, Márquez; 5-0).
President McBride (Ayes)
Vice-President Lawson (Ayes)
Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)
Trustee Díaz-Slocum (Ayes)
Trustee Márquez (Ayes)
12.3 Recommendation re: Approval of 2018-19 Certificated Seniority Report This Action Item was pulled from the agenda. No voting on this agenda item took place.
12.4 Recommendation re: Release of Temporary Teachers The School Board approved the release of temporary teachers (Díaz-Slocum, Lawson; 5-0).
President McBride (Ayes)
Vice-President Lawson (Ayes)
Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)
Trustee Díaz-Slocum (Ayes)
Trustee Márquez (Ayes)
12.5 Recommendation re: Approval of Local Interagency Agreement(s) to Provide Teacher Interns and Student Teachers – attachment The School Board approved the local interagency agreement(s) to provide teacher interns and student teachers (Márquez, Díaz-Slocum; 5-0).
President McBride (Ayes)
Vice-President Lawson (Ayes)
Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)
Trustee Díaz-Slocum (Ayes)
Trustee Márquez (Ayes)
12.6 Recommendation re: Approval of Updated RCTA Contract Language and RCTA/RCSD Tentative Agreements The School Board approved the updated RCTA contract language and RCTA/RCSD tentative agreements (MacAvoy, Lawson; 5-0). President McBride (Ayes)
Vice-President Lawson (Ayes)
Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)
Trustee Díaz-Slocum (Ayes)
Trustee Márquez (Ayes)
12.7 Recommendation re: Declaration of Need for 2019-20
The School Board approved the Declaration of Need for the 2019-20 school year (Márquez, Lawson; 5-0).
President McBride (Ayes)
Vice-President Lawson (Ayes)
Trustee MacAvoy (Ayes)
Trustee Díaz-Slocum (Ayes)
Trustee Márquez (Ayes)
12.16 Recommendation re: 2019 CSBA Delegate Assembly Nominations No nominations were made by any of the School Board members.
President McBride (Abstained)
Vice-President Lawson (Abstained)
Trustee MacAvoy (Abstained)
Trustee Díaz-Slocum (Abstained)
Trustee Márquez (Abstained)
- Board and Superintendent Reports
13.1 Report from Board Members and Superintendent
Trustee Diaz-Slocum did not have a report.
Trustee Márquez did not have a report.
Trustee MacAvoy reported attending the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative meeting. Furthermore, Trustee MacAvoy attended the California School Boards Association board meeting. Trustee MacAvoy also attended a San Mateo County School Boards Association meeting: “More than a Number, How to Talk About School Rankings with Data-driven Parents.”
Vice-President Lawson reported attending the Wellness Committee meeting. Furthermore, Vice-President Lawson, together with President McBride and Trustee MacAvoy attended the 17th District PTA Luncheon.
President McBride reported attending the Bond Program meeting. President McBride reported attending the Chinese Lunar New Year event in downtown Redwood City. President McBride commented that John Gill’s Mandarin Immersion Program parents and students had been great. President McBride reported attending the Coffee with the Superintendent meeting at Hawes Community School. Furthermore, President McBride attended the Founder’s Day Luncheon along with Trustee Lawson and Trustee MacAvoy.
Superintendent Baker commented that there would be an Outdoor Education field trip approval from Hoover Community School coming forward to the School Board at the next board meeting. Superintendent Baker commented there had been a clerical oversight and the board memo and field trip request form had not been submitted in a timely manner, so Superintendent Baker approved the field trip per protocol, but would like the Board to approve it after the fact.
- Information
14.1 Information on 2015 Measure T Fund Financial Report and Performance Audit Report for the Year Ended June 30, 2018
Information Item 14.1 was moved on the agenda subsequent to Item 7, Approval of the Agenda.
14.2 San Mateo County Office of Education Review of RCSD First Interim Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2018-19
President McBride commended CBO Aquino-Dichoso for her and her staff’s great work on the First Interim Financial Report, thus resulting in a positive letter from the San Mateo County Office of Education.
14.3 Redwood City School District Review of Connect Community Charter School’s First Interim Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2018-19
There were no comments/questions from Superintendent Baker and School Board members.
14.4 Redwood City School District Review of KIPP’s First Interim Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2018-19
There were no comments/questions from Superintendent Baker and School Board members.
14.5 Redwood City School District Review of Rocketship’s First Interim Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2018-19.
Board members expressed concerns with Rocketship’s deficit spending.
14.6 Information on San Mateo County Investment Fund – January, 2019
There were no comments/questions from Superintendent Baker and School Board members.
- Correspondence
School Board members reported receiving many emails from parents.
- Other Business/Suggested Items for Future Agenda
Trustee Díaz-Slocum requested to agendize a discussion item on open classroom spaces at each school.
Superintendent Baker reported that a Bilingual ED update would be presented to the School Board in April 2019.
- Board Agenda Calendar
17.1 Changes to the Board Agenda Schedule
Superintendent Baker reminded the School Board that there would be a Study Session by 3D Strategies, Inc. on March 6th to provide the School Board with further information about the 7-11 Committee and the leasing process for school sites and the District Office.
- Adjournment (Action Required)
The board adjourned the meeting in memory of Cheryl Cleeves, former teacher at Clifford School, at 8:55 p.m. (MacAvoy/Díaz-Slocum; 5-0).
Alisa MacAvoy, Clerk